
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 13 - Meeting the Alpha


"So, what do we know about it so far?" I say once we turn back to my office. Ben, Kai and Luke included. I wanted Lila to attend as well but keeping an eye on Maxine was more important.

"I went to the town to get some information." Ben replies. "It appears there was a big party up there that ended badly. They speculate some short circuit accident. Over a hundred are missing, most were university students."

I let out a snort as my mind already has located the culprit. "We all know who's behind this. Vincent and his kin made a feast with them and now they burned everything to cover their tracks." I slam my hand on the desk.

Everybody jumps straight up. I cannot accept this anymore. Vincent must die as soon as possible.

"The human girl we found was probably at that party. Thankfully she's awake. She must remember what happened or saw something, and we need to know." I add, trying to regain my composure.

The three of them give me a questioning look.

"Vincent prepares for something big. We suspect this for a long time now. Getting killed almost half the university students means that he requires a lot of blood. And this is not good at all."

"What do you suggest then?" Kai speaks.

"We need to increase the number of patrols." Luke suggests rubbing his chin with his index finger. "Maybe he's preparing for war."

"More people are needed." I respond. "Kai, increase the number of training for the young ones. Especially in combat. The more we have ready, the better."

"Yes, Alpha." Kai nods and leaves the room.

"Ben, get some silver blades. If the trainees are not able to control their transform until then, using the blades will do just fine."

They all nod and exit the room, leaving me alone. I land on my seat behind the desk, passing my hand through my hair.

Vincent is up to something. And I suspect it involves Maxine as well.

However, how she managed to escape? And to find her at that state means that someone's after her. What's so special about Maxine, that Vincent is after her?

I need to have a talk with her, but this will jeopardize my intentions to reject her. The more I'm close to her, the more difficult it is to resist.

The moment I get out of my study the entire house is silent. Most are sleeping, if not they're patrolling outside. I take the stairs and feel my feet getting heavier with each step I make.

I stop outside her door. A sudden need to go in and see her fills me, but I try to shove it away. Even if I enter, at this time of the night, she must be probably sleeping so I have no excuse.

I continue walking and enter my room, leaning against the door when I close it behind me. I sigh as her image pops into my mind. Her name is hanging at the tip of my lips. I let it slip in a whisper and warmth spread inside my chest.

After taking a cold shower to bring me back to my senses, I lay in bed, staring at the empty ceiling above me, in the hope to get some sleep.


Sun hits violently my eyes as I open them, full this time. I feel like I've been sleeping for ages. My whole body feels so heavy, every movement I try to make seems like I'm moving in slow motion.

I try to get to a sitting position but the skin on my ribs is still swollen spreading waves of pain all over me. I let a loud groan behind clenched teeth as I succeed to pull myself up.

Lila jumps up from her seat next to the bed. Dark circles have made their appearance below her eyes.

I feel a bit guilty for her because most probably I'm the cause of these circles.

"Good morning." She smiles at me. "How're you feeling?"

"Morning," I whisper trying to sit better on the bed. "I'm much better thank you."

I make a move to lift my shirt to see the state of my bruises, but a pain jolt and I give up the try.

"You're still recovering. I suggest you need to be more careful with your moves." She comments. "Stay right here. I'll go get some more bandages to change your wounds. I'll also send someone to get you something to eat." She smiles and exits the room.

I push myself to the edge of the bed and slowly put my feet on the floor. The moment they touch it, the pin of a thousand needles makes me lift my feet back from the floor. It is then that I notice that they're wrapped in multiple layers of bandages.

I take another deep breath and place my feet, this time putting some more pressure on. I try not to think of that horrible feeling like I step on nails.

After some time that felt like an eternity, I manage to get up from the bed. My legs feel wobbly at first, but after a couple of steps and supporting myself on any piece of furniture I find in my way, they manage to hold me better. I walk closer to the window and my mouth falls open in awe.

The house is surrounded by dense plantations as far as the eye can reach. It must be deep within the forest. I've never seen such beauty. The sun's rays scatter through the tall trees, illuminating them with an ethereal light. The whole place looks otherworldly.

I stand still, admiring the breath-taking view, trying to absorb every single detail, when a knock at the door makes me jump on my feet, causing another wave of pain to strike me.

"Yes?" I hesitantly answer.

The door opens, revealing a broad form standing at the doorframe. I was watching outside for a long time and my eyes are not accustomed to the shade insight the room, so I blink several times until I get used to it.

A pair of crystal blue eyes are the first thing I see as he steps in from the shadows. I feel like they see through me, getting into the depths of my soul. The frown on his face, makes him look threatening.

His towering height, accompanied by a broad body of pure muscle, sure is intimidating. Unconsciously, I take a step back as he walks in, coming to stand in front of me.

My feet are not completely obeying my commands and I hit the chair. I'm preparing to meet with the floor, putting my hands in front of my face, when a pair of strong hands shots around my waist, in a tight grip.

I close my eyes as I land on something hard. When I open them, I realize how close we are, my hands resting on his chest.

I lift my head to meet his eyes. They look like nothing I've ever seen before. His gaze is so intense. And angry. Is he angry with me?

"Thank you." I whisper trying to stand firm on my feet.

His hands around my shoulder and waist slither away and he steps back, giving me some space.

"Ah, I see you already met our Alpha." Lila speaks with enthusiasm as she enters the room.

"Your what?" I shout.