
Chapter 1.

Time :- August 21, 1991

Location :- Mt. Olympus, 600th Floor, Empire State Building

P.O.V :- Percy's

I am running. Running from the monster which I had once loved. Running from the person for whom I went to literal hell and came back to save the world and be with the monster. I am Perseus Jackson and I am Running from the monstrous child of Athena. Still couldn't guess? Well, I am running away from Annabeth Chase, the child of Athena, the architect of Mt. Olympus, and my ex-girlfriend.

It all started when he came here. Who is this he? Well, that is no one other than the great (note the sarcasm) hero of the heroes, Hercules. That day was a doom in itself.

We were waiting outside the throne room of the council. For what? Uhh... let's say for my reward (read:-punishment) for helping defeat Gaia. Anyways while waiting we were talking and joking with each other. Suddenly the throne room's door opened and out came the face of my favorite goddess. Hestia.

She smiled and I bowed to her as a form of respect to the goddess of home. And mind you I never bow to someone who never deserves my respect. All in all, Hestia was my favorite goddess and I respected her. She told us to get inside and that is what we exactly did. And upon entering one thing which made me grin was a thought. Dam. Wise girl has worked very much for the throne room.

On top of all the thrones of the gods was a trapastry describing their domains, their greatest success and their symbols of power. But on the ceiling was something extraordinary. This were the achievements of the greatest heroes. Perseus killing Medusa. Jason leading the Argo to the golden fleece. Orpheus playing his music and entrancing all. Many others were recent. Like the fight of my late friend Zoë Nightshade with the dragon Ladon. Me fighting Ares on the beach and defeating him. Clarisse fighting and sailing the ship in the sea of monsters. Me saving Artemis and upholding the sky. Annabeth fighting like a demon in the battle of labyrinth and getting the laptop of Daedalus. Us all fighting for our lives in the battle of Manhattan. Selina loosing her life while escorting the Ares cabin and Charles clicking the detonator to blow the princess Andromeda. Jason fighting Porphyrion. Leo and Piper breaking the cage of hera. Me defeating the gorgons in the little Tiber. Mine, Frank's and Hazel's victory in war games. Frank releasing Thanatos. Frank and Hazel killing Anclyoleos. And me destroying the Hubbard Glacier. Us fighting in the battle of new rome. Me defeating polyboates. Us sailing to Rome and saving nico and killing the twins. Annabeth defeating Archane. Us falling into Tarturus and coming back. Nico leading the questers in the house of Hades. Us all defeating the Gaints and ultimately helping to put Gaia back to slumber.

All done within 2 weeks. Whoa. Wise girl surly does works without breaking a sweat.

I was halted from my thoughts by the booming voice of Zeus.

Demigods. We are here to acknowledge the war efforts the gods gave to save the world..." I trailed of to my thinking again after sometime. After what seemed like an hour, I finally was called forward the first to be rewarded.

I was given any 3 wishes and immortality. Of course I declined the immortality and wished for one extra wish. I asked for the thrones of Hades and Hestia to be returned. Also for the release of all the titans immediately. To get wings and also to get my sword to be modified by Hepheateaus to transform into ant weapon.

All were granted. Everyone was asked the same. But none accepted immortality. Everyone except Annabeth. 'I am sorry.' Were her last words before she accepted. She was made an immortal counselor in camp. Everything after that was a blur. Eventually I found myself in the poseidon cabin at later time. Alone. Broken. Disheartened. But what was a surprise was that Mr. D was released from his pushishment and a new director was introduced. The dick head. Hercules.

He wanted nothing more than the demigods to serve him. And so they did. A little forcefully, yes. But they did. And they belived what he told them. Later after 3 days I was discovered that Annabeth was in a relationship with will solace. It happened when I disappeared. Thanks Hera.

Anyways Hercules told me to bow before him. Which i did not. So for revenge he told lies about me to everyone and pranked everyone in my name. I know what a dickhead. Eventually all left me. Everyone. Nico, Thalia, the seven, Reyna. Everyone. Eventually Annabeth started to hate me and they now chased me out of the camp. Wow. Really a warm goodbye. Oh. Hey. Did I tell you that Chiron belived me? Nope? Well now you know.

Anyways I was now standing at the doors of the throne room. To get away from the camp and to last time visit the gods.