
Something Is Wrong With The First Young Miss

"Hello, readers! Wu Shuyu here! I'm The female lead of this novel! So I just want to let everyone know this novel really makes me look bad! So I decided to try to clear my name. I do not, and I repeat, I do not swindle people! I do not hit people either! I am a really good girl! I swear! Ah! One second... Hey, mister would you like to buy this Stage Breaker Stone!? It's only 100 silver... Huh? You say your cousin's, uncle's brother's, aunt's, ex-husband's, brother in law's, nephew bought one not too long ago and it turned out to be an ordinary rock? Hey, why are you taking out that sword for! Ah!~ Sorry everyone I need to cut this short! I need to run away real fast!" Wu Shuyu a girl who likes to cuddle other girls died and was reborn into the General's Manor as the First Young Miss, Wu Shuyu who had just recently died. The First Young Miss was not able to cultivate and was treated worse than trash. Now taking over her identity Wu Shuyu will swindle her way through life... Err I mean, take revenge on those who harmed the body's original owner. While climbing her way to top of the cultivation world and at the same time trying to find cute girls to cuddle and a cute man with a big thigh to latch on to! "Hey! Hey! This is really making me sound bad here... Oh **** here they come again gotta run!" Check out my newest novel Phantasia: The Princess Knight Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne join the new discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/ Updated Daily! New Cover Art!

invayne · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Dealing With Wu Bai Part Two

WU Shuyu watched as Wu Bai came running towards her. At this point, Wu Shuyu knew even with Wu Bai being at stage one body refinement she could easily beat this girl. "Dear Second Sister there is no need to run to get a hug from me I will not be going anywhere. Huh!? Second sister why did you fall to the ground. Oh, heavens let me help you up! Oh, I'm so sorry Second Sister I did "Not" mean to step on your hand! Ah! I'm so sorry that was your face. Oh, what to do!? Oh, what to do!?"

And Wu Shuyu was very correct on her assumption. As soon as Wu Bai got close to WU Shuyu she reached out and used her momentum to flip Wu Bai over her shoulder and onto the ground. WU Bai hit the ground hard causing her to let out a grunt in pain. It really did look like it hurt a lot. After that, Wu Shuyu placed a few quick kicks into Wu Bai's chest making her curl up into a ball before stepping on and grinding Wu Bai's hand into the ground. When Wu Bai finally let out a scream of pain Wu Shuyu made sure to shut her up with a swift kick to the face. It was only after Wu Bai covered her face that Wu Shuyu with so much Sisterly Love gave Wu Bai a wonderful and beautiful elbow drop to her ribs. There was a loud cracking sound and more screams of pain coming from Wu Bai. Wu Shuyu was sure she had broken a few of Wu Bai's ribs. At least with these injuries Wu Bai would not be coming over to bother Wu Shuyu any time soon. Of course, Wu Shuyu did all this with the most innocent expression she was capable of putting on her face as she apologized for each action. Wu Shuyu was trying to be sincere to her deary Second Sister you know?

It seemed Wu Bai's screaming caused Qin Ming to rush out of the bedroom to see what was going on. Qin Ming's expression said it all as she stood there dumbfounded as she saw the scene. She could have sworn it was her young miss that was getting beaten but what was going on here!?

Seeing Qin Ming's stupified look Wu Shuyu gave a few more swift kicks to Wu Bai's stomach before dusting her hands off and walking over with a big bright smile on her face to Qin Ming.

"Ming'er! Did you sleep okay? Do you need a hug from your Young Miss?" Even though Wu Shuyu was talking to her Qin Ming was still staring at her blankly. Wu Shuyu waved her hand in front of Qin Ming's face saying: "MInger'! Earth to Ming'er!"

" Huh!? Ah! Young Miss this…?" Qin Ming was pointing at the Wu Bai who was rolled up into a ball groaning in pain with black and blue bruises all over her body.

"Oh! Yes, about this..." Wu Shuyu looked at Qin Ming bashfully while scratching her nose. "Well you see my Dear Second Sister came over to confess her love to me and I was not able to accept her feelings. But when I tried to give her a hug it somehow ended up like this. I do feel bad but what can I do. My Second Sister is in the first stage of Body Refinement! Where little me is a trash human being... It's sad really but there was nothing I could do to help her. She fell down and started screaming in pain. I was really shocked you see! Look here hold my hand Ming'er see how shaken I am!?" Wu Bai's maids were staring at Wu Shuyu very strangely. They were wondering where the shameless person even came from to be able to blatantly lie like that. Qin Ming was actually even more confused. She could have sworn that she had just seen her Young Miss kick the Second Young Miss when she came out.

But it did not take Qin Ming to understand what was going on as she shouted: "That's terrible! Young Miss, what should we do? It seems our courtyard has an evil spirit and it beat up Second Young Miss!"

"Your right Ming'er we need to figure something out. It's not the first time this evil spirit has shown its face in our courtyard. Last time Third Sister went crazy talking about how she was touched by some man and started whipping anyone who got near her. That was just yesterday at that! Now Second Sister is curled up in a ball in so much pain, what should we do!? It seems that Second Sister might be possessed!" Wu Shuyu turned her gaze to the two maids that came with Wu Bai. Their bodies were visibly trembling. Wu Shuyu smiled inwardly as she noticed how scared they were now."You two... Second Sister was possessed by an evil spirit right?"

"Ye-Yes First Young Miss! Second Young Miss was indeed possessed by an evil spirit and fell to the ground screaming in pain!" Wu Bai's maids did not know what else to do. They were too afraid of Wu Shuyu to say anything else. So they could only agree with her!

"Good! Quickly take Second Sister back to get her injuries taken care of. Don't blame me if she dies on the way back." After tossing these words out Wu Shuyu grabbed Qin Ming's hand and led her back into the room. Wu Shuyu would most likely be getting many visitors in the next few days because of this incident. She knew she had probably overdone it. But if it was not them it was her so she would rather it be them. All she could do was hope she could figure out why this body couldn't cultivate before they came.

"Young Miss if they tell on you. Concubine Xun will make a scene." This was true but what was done was done. If Concubine Xun did come looking for trouble Wu Shuyu figured she would have no choice but to handle it when it the time came.

"Ming'er don't worry, your Young Miss will handle it all. From now on we will no longer be bullied like before. So have some faith in your Young Miss. Now come over here and let me hug you so I can get more of your Body Qi." Qin Ming blushed as walked over to Wu Shuyu and let Wu Shuyu embrace her. Wu Shuyu really liked the warmth of Qin Ming's body it was very relaxing.

"Ming'er will have faith in Young Miss." Wu Shuyu was shocked when Qin Ming finished her words Qin Ming actually hugged her back! WU Shuyu's thoughts were:'Ah! Life is good!'

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