
Something about HER

"Jill!" Sheri whispered. Jill continues to give Sheri grief. Though, in all honesty Jill didn't care, nor did she have room to judge. Jill has done what Sheri is about to do once or twice. Maybe even three times by the time she's done with Anthony. Who knows what his status is? Don't care... But Jill could shamelessly say this, she's never blatantly seen a man's wife and still brazenly flirt with their husband. Sheri was on a whole new level of savagery, and Jill wasn't letting her best friend off the hook so easily. Jill thought to herself, the next time Sheri tries to act all innocent and poise to judge me, imma rub the dirt all up in her face. She continues to push Sheri’s buttons till she gets up to leave and go to the bathroom. Jill was getting ready to tell her to use the gel when unexpectedly, Sheri collides into the Governor. They were a whole tangled mess, Jill practically had to pull them apart before his wife came. The Governor was grateful for her intervention because even he realized he wasn't focused. Upon meeting the governor's wife, Jill was 100% sure, she did not like her. This self-important, condescending chick, made Jill simply want to backhand her. Her whole attitude was trash. She looked down at Sheri and Jill the whole time with fake greetings of kindness. But Jill matched her energy. Like b*tch, your not about to run over me. But Sheri... Practically became her yes girl. And Jill had to fall in line because it wasn't her fight. *** After the awful encounter with Monica, the Governor's wife, Jill got to work on making sure Sheri had a more prominent presence. The girls went to the bathroom, and Jill opened every stall to make sure no one was around. "What was that?!" Jill yelled. "I know right?! Absolute b*tch!" Sheri added. Jill wanted to smack Sheri. "No! You!" Sheri was confused. "You're not focused! When she came up to us all stank, you had no fight in you. You acted like a docile little girl. She said jump and you went 'how high?' Even I had to fall in line." Jill was so infuriated. "Oh...". Sheri said in recollection. "Listen that right there was a freebie. Monica is not about to think that's how things are gonna be moving forward." Jill declares. Sheri was silent but signaled she understood Jill continued as she paced the spacious restroom. "She's the one that had things she wanted to discuss with you, not the other way around. You should of let Monica know what day YOU were available instead of going along with what she choose!" "I know I just got nervous..." Sheri put her hand to her forehead. "Well that needs to be out of your system now that we have a vague idea of what she's about. When we go to the Governor's house, don't act all impressed, as if you've never been in a place like that before, and whatever she asks of you, tell her you need time to deliberate. She's not getting her answer right away." Jill looked at Sheri sternly. "You're right! I'm sorry!... I guess I felt bad about my behavior with her husband that I kind of submitted to her." Sheri admitted. "So are you gonna feel bad about the Governor's behavior too?!" Jill snapped "Takes two to tangle, And y'all was entangled!" "Jill... I don't know if I can be the type of woman that can mess with a married man..." Sheri lowered her head. Well what is she trynna say about me! Jill thought. *** Hey everyone, thank you for your interest in my book, this is my first time writing a story. Hope you enjoyed this excerpt. This is my original work and the setting is urban American. My characters are of African American, Caribbean, and Hispanic descent, so this book may have a different flavor from the more traditional stories on here, so feel free to comment if there are any slang terms or phrases you don't understand.

_OrganicBeauty_ · Urban
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63 Chs

Can’t We all Just Get It On?

Flushed by a rush of erotic emotion, Sheri walked closer to Jill to not look so lonely. Only to realize that she probably looked like a third wheel because Jill was vibing hard with the guy she was talking to. Feeling a bit off Sheri glanced back to see if the governor was still watching.

Not only was he still watching, his eyes lit up and a sexy smirk appeared on his face when he saw Sheri look back at him.

This caused her to imagine if this is how he would look at herbif he was hitting it from the back and she looked back.

Aaahhhh! What's wrong with me! Sheri screamed in her head. Deciding this was too much to deal with on her own, she grabs Jill's attention.

"Hey." Sheri tapped Jill's shoulder.

"Can talk to you for a sec."

Jill "Excuse me, I gotta check on my friend. What's your name again?"

"Anthony. Anthony Lawson. And yours?" His voice was so sexy and captivating that Sheri almost blurted out her name.

Jill seemed to be just as affected by this mans charm because she said "oh.. my name is... ah, Isa Rae."

"Like the actress Isa Rae?" The man quizzed.

"Yes! Well, no. It's Isa Mendoza. Isa Rae Mendoza."

Wow. Sheri thought to herself, Jill just added a middle name to her Alias. Nice.

"Ok well Isa Rae Mendoza. Maybe I'll see you later or hire a private eye since I have your full government name to find you if I don't." Anthony winked and strolled off.

He left ladies gawking in his wake.

Jill slowly turned to face her friend. With a tight-lipped smile, she asks "So what in the world was so important that you pulled me away from my future husband or at the very least father to my bastard love child?"

Sheri nervously chuckles and says " Oh... I just wanted to say that the guy who's supposed to be handing me my award tonight is making lovemaking eyes at me."

Jill's eyes bulged.

"I... I know right. How crazy?!" Sheri says bemused by the strange encounter.

"You damn right it's crazy." Jill said manically "It's crazy that instead of you and the governor sneaking past his entourage and hooking up in some 5star hotel till the sun comes up, and you taking an Uber home as you call me to tell the deets as I also tell you the deets in my Uber home about some insanely sexy guy I just hooked up with, you wanna tell me he's staring at you." Jill caught her breath.

Sheri looked at Jill like she was crazy. "Girl, I am not about to hook up with the Governor."

"Why not?! He's clearly into you since he's over there trying to pretend to be engaged with his conversation while simultaneously stealing glances your way." Jill chuckles as she stops one of the caterers to grab two champagne glasses.

She hands one to Sheri as a soft chime comes through the loudspeaker followed by a friendly voice telling everyone to report to their assigned table.

The women were pleased to see their table was among the one's up close to the stage, since Sheri will be receiving an award tonight. That also meant that they sat among and around the more reputable people in tonights gala.


Monica Garrett was having an amazing night of schmoozing and rubbing shoulders with some of Parkdale's most elite and rich.

She went to go find her husband after the announcement had been made to have a seat at their assigned table.

When she saw the govenor, she couldn't help but notice how attractive he was, as she saw him looking for her so they could take their seats together.

Mark Garrett scanned the tables to see if he could find the mystery woman who captivated him. He took his eyes off her to schmooze 1.3 million out of a donor and lost track of her.

His wife Monica came into his view, but he quickly moved his gaze to continue scanning the room. When he heard, " I'm over here silly!" His wife giggled as she got closer.

"Wow, babe, you look phenomenal, that dress is amazing on you!" Mark exclaimed. In all honesty, the dress was wearing her, but he could never tell her that.

"It better. It cost $27k!"

"Yikes! Glad to see it also bought me a new wife. Who are you? And how can I get you out that dress? " Mark said as he pulled her closer.

"Oh behave!" Monica giggled

"As much as that dress cost I might just do you in it." He whispered in Monica's ear.

"Mark!" "What's gotten into you? Have you been drinking?" Monica says blanching.

"What I can only want to have sex with my wife if I'm drunk? Oh, wait only for special occasions right?" A look of irritation flashes at his wife's rejection.

Monica looked at him like he had grown an extra head.

"We're not going to do this now." Monica said sternly.

"Calm down. Let's just go find our seats." Mark said with a sigh.