
Sometimes, “The Unknown”, it's better than the alternative.

[If you want to understand more, read my new work "REALITY SUBDUERS"] In the vast cosmos, lies an uncountable number of planets, one of those is “Hûlfhednär”, with an extremely hostile environment, high gravity and atmospheric pressure due to his gargantual size, the unforgiven climate, force all the inhabitants to become more resilient than what was needed, even so, is the cradle of a forgotten civilización with high advanced technology and an almost unparallel evolution, “The Hûrngoth”, they rise until became the Apex of his solar system and continue their expansion with steady peace, until … , for an “Unknown” reason, they decided to go into his Homeworld, isolating themselves to achieve something absolutely imperative. Some say they successfuly obtain their goal, others think they failed, but the truth … , not always is simple or straightforward, some occasions, the answer is trickier, twisted and deeper than a black hole. Give it a try, is my first published Novel and my first work on English, so i personally recommend to read up to Chapter 28 before deciding. Proper SMUT after Chapter 35, full intercourse planned in the next Volume. I'm not native speaker so any mistakes i appreciate if you point them out for me to correct them. Leave a comment if you like, have any questions or doubts. My next work "REALITY SUBDUERS" is in progress, it is going to continue the story from another perspectives. Expected Tags in the Content: Romance - Adventure - Action - SMUT R18 - BDMS - Yuri - Dark - Gore (Not initially) - Mystery - Cosmic Horror. Everything on this history has a reason and a hidden meaning, the hints are already there so … DO NOT EXPECT "PLOT ARMOR".

Marshack · Sci-fi
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77 Chs

Volume 0 (60): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 60 : The importance of perception.

After finishing their breakfasts, Veronnika and Thalia leave the location to get ready for the incoming "Entrance Ceremony of the Barloen College".

While Zergirion asks Marshack to stay an wait for a minute —Bverxkka, are you not going to interfere with what Persea does to Onice?.

His voice is playful but lingers on it seriousness, the Apex state nonchalantly —I alredy destroy the Pheromones "She" employ with the three of us, and if Onice is so mentally weak to not realize she is being manipulated by Persea, then, she doesn't deserve more assistance from me.

—So you knew; Commented Zergirion with a smirk and jokingly say »—I thought you were an oblivious Simp, good thing at least your perception is near infallible, i am still figuring out how that Prefect manage to bypass our awareness, well, that is an answer for another time, and all i wanted to express for my part, see you in the ceremony …

Zergirion waves his hand checking his College Ring when he leaves, Marshack does the something similar, heading towards his destination while thinking {What is the meaning of "Simp"?}.

Not finding the word on his databases decides to ignore it and focus on the other matter {Why Shlõvthy is interested on Persea?, for what i observe with the [Bicromy].ln the last Standard Days, he fits perfectly on what Onice called a "Playboy", being more proficient than Newller, considering the physical attractiveness, Evolution and demeanor, Persea should have made a move on him by now, but in all encounters they have, she berely interacted with him, and her displeasure was substantially evident, even if she disguised this behavior with great dexterity}.

During his walk, Marshack reach the "Amphitheater" that is not different from a Coliseum.

The size of the facility is massive, ivory and obsidian walls support the structure, dividing some sections that together have a large number of seats, being capable of harbor at least 8 million Entities with acceptable comfort.

— … It is a replica of the Coliseum in Öfthênjör Åcademy; Mentioned Irithia to her Childhood Friend standing right behind the Apex.

He turns around and observe the Ice looking apparency Irithia has with the straight long hair, white skin and those void looking eyes with snowflakea pupils, physical characteristics that are entirely opposite to her vibrant and passionate demeanor plagued with a lot of skinship contact, and while she gives some hints, doesn't fully commits to show her interest on Marshack or Zergirion.

Different to her Friend, Katherine is innocent and relatively passive, however, even if is a rare occurrence, once she has set a goal, her resolution is commendable and absolutely unshakable.

—G-Good morning Bverxkka; Shyly and shaky speak Katherine.

The apparency of the Apex is quite threatening for those capable of seeing him accurately, and his "Handsomeness" on a Existence Scale, doesn't help at all to diminish the nervousness he instill on everyone around him due to the same factors.

