
first meeting

We met But we did not meet like that even that has a story. So she sent me a message that can we meet then I said yes we can meet.But where did you meet? Cue that the village where we live is a small village and everybody is there for our identity and we wanted to keep this meeting a secret.She told me some place but she did not like me, then I said something that she did not like. Then asked, got these questions again? After some time, she got a message that her friend's relative has a food center where we can go, then I told her that we would meet there. So we both decided that we both meet on Thursday. Then I told her that you come do anything but come and I will wait for you there at 6 p.m. Then I went offline and reached there at 6PM and told the house that I will come back by 7.30PM. I sat waiting for him, but she had not yet arrived at 7 p.m. but it was not at 8 P.M. She did not come, then I was about to leave from there that one of the girls said that it is being said, lover, without meeting us. When I saw that girl, she was not someone else I was supposed to meet, Then both of us were talking that she came close to me and told me that she loves me very much.