
Lack of Communication

Rassel: "Sometimes you think that some decisions are best for other's around you but sometimes we forget to realise how will the decision effect us" Sam: Rassel. Common!! Its a small issue... Rassel (angrily): No. Its not Sam!!! I have

seen my dad behaving the same way with my mom ignoring small gestures thinking that it didn't matter and which

caused misunderstandings later in the

long run. And till today because of lack of communication they are not the couple I wanted them to be!! Instead they pretend it to be like one of the best thats all!! I don't want you both to be like that. Already you both have had enough problems. And now lack of communication. Why can't you understand this will leave a doubt in her head that you don't care for her but what matters to you is only your wish!! You have to speak to her that why you did so. that you care for her. And you are very much possessive about her. Not just keeping everything in your head and leaving to think on her own as she wishes than you clarifying it for her!! Sam (sighs): Thank you Rassel for letting me

know. I will speak about it to her. Rassel: Thats good. I just want you both to

be happy. As far as I know Ratsel she is

a simple girl. So I don't want you to

hurt her by anyway.....