
Some Random Fanfic Ideas

Just some ideas I guess.

Dagoth_Ur_ · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

I am the system.

MC is a system (not reincarnated as one but a system) who despite what all his hosts think has feelings as well! He will punish anyone who insults him accordingly or views him as a tool to use as he is simply trying to help not even making do system slave activities! He can swap hosts at will and has no limits to what he can do (besides creating a physical body for himself) and any host that he leaves will still remain with a system but since MC isn't inhabiting them anymore they wont get as much goodies due to MC always handpicking everything in rewards.

MC also has different system types for different people

1. Gacha System. for the gambling addicts.

2. Therapy System. for the mentally unwell.

3. Modern system. Can accomodate any modern needs or practice and can grant amazing skills in those practices.

4. Futuristic sciences system. For the truly gifted.

5. Action packed system. For those who feel as if they need a little extra in life.

6. Fiction System. World traversal to fictional worlds. Mostly for weebs.

7. Romance System (not a harem system). For those who are eternally maidenless. If any party attempts to cheat (including the system user) there will be punishment but not death and if its the system user who tries to cheat they will be permanently deprived of their system and cursed to absolutely never have a romantic or sexual partner. No making it so the person can never cheat on or break up with the system user (because I like free will).

8. Villain System. has different types of uses depends on the villain who has it.

9. Hero System. For those who are righteous at heart.

and way more.

Unpolished idea if used please try to polish this as best as you can because it's hard to come up with stuff for this.