
something that was a mistake so don't read it

In a once peaceful world, humanity now face extinction from the virus that has infected people all over the world. Due to some people having a certain gene in there body. the virus when in there body will continuous evolve into a power unique to that person and on are occasions there family. This will be a great help in the apocalyptic world they now live in.

aniking · History
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It was a normal day just like any other. I woke, got dressed for school, and walked downstairs to eat with my mom. Little did I know that it would be my last meal with her. after eating. I left her home oh what a fool I was. While making my way to school, when I saw a green cloud approaching the city at first it seemed fine but it became apparent to me when everyone started to cough up blood as they dropped. Linx could help his raising heart rate his shock only grew as a feeling of blood rushed up to his throat and left him toiling on the ground, he looked up to the disgusting sight of people's bones shooting out of their bodies creating monstrosities. Linx fainted.


Linx had awoken in what seemed like a classroom prompting him to look out a nearby window. he witnessed a city ravaged by chaos from every side. Linx distant himself from the window as he approached the door, shots could be heard off in the distance. he then pulled the door. As black blood would be painted on the walls, reminding Linx that he's not alone.

``This is the end of chapter one hope you enjoyed it''.