
Something special(TVD)

After writing my first fanfic here, this just suddenly popped into my mind, stefonnie forever Caroline tries to hook up Stefan and Bonnie together without knowing that both of them are already quite close to each other I don't own TVD

Daoistlord3041 · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"I think I'm going to set Bonnie and Stefan up on a date." Caroline Forbes says as she and her husband lie on the couch together watching television.

Klaus Mikaelson glances down at her a look of surprise on his face. After being together so long, he should have long since lost the ability to be surprised by his lovely wife, but she still manages to do it on a daily basis. "How exactly did you come to that conclusion?"

"Neither has been in a serious relationship in two years. They need to move on." She has been watching them lately and has decided that she wants them to be as happy as she is. She ignores the part of her deep down that still feels guilty for falling for Klaus back when she and Stefan were dating. Nothing happened while they were together, but she hated that she sort of did the same thing Elena did when the brunette fell for Damon all those years ago.

Speaking of Damon, Bonnie has been so closed off to romance since Elena was brought back to life and the burgeoning relationship she had with the oldest Salvatore ended before it could really begin. So in her mind both of her friends need a push into finding someone new.

"Sweetheart, I'm pretty sure Stefan has no problem finding companionship. Neither does Bonnie for that matter." He chuckles lightly thinking of Stefan's flings with the countless nameless women he's had over the last couple of years. Bonnie seemed to come into her own as well, having dalliances with his brother Kol and his former protégé Marcel.

"I would not call having meaningless flings moving on." She says dryly before adding "And Stefan may still be engaging in one night stands, but Bonnie has completely shut down this last year. All she does now is work."

"Did you ever think that they might like their lives the way they are right now? Some people don't feel the need to have long term relationships." He knows because he has gone through his own stages of that himself.

"That's true," She admits. "Some people are better equipped in short term relationships, but Bonnie and Stefan do not fall into that category. They both love being in relationships and that's not going to happen if Stefan's sleeping with any woman that moves and Bonnie is too lost in her work to meet anyone. So I've decided to take matters into my own hands."

"Why each other, why not give them separate dates?"

"I think they have the most in common. They have some of the same hobbies, they are both supernatural so they understand each other, they both have martyr complexes and they are already good friends so they know each other's bad and good qualities. Who better for them than each other?"

"Are you sure you want to do this? You know this could end up backfiring on you, especially with your history with Stefan." He cautions, thinking about her past relationship with the former ripper.

"It won't. Sure we were together for awhile and it was good, but we've both realized that we make much better friends. So it won't be awkward. Bonnie and Stefan are both my friends and I want them to be happy. They deserve to be happy so are you going to help me or not?"

"Alright, love. I'll help you." He presses a kiss to her cheek.

"Thank you." She presses a kiss to his lips. "I'm calling Bonnie to tell her that there has been a change of plans for next week; you should call Stefan."

"Stefan and I may have renewed our friendship, but he's still closer to you than me. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to call him?"

"No, he always turns down my offers to set him up. But I know for a fact that he'll be less likely to say no to you."

"And how did you come to that conclusion?" He raises an amused brow.

"It's simple… you love me and you usually make the impossible happen. So if anyone can get Stefan to go on that date it would be you. " She strokes his cheek before standing up and heading to another room to call Bonnie. Klaus can only shake his head in amusement at her antics. Part of him feels sorry for Bonnie and Stefan because he knows she won't quit until she gets them together.


Bonnie Bennett holds her phone in her hands as she stands in front of her closet in only her bra and panties. She is in the process of figuring out what she wants to wear for her night out only to sigh when hands suddenly cup her breasts from behind and squeeze.

"We don't have time for this." She moans as her boyfriend of nine months kisses the back of her neck.

"There's always time for this." A shirtless Stefan Salvatore growls as he as he moves one of his hands from her breast and slips it into her panties. He licks his lips when he sees how wet she is. "Your body certainly agrees with me."


