
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 11 - Mate next door


I pace up and down my room next door. A battle started, the moment I saw her, within me, making me restless. Luke is sitting on a chair next to the bed, looking at me with a troubled expression on his face.

"You're going to burn the floor pacing like that all night. It's better if you tell me what bothers you."

I snort at his words. "You can figure out what's bothering me." I feel anger within me, but not only for letting her out there unprotected.

"The fact that you weren't there for her?" he comments.

I turn quickly and sit on the bed opposite him. "It's not only that."

"So? Please don't make me take the words out of you with force. I'm your best friend and the Beta. I can deal with a difficult situation."

"When I left her that night at the clearing, I promised myself to reject her. Since we cannot be together, there's no reason to bond with her. All this time things were doing good, and I believed for a second that I'll make it without losing my mind as many say when you reject your mate. But now, she's in the next room, wounded and unconscious…"

I place my hands over my temples and lean forward, my elbows are touching my knees.

"It's like fate doesn't want us to be separated. But doing so will bring a lot more trouble around. How can I gather the strength to reject her when I feel my heart racing when I smell her scent? How will I manage to do this when she's so close to me when she'll look at me with her big bright dark brown eyes when she wakes up?"

"Maybe you should have a talk with Lila. I'm sure she will find a way to solve this. She's here within your grasp. Don't miss that chance, Rey. It's the best thing that will happen to you." Luke smiles softly.

"Maybe you're right. I'll wait first for her to wake up and then I'll have a talk with Lila. My priority is to know that she's safe now."


The morning sun enters through the large window at my office, where I spent the night sorting out the rest of the things I have for today. Needless to say, I didn't sleep at all.

Lila agreed to stay with her, in case something goes wrong, while Luke was standing guard outside her door.

A knock on the door brings me back from my thoughts.

"Come," I say sternly.

The door opens and Julia's face appears from the other side of it. She wears a black pencil skirt, black top and heels. Great. The last person I want to see.

She takes the seat in front of my desk and crosses one leg on top of the other with a playful look on her face.

"I'm listening." I say to her, drifting my eyes back at the papers holding in my hands.

"You've become the talk since last night." Julia says and I can feel the poison dripping from her words. "What was that? You, the Alpha, carrying a human upstairs? I hope she doesn't stay in your room-"

"Where she stays is not of your concern." I cut her off.

"Why you keep her here Rey? What's so important about her?" she glares at me with anger in her eyes.

"First of all, I am responsible not only for the pack but also for any living creatures in my territory. As soon as she recovers, we'll send her back. And second, you will address me as Alpha. We have nothing going on between us, so show some respect as the others do."

She gets up and circles around the desk until she stops beside me. She pushes my chair to the side and leans forward, putting her hands over my knees.

"I can show you my respect right now." She whispers and licks her red lips. Her eyes land on my lips and then she lowers her gaze to the spot between my legs.

"Leave this instant." I order her, letting out a growl. She's insufferable.

She snorts and stands up walking slowly to the door. When she closes it behind her, I let out a breath I was holding.

Julia needs to learn to respect. Acting around like she's the future Luna of the pack is unacceptable behaviour, though all know that she has no chance of being my mate. Nevertheless, someone has to set some limits.

When I finish with my paperwork, I push myself to the back of the chair, bringing my arms over my head, and stretching.

My thoughts run automatically to her. Is she still unconscious or has she woken up? I had no news from either Lila or Luke and agony was making me nervous.


I reach the top step to find Luke standing guard outside her room.

"Any news?" I ask.

"Nothing yet. Lila is inside with her, doing some more tests."

I nod my head and put my hands inside my jeans pockets.

"Go get some rest. You look like shit." Luke adds.

I decide to follow his advice. Being a total wreck will not change a thing. I walk into my room and head straight to the bathroom.

I open the water tap and throwing my clothes away I get in. The hot water runs down my body, taking away the fatigue with it.

My concern has not been eased. I worry about her. It's almost twenty-four hours since the patrol found her, and she hasn't opened her eyes yet. What if she'll never do?

I get out of the shower and put a towel around my waist. I'm ready to lie a bit on the bed to get some rest when Luke knocks on the door.

"What happened?" I open the door. His look tells everything and gives wings to my heart.

"She's awake."