
Someday: A Day That Will Never Come

Deuteranopia · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Hannah

"Honey, come down and eat breakfast." Mom shouted.

"I'm off to work now!" She added.

The scene was familiar. This moment, I knew this very moment because I kept seeing it, I think. But something about it makes me uneasy.

"Don't be late Hannah!" She closed the door.

I fell silent. Bad feelings swept into my chest. I hurriedly ran downstairs and went outside. As I open the door, the time came to a complete halt. Everything froze as I looked in front of our house.

A body.



How could I forget? This has been haunting me since I was a child. This was a nightmare. I held my breath and jolted myself to wake up.

I saw a reflection of a girl, pale and heavily sweaty.

I got up from bed.


It was nearly time for school.

I went in front of the mirror. I was deep in thought as I stared at my myself.

Messy hair, blue eyes, small nose, and a sleep deprived expression.

It was always like this.

The thought of going to school made me anxious. I needed to go, but my whole self refused.