"Let me take care of you…please." He begs as he strokes her clit, smiling when Bonnie's legs shake.

Even if Stefan hadn't been stroking her clit, she would have agreed because she loves it when he begs. "Okay." She agrees quietly.

He pulls his hands away and flashes in front of her before getting down on his knees. He spreads her legs and she assumes that he's going to take off her panties, but he doesn't. Instead he pushes them to the side and dives in, his tongue slipping inside of her.

Just as she's getting into it the phone in her hand rings. Somehow she manages to take a look at it and frowns when she sees that it's Caroline. She would love to ignore it, but she knows that Caroline will just keep calling until she gets an answer. She glances down at Stefan who's still licking her and tries to get his attention. "Stefan, I need you to stop so I can talk to Caroline."

"Do you really want me to stop?" He manages to shove his tongue inside her between each word, capping the question off with flick of her clit.

"No." Bonnie moans.

"So you talk to Caroline and I'll continue doing what I'm doing." He pulls away for a second to lift her leg over his shoulder before diving back in.

"Ooh." Bonnie lets out one last loud moan before pressing talk and raising the phone to her ear. "Hey Care, what's up? She's manages to get the greeting out without moaning, which is difficult with the way Stefan's devouring her.

"Bonnie, I just wanted to tell you that there have been a change of plans. Instead of just being me and you on Friday night, we're going to be having dinner with Klaus and a friend of his."

"Caro-" Bonnie starts to say, but is interrupted. It's just as well because Stefan takes that moment to slide his tongue under the base of her clit.

"Don't try to get out of this. Ever since Damon and Elena got engaged you've been throwing yourself into your work. It's time for you to move on and this guy is perfect for you. He'd good looking, kind, and trustworthy. You would never have to worry about him cheating on you or reuniting with his ex and did I mention that he's really hot."

Stefan shoves his tongue deeper inside of her and rotates it around, growling as a flood of her arousal hits his tongue.

Bonnie lets out a sigh, so focused on Stefan and his tongue that she forgets that Caroline is talking to her until the blonde calls out her name.

"Bonnie? Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little distracted by something that's in my lap." She glances down at her boyfriend who is still flicking his tongue in earnest.

Stefan smirks at her choice of words before sucking her clit into his mouth.

"See, this is exactly what I'm talking about." Caroline admonishes. "You're so buried in your work that you're missing out on having fun. It's Friday night, the last thing you should be doing is working. I'm not taking no for answer."

Stefan slaps his tongue against her pussy, his mouth moving powerfully against her. He will never get over how good she tastes. He doesn't know what it is, but he knows that it tastes better than anything he's ever tasted before.

"Fine, I'll do it." Bonnie says as she pumps her hips closer and closer to Stefan's face. Her body feels as though it could explode at any second so she needs to hang up before she accidentally reveals what's going on.

"I thought you'd see it my way." Caroline says and Bonnie can practically hear the smile on her face. "We'll meet up at the place we planned. Make sure you're dressed for a date." She adds knowing that Bonnie would show up dressed down, hoping to turn the guy off. "I'll see you tomorrow, Bonnie."

"Okay, Care." Bonnie says before hanging up.

The moment the call ends, she drops the phone and uses both her hands to grab onto Stefan's head. He thrusts and rotates his tongue repeatedly until her eyes close and a blinding white light flashes behind her closed lids. Her bedroom is filled with sounds of her gasps as she works through her orgasm.

After what seems like forever Stefan pulls away and stands up, her juices coating his lips and chin. He frowns when he meets their eyes meet.

Bonnie notices the frown on his face and touches his shoulder. "What's wrong, Stef?"

"You told her you would go on that blind date." He narrows his eyes at her.

"It's not my fault that someone's tongue was inside me, I would have said yes to almost anything." Bonnie points out.

He can admit that that makes sense. Still…"Are you going to call her back and cancel?"

"Nope," She shakes her head.

