
When It All Began

It was the day when the third leaf of the frosty December tree fell at my feet. It was my week for I had been crowned as a somebody who was recognised. I was to patrol the corridors. I had made up my mind to tell Justin Auror, a teacher at my school, how much he looked like Severus Snape from my favourite series, Harry Potter. But could I have done so? I saw him as he was waving the little ones on their way to their homes. I wanted to reach out but thought maybe some other day. Ah! Why do I always lack the guts!?

I let my opportunity pass. Some other day maybe...

There are secrets deep within the darkest and the most enigmatic fathoms of my soul. Yes, I have secrets that probably I'll die with. Whenever I restrain from stepping forward I try to explain myself what would happen on the daywhen I will be lying on my death bed, how I will think that the moment was mine but this stupid brain stopped me, how I could have said what I wanted to say, how I could have opened up to someone. Still... I thought lets leave it upto fate.


Why am I thinking about Justin so much? What does it mean? And...

how did my fate got pulled into here?