
2.) *Badum*

I finished my kind of awkward reply back to that girl saying, "Hi, I would love to be friends with you! Besides I'm feeling lonely now a days lol.. I love your cosplays and you are very beautiful! :)" *Send*

I went out of that page to start watching videos but surprisingly she replied quickly saying, "Awh that's so sweet thank you! My name is Scarlet! What's yours? :D"

"I wish I had that name, it's common, but unique." I thought.

We had a kind of long talk and she suddenly texted,

"Gosh you're so amazing! I feel like I've known you all my life but then I feel like, 'Gee! Where were you all my life?!'😂" The feeling was mutual but I decided to say, "Yeah same! Why don't you send me a text? :) (***)***-****"

I gave her my number! I felt so warm and strange but I felt like I could trust her! *Bing* She texted me already!

"Hi hi! It's Scarlet hehe making sure this is ur number!"

I guess it was a good idea for her to do that because maybe she could've given me a stranger's number. "Hey Scarlet yes it's me, Fiona!..." and the conversation went on for hours.

My stomach suddenly decided to get hungry so I texted, "I'm starving I'm going to grab a bite brb!"

"Oh kk! I need to finish my homework anyways lol bye bye🖤," she replied.

I walked away from my phone and got some cereal. I slouched on the couch watching TV for about 30 minutes until I realized that I haven't talked to my girlfriend for a long while. I thought maybe checking in on her would be nice so I did.

"Hey baby! I'm just thinking bout you! How was ur day?💕"

It took a while for her to send a message back but she said she was doing fine and told me about her day that had some drama.

We've been texting for good 24 minutes before we said bye, but I got bored and I wanted to talk to someone still so I texted Scarlet.

"Heya! Hope ur done with the homework lol just wanted to talk." *Send*

"Welp," I thought "Hopefully shes done"


"Heyooo I'm done with my homework just left my school lol"


"Lol yah"

"luckyyyy I'm doing the online T>T"

"Lol mostly the reason why I hate going to school is cause my friends hate my girlfriend and I'm kinda starting to hate her too cause she's not even talking to me, she's not coming to school, and she's probably cheating on me with Tsurono😪"

"Oh damn ur going through something- oh and I didn't know u were gay lol"

"Oh yah I'm pansexual"

"Oop I'm bi lol"

"Well there's something I didn't know about u👀"

"Oh lol touché🤧"

"Well I'm gunna break with her anyways she's playing with me and I don't feel happy with her brb"

"Oop Alr"

I thought it was kinda mean that she's just gunna go and break up with her but then I thought back to the things her girlfriend was doing.


"wb lol"


"Oh how'd the break go?"

"Eh she said she never really cared anyways-"

"Oh ouch"

"It doesn't really bother me cause I guess I felt the same"

"Oop ok😀🤚"

I don't really remember how we brought up the subject about making out with a girl and what recommended but I said,

"Dang I have no experience of kissing anyone unless it was just a peck on the cheek-"

"Oop lolll"

"Thinking of this makes me feel weird or uncomfortable🤧 sowy"

"Oh it's ok!"

And we carried on with our talk.

A couple days later I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation we had and i kind of realized I didn't feel uncomfortable I felt a new feeling of a crush coming into me life! I couldn't believe it I kinda kept getting thoughts of breaking up with my girlfriend to be with Scarlet.. but Scarlet would never fall for a loser like me..


My phone went off, it was Scarlet, she texted me.

I opened up the app and it was a voice audio. I clicked on the play button and she was talking about her feelings for me and how much she'd love to just be with me...