"Why not?" He asks voice filling with jealousy. He knows they haven't gone public with their relationship, but the idea of Bonnie going on a date with someone else does not sit well with him.

"Because we both know she'd never let it go if I canceled and because I'm pretty sure the guy she's planning on setting me up with is you." She says with a small smile.

"How can you be sure?"

"Good looking, kind, trustworthy, and a friend of Klaus'?" She raises a wry eyebrow at him. "There's no way that describes anyone, but you."

"You have a point, but neither has brought up a blind date to me. If I'm your date, wouldn't they have called me by now?"

The both jump slightly when his phone rings a few seconds later. Stefan pulls it out of his pocket and grins when he sees that it's Klaus. Although he's technically closer to Caroline, the blonde vampire knows that Klaus would have a better chance at convincing him to go on the date. "Klaus, what I can do for you?"

"I just wanted to give you a heads up, mate."

"About what?" Stefan asks though he already knows.

"My lovely wife is on a mission to get you a girlfriend so she's arranged a blind date for you."

"Really?" Stefan shares an amused grin with Bonnie. "So what is this girl like?"

"She's beautiful, sexy, smart, and probably more of a do-gooder than you are."

He smirks as Klaus describes Bonnie to a tee. If he didn't know that his blind date was Bonnie he would definitely be saying no because it would almost seem too good to be true. His smile widens at the thought of being in the same room as his girlfriend without Caroline and Klaus being aware of the change in their relationship. "Tell her I'll be there."

"I have to say I'm a bit surprised that you agreed so easily. Caroline had been sure you would put up a fight."

"She's been harping on this for a while now and now I'm starting to think that she may be right...maybe it is time for me to move on for real." Inwardly Stefan grins because he already moved on and he's never been happier.

"Well I have to get back to my wife so I guess I'll see you at our usual restaurant next Friday at 7, mate."

"Sure," Stefan hangs up, grinning when Bonnie slinks up to him and starts to unzip his pants. "I thought we didn't have time for this."

"We're not leaving this room until I have my way with you." Bonnie says as she wraps her hand around his shaft. Her lips quirk upward when he lets out a loud groan.

Stefan grins as he picks her up and buries himself deep inside of her. "You're so fucking wet, Bonnie. " He groans as he raises her ass up and down on his cock.

Bonnie moans before leaning in to kiss him, immediately tasting herself on his tongue. "You feel so hard inside of me. Is that all for me?"

"You know it is." He emphasizes his words by slowly slamming in and out of her with deep strokes. Her inner walls flex around him and he speeds up his pace. "And I'm going to show you just how much I want you, how much I always want you."

"Show me."She repeats his words as she wraps her legs tighter around him.

Stefan grunts before he presses her against the wall and slams his hips into her.

Bonnie grabs at his shoulders, her fingers digging into his skin as he plunges deeper and harder inside of her. It feels as though he's trying to make them one. Her moans and whimpers fill the room as current after current of pleasure hits her body, making her feel wild and out of control.

"Bonnie!" Stefan growls as her walls grip him tightly. She's so hot that he feels as though he'll burst into flames each time slides inside of her. He sets a slow pace and captures her lips in a passionate kiss, his tongue stroking hers. Bonnie clamps down around him and he moves his mouth to her neck to lick at her pulse.

"Harder… like that… Oh, God. Stefan!" She cries and grabs his head, forcing him to meet her passion filled gaze. "I love you."

The sound of her voice sends shivers down to his toes and he feels the sudden need to claim her as his. Without missing a beat, he spreads her legs wider and thrusts all the way inside of her,"I love. You. So. Fucking. Much." He manages to grunt out as he rams into her over and over.

Bonnie gasps and trembles as she has two orgasms right after another. She's not surprised, that's just how good Stefan is. When she comes for a third time, she can feel sparks of pleasure throughout her entire body. Seconds later she feels Stefan lengthen inside her and knows that he's ready to reach his own peak. She gasps in surprise when he begins covering her face and breasts with several kisses and licks. He doesn't stop histhrusting, gliding in and out of her until it becomes too much for him and he explodes inside of her.

