
Something Desires You

When we look into the dark abyss, fearing his presence, he looks at us with a huge macabre and distressing smile, but very fascinating and exotic, but we run for our lives instead of throwing ourselves into the mouth of the abyss and feeling its enormous wonders.

Kihitakamy · Horror
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Reading guide/Tips

Important warning:

"Something Desires You" is in development, in the future there may be changes in writing and narrative.

Warning 2 - The first stories were written a few years ago, so there may be writing and continuity errors, as I wrote at the beginning of my career. So it doesn't represent my current quality.

Reading tips:

1. Texts starting with double quotes ("") represent character dialogues.

2. Introduction, Part 1, 2 and etc. They are used to delimit the exchange of narrative/narrative focus.

3. Asterisk (*) used 3 times (***) is status for change of scenario/thought and narrative of a scene.

*Keep in mind that this guide will be updated over time*

Note: If you have any english mistakes, I apologize, because my English is not so advanced. And if you have any tips or criticisms, you can leave them in the comments.