He is like a "Greekyan Mermaid" on this regard, you can heat her sing, have a conversation or mate calmly, but she could try to rip off your lungs at any moment too, and that is the vibe of the Aura surrounding Marshack, which is only enhanced by his stoic and nonchalantly behavior.

—Good morning Kath; Responded the Apex to Katherine and change his sight towards Irithia again »—Good morning Ol…

The female Icyan stares at him with such penetrating and inquisitive eyes that he corrects himself fastly »—Rina.

—You didn't forget; Playfully but sarcasticly said Irithia »—You almost don't deserve my "Good morning Bverxkka".

—I couldn't care less for those meaningless words, i am just being polite to you and your cultural interactions, don't get ahead of yourself.

The sudden change of attitude startled Irithia, but Katherine starts laughing —Bverxkka, your jokes are so bad that others don't understand them.

The cheerful tone of Katherine gives away the current situation and Irithia starts laughing too —You got me there, i truly believe what you said …

—I can't be good on everything; Comment the Apex and Irithia looks at him with a "Seriously" embeded in the expression of her cold face.

»—Is a fact, not a joke; Irithia rolls her eyes snorting and Katherine laughs again, Marshack stare at the latter intently, remarking what he is experiencing »—I LIKE the way you laugh Kath, do it as often as it is possible.

Katherine continues laughing but does it more shyly with an extreme bluish blush on her cute cheeks, giving timid glances at Marshack, who has a slightly satisfied and happy but still sadistic smile.

This sends a shiver of excitement down the spine of Irithia, her imagination is going absolutely wild, being completely absorbed on the thoughts of the Apex ravaging and corrupting her cute and innocent friend Katherine, turning her into a willing plaything ready to get impregnated.

This rambling she is having, puts a lewd smile on her face, making quite the contrast against her freezing stare.

—Pervert; Whispers Drekdier on Irithia left ear, action that wins him a punch that is easily evaded by the Preëmtor with a smirking smile on his face towards the displeased Icyan »—Good morning everyone.

—Good morning Dier; Mentioned shyly Katherine, followed by Marshack stoic voice —Good morning Venator.

Irithia doesn't say anything, throwing another punch against the newcomer, motion that is easily evaded again by Drekdier.

—Whatever; Murmurs Irithia, grabbing the hand of Katherine, heading to their designated seats inside of the Amphitheater as Marshack and Drekdier does.

The Structure slowly receives the First Year Students, who took possession of more than a quarter of the seats available before the Entrance Ceremony begins with the apparition of an Entity in the middle of the stage.

He is 10 Vul tall (5 meters), wearing a red clothe belt around his waist, what covers a part of the brown redish short fur over his skin.

Big circular Red Pyro Plasma eyes with rhomboid Yellow Amber Plasma pupils, pointy black nose, a slim body with 2 short arms in the middle of his stomach, 2 proportional arms and other 4 larger and stronger arms that protrude from his back.

§ Wooliiw §

Quality 27 ★ Category 3

Species: Eldest Ow'wi

§ Supervisor §

—Welcome First Year Students, you can refer to me as "Supervisor Ow'wi", most of you probably are confused about this "Ceremony", which is why i am here to clarify the doubts related to your staying her on Barloen College.

»—First of all, on this institution, there is no Entrance Test, but you have to prove you are worthy of being here and eventually turn into one of its graduates.

»—The parameters are simple, being an Entity from a "High Species" or above and having a minimum development of "Quality 5", "Category -16" with more than 875 Standard Years.

»—To graduate, you must reach "Quality 10", "Category -11" and finishing your Fourth Year, this is going to facilitate to any of you the entry to Öfthênjör Åcademy, if you decide to continue your studies on that magnificent Institution.

»—Another rumor circulating outside of this College, is the fact that all of you will be making their own Endodermis Suits and Slaidts.

»—This is not wrong, but it is inaccurate, we are going to give you a Slaidt and Endodermis Suit, and you must survive for a Cycle Week in a random Environment with a few teammates.

»—During this period you can gather resources that eventually are going to become an integral part of the equipment you could fabricate.

»—Those who decide to not do this test, can take off their College Rings and leave the installations of Barloen, on the contrary, those who wants to participate in the Initiation, go to the Hexxal and be ready for the incoming challenge …

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