Afterwards, he carries her over to the bed and they quickly strip the rest of their clothes off before Bonnie drapes her body across his.

"So we are in agreement that we're staying in tonight?" Bonnie asks once they get settled. Their plan had been to head to check out this new club, but after what just happened with Stefan it's the last thing she wants to do right now.

"I definitely wouldn't mind that, but are you sure? I know you were excited to check out that new place?"

"We can go another time. I'm too wound up to leave this bed right now." She smiles as Stefan rests his head in the crook of her neck and inhales.

"You smell so good." He mumbles into her neck. "I will never get enough of your scent." He pulls back to meet her eyes and his brow furrows when he sees the contemplating look on her face. "Is there something on your mind?"

"I'm just remembering the first time you said that to me." Bonnie smiles thinking back to that day a year and a half ago.

Bonnie is asleep in bed when her phone rings, bringing her out of her deep slumber. She plucks the phone off the nightstand and glances at the screen, blinking in surprise when she sees Stefan's name. She knows that for once Elena is not being threatened and Caroline is spending time with Klaus. So why would he be calling her so late at night? She supposes there is only one way to find out.


"Stefan?" She answers cautiously.

"Hi…Bonnie." He greets in a happy and loud tone. Loud enough that she has to pull the phone away from her ear for a second.

"Stefan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine… I just… I want to see you. I …I need to see you." Stefan's words are slurred and his voice sounds as though he's been drinking. "Please let me see you."

"Where are you right now?" She can hear music as well as a low murmuring of voices in the background.

"I'm at the bar on Howard Street." He laughs despite the words not being humorous.

Well that definitely confirms that he's drunk and considering the fact that Stefan is a vampire with a very high tolerance for alcohol, he must have had a lot to drink. She frowns. A drunken vampire that goes by the nickname of the ripper walking around is not exactly a good thing.

There is part of her that knows calling Caroline or Damon to go get him would probably be better since they have strength to carry him if need be. Then again that would probably be awkward considering Caroline is with Klaus now and the last person she wants to see right now is Damon because it still hurts too much to be around him. She won't even thinking of calling Elena since the brunette vampire has made it clear she wants nothing to do with her. So she ignores those options, instead saying, "Stefan, you stay where you are and I'll come pick you up."

"Okay, Bonnie." Stefan says in a clearly pleased voice.

Twenty minutes later, a soaking wet Bonnie helps an equally soaked Stefan through her door. Of course Stefan chose to get wasted on a night that it's pouring down rain. It certainly didn't help that she had to drag a much bigger, a much taller, not to mention clumsy and uncoordinated drunken vampire from the bar to her car. Even now she struggles as she keeps an arm around his waist to maneuver him up the stairs to her bedroom.

"God…you smell so good." He mumbles into her neck once they finally get inside her room. "You always smell good."

"I'm not exactly comfortable with a wasted vampire telling me how good my blood smells." Bonnie pulls away slightly.

"No, no …not your blood." He shakes his head as he leans in to inhale her once again. "It's you. What perfume is it that you're wearing? It smells so fucking good."

"Uh …I'm not really wearing perfume or anything." Bonnie says with gasps as he presses his lips to her neck.

"So it's you. That's really….hot. You're really hot, Bonnie." He lets out a low growl. "I want to kiss you."

"You don't mean that. You're drunk and upset about Caroline and Klaus." Bonnie shakes her head and tries to take a step backward only for him to follow after her and grind his erection against her. She shivers as a jolt of arousal hits her between her legs. She may still be in love with Damon, but she can admit to herself that there is something about Stefan that is a huge turn on. There always has been. Still she can't forget that he's still dealing with his feelings for Caroline.

"No I'm not… I'm happy for them. I really am. If I wasn't I wouldn't be able to be around Klaus." He looks at her so earnestly that she almost wants to believe him, but for the last few months he's been engaging in excessive one night stands. Something he usually only does when he's hurting.

"No this…this is something else. I've always thought you were beautiful. Ever since the day we met. Part of me wanted you then and now that I've spent some time with you I want you even more now."

She tries not to be moved by his confession."Stefan, you-"

"I want to kiss your breasts and play with your nipples." He interrupts her. "I want to put my tongue inside your pussy, take your clit into my mouth and suck on it… I would have you Bonnie Bennett, the powerful immortal witch screaming my name over and over again." His voice is seductive despite his slurred drunkenness.

"Stefan, you're not thinking clearly." She looks away from his gaze, trying in vain to stop her panties from growing any damper. She needs to remember that he would not be saying any of this if he were sober.

"I am thinking clearly." He says even as he wobbles on his feet. "I can't stop thinking about sliding my cock inside you and I know your walls would be hot and that it would feel like heaven. That you would be so wet that I would need to fuck you all night long until we were both too tired to go on." He pauses, his gaze moving to her lips. "Do you know what else I know?

Bonnie shakes her head, too shocked by his graphic words to speak.

"I know you want me too."

"No I don't." She denies despite the pool of arousal between her legs.

"You do. I can smell you right now."He points out smugly.

"I really don't know what you're talking about." No way is she going to admit that Stefan is turning her on. She starts to say something else, but he takes her mouth in a deep kiss before she can. Their lips move together passionately until Stefan abruptly pulls away, wobbling on his feet. It's then that she comes to her senses.

"I'm going to pretend that didn't just happen." She says even as she touches her fingers to her lips.

"Why?" He whines, drawing out the word petulantly. He wants Bonnie and he doesn't understand why she's not still pressed against him. He frowns when he tries to step toward her and she takes another step back.

"Because you're drunk and you couldn't handle me right now." She points out calmly. And because she's not entirely sure he's over Caroline and she's definitely not over Damon yet. She doesn't say this out loud however, knowing Stefan would just protest.

"So you're saying you'll let me kiss you again if I'm not drunk?"

"We need to get you out of those wet clothes so you can sleep this off and then maybe we can talk." She makes out the offer, assuming that Stefan will likely change his tune once he's sober. "Okay?"

"Okay, Bonnie." Stefan nods and reaches for the hem of his shirt.

Bonnie laughs quietly as he unsuccessfully tries to lift his shirt up. She's so used to seeing a more together Stefan; it's kind of a shock to see the complete opposite. She watches him struggle for a few more minutes before she decides to take pity on him.

"I can see you need some help." She sighs and quickly undresses him. She tries not to look at his naked body, but her gaze slips a few times. And Stefan doesn't make it any easier when he purposely draws her attention to him. She tries to offer him a towel, but he refuses apparently not shy about his nudity. Somehow she manages to maneuver him into her bed and cover him up with the blanket.

Once she's sure he's settled she grabs some dry clothes and heads for the bathroom so she can take a shower before goes to sleep as well.


"I actually said all and did all of that?" Stefan asks after Bonnie's finished with her story. He remembers waking up the next morning naked in Bonnie's bed. At the time she told him nothing out of the ordinary had happened, but apparently it had.

"Yep, you were very graphic about what you wanted to do to me. It was… shocking to say the least." She flushes at the memory.

"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable that night." Stefan frowns at the thought of causing even the tiniest bit of unpleasantness for Bonnie.

"Stef, you didn't make me uncomfortable. Both the kiss and what you said were arousing and nice to hear considering I what I was dealing at the time."

He nods as he remembers how she was still getting through her breakup with his brother. "How come you never told me?"

"You were so embarrassed when you woke up and I didn't want to make it any worse. And by the time we got together, I sort of forgot it even happened." She shrugs with a smile before growing serious. "I'll admit this though… there was big part of me that wanted to take you up on your offer."

"So you were into me back then, why didn't we happen back then?" He may not remember much about that night, but he does remember waking up completely naked in Bonnie's bed and being disappointed when he found out that nothing had happened between them.

"Honestly? Nothing happened because you were drunk and obviously not over Caroline yet. And I wasn't over Damon yet." She'd known that hooking up with Stefan while he still harbored feelings for her best friend and while she was still into his brother would have only ended in disaster.

"True." He agrees, knowing she's right. He wanted Bonnie in his bed back then, but they were both still vulnerable from their breakups so it was a good thing they waited before starting anything up."Still I can't believe you undressed me and I didn't even get to enjoy it."

"It was a definitely a nice view for me." She glances down at his naked body before saying slyly. "Still is."

"Is Bonnie Bennett actually admitting that she snuck a peek?" Stefan opens his mouth in mock surprise. "I'm shocked."

"It was hardly sneaking when you insisted on moving as slowly as possible and kept refusing the towel I offered you. It was actually kind of adorable." She laughs when she sees the slight pout on his face, clearly put out by being called adorable.

"I'll show you adorable." Stefan says just before he rolls her onto her back.

She squeals as he kisses his way down her body before draping her legs over his shoulders and thrusting his tongue inside of her. Moans spill from her mouth as he moves his tongue and lips in ways that would seem impossible to most people. She grabs at the sheets, clenching them as he uses his fingers to stroke her clit. The more he feasts on her the closer she gets to reaching her peak and when he lets out a loud growl that causes her walls to vibrate she is pushed over edge. As she works through her orgasm, her body jerks involuntarily and she hears the sheets rip under her tight grip.

Stefan grins wickedly at her when she collapses to the bed and he pulls away from her lower lips. "You still think I'm adorable?"

"I do actually," She smiles and strokes his cheek. "But that doesn't change the fact that you can also make me come at the drop of a hat."

"I guess I can live with that." Stefan nods before he aligns his cock up with her entrance and pushes inside of her. His eyes widen and he struggles to catch his breath as he's once again embedded in Bonnie. It doesn't matter how many times they join together like this, it still manages to feel just as good as it did the first time.

Bonnie lets out a low sigh at the feel of him inside of her and wraps her legs around his waist as he moves in and out of her. Her fingers move along his back, enjoying the way the flex under her touch.

"Does that …feel good...am I getting you wet?" Stefan asks, thrusting between each pause in his question.

"Yes," Bonnie answers his question with a whimper as he hits that perfect spot that always sends pleasure throughout her entire body.

"Good." He smirks and continues making love to her, hitting that spot over and over again.

"Stefan!" She cries out in pleasure.

The bed squeaks and the headboard slams against the wall as he speeds up his rhythm, his hips moving at full power. Her orgasm moves closer and closer until she can feel it building up between her legs. She moans as she erupts, her nails digging into his back.

Stefan growls loudly as her walls clench tightly around his cock, causing his body to tremble. "God, Bonnie. You feel so fucking …" He stops midsentence and growls, his vision growing white as he comes. They continue moving until they come down from their highs and he collapses on top of Bonnie. After a few minutes he props himself up on his hands and glances down at his panting girlfriend.

She stares up at him, gasping in surprise when his cock hardens against her thigh. "Seriously?"

"I think I should make good on what I said that night about making you come all night." He says as he runs his cock up and down her slit.

"Oh," She sighs happily as arousal fills her body. "Well if you insist."

Stefan grins before rolling off her and repositioning her on her hands and knees. He can hear her gasp when he presses a kiss to her ass before he sits back and thrusts into her from behind.

Bonnie buries her face into the bed and once again grabs at the sheets. As Stefan kisses the back of her neck, she basks in having a boyfriend that can actually make good on the promise to go all night…

What do you guys think, should I keep going?

Daoistlord3041creators' thoughts