
Some Mortal's Ascension

Balance is the necessity of the universe. Without it, all life would need to survive under one's rule. Life in the universe thrived under those rules. Countless creatures and beings lived in prosperity for countless years. That was until "He" came to be. "He" tilted the scales of balance and forever changed what was known. Using "His" great power, he changed the very laws and regulations of the universe. A new order for which all life had to abide by. The universe now gained a new balance. A balance in which would only last for a brief time before something else was born.

he_who_scribbles · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 9


"What's taking him so long?" After entering a popular clothes store, the girls walked around as they appraised its catalog. Nancy stood in front of a large cabinet, jeans folded nicely as she checked their sizes.

Meanwhile, Veronica and Michelle looked at the different dresses. Veronica examined and picked out dresses that brought out her physical features, Michelle on the other hand liked to choose dresses that were more revealing.

"Who knows. Maybe he got lost?" Michelle responded, she stood in front of a mirror with a dress in her hand, she held it in front of her to see how it would look on her.

Next to her, Veronica expressed her boredom. She found a few dresses to her liking but wasn't very amazed by them. She grumbled about how little fashion sense this store had.

Michelle walked in to a dressing room, a little while later she walked out and stood in front of the mirror.

"Does this dress make me look fat?"

Nancy and Veronica turned their heads to look at her, shock appeared on their faces as they exclaimed, they immediately began to compliment her.


Mikael sat next to Lowell on the curb of the street walk. They held cans' of soda and bore the brunt of the beaming sun.

"Yawn~" Mikael waited patiently for Lowell to talk. Mikael glanced at him from the corner of his eye, Lowell appeared to be in contemplation as he paid no regard to him.

Time passed slowly, Mikael grew annoyed with each passing second.


"...Okay, what the hell?"

Both had been sitting under the sun for what felt like a century. The heat had already gotten to Mikael, even with the cool sensation of the soda.

He looked at Lowell and asked what it was that he wanted to talk about, he pushed himself up as well, as if threatening to walk away. Lowell finally reacted.

"You and Wade are trafficking data, right?"

"Where did you hear that?"

"People haven't lost their eyes and ears just yet." Lowell snorted.

"No. We do not commit any trafficking of any sort."

"Right. I got a job that I need your help with."

Lowell stood up before walking to the shopping center. He waved at him to follow, Mikael was confused and walked after him.

As they went inside, Lowell led the way as he spoke again.

"An egg."


"Yes, a big one." Lowell's expression was serious, Mikael thought it was a joke at first but as he looked at him, he realized his dead seriousness. He didn't know what to say.

"So what, you want to sell this egg? Well, sorry to tell you this but, eggs aren't a part of my commerce."

"No, that's not it. I already have a buyer."

Lowell led Mikael to an elevator.

Waiting for the doors to open, Lowell stopped talking. Mikael waited idly.

The doors ringed as they opened. A family of three walked out and were frightened when they saw Lowell standing before them.

Bypassing them, Mikael and Lowell entered the elevator. They didn't wait for anyone else to enter as Lowell pressed the button for one of the upper floors, the doors closing immediately.

"Alright, so this egg. What is it?"

"I have no idea."

"Uh, what. Do you at least know how big it is?"

"Yeah, around the size of an ostriches."

"Ah... Then, is it an ostrich?"

"Nah, the egg is different. It's yellow with red veins."

Mikael mouthed his surpise. The elevator doors opened, and they walked out.

"I need your and Wade's capabilities to transfer the egg to the buyer."

Mikael glanced at the stores around them as he spoke, "As I said, eggs aren't a part of our job description."

"I know, that's why I'm not asking you to sell it. Just act as the carrier."

"Mm... How much are you going to pay for our services?"

"...How about 100,000?"

Mikael stopped walking.

"Wha... Just how much did you just say you were going to pay us again?"

Lowell derided before saying, "100,000."

"..." An explosion rung in Mikael's head.

"One. Hundred. Thousand. 100,000!" Mikael exclaimed loudly. His chest heaved forward and back from excitement.

"Yeah, but for this to happen, you need a headset." Lowell looked at him as he spoke.

Mikael appeared out of mind after hearing the amount of money. Disoriented by sheer excitement, he didn't notice the drool slipping out of his mouth. Lowell glowered at him as he saw such a ridiculous appearance.

"Moron, snap out of it!"

"Wuh!" Mikael's eyes focused again, he looked up at Lowell. His eyes showing his fiery resolve.

Lowell felt uncomfortable under his stare, he glared back and explained.

"Did you hear what I said, you need a headset for this."

"A headset? Is this a delivery via online?"

"Yes, and not just any headset. You need the 'Immerse 3.2' version."

"Shit. That's mad expensive. I don't think we can afford that." Mikael responded.

"I know, that's why I'm buying it for you."

"Really? Awesome! You're a good man, Lowell!" Mikael laughed with content.

"Stop acting like I'm buying it for you for free. The reason I'm buying this for you is because I need you to deliver the egg from that game, Stone and Hammer."

{A/N: Changed the I.R games' name to 'Stone and Hammer.' :p}

"Stone and Hammer? Alright, I think I understand. But, what do you gain from this? I don't see you profiteering from this. Is the egg special somehow?"

"You don't have to worry about that. Besides, the money I'll get paid for this delivery is a lot more than that 100,000 that I'm commissioning you."

"Huh?! Really? Then, pay me more! I mean, us."

"Huh?! I'm not paying you any more than what I offered."

"What?! Fuck you! Why am I getting so little if you're apparently getting a lot."


"Come on! Pretty please!"


"...Tsk. I'm in."

Lowell stopped in front of a large local, Mikael stood next to him and observed the store.

The large electric sign was on full display, the latest devices and electronics glistening beautifully.

Mikael followed Lowell as he went to speak to the robot clerk. The clerk spoke enthusiastically as he approached a slim headset and began to introduce its latest functions.

After a bit of talking back and forth with the clerk, Lowell was able to find the headset he was looking for.

After buying the headset, Lowell mentioned a few things about the job before giving it to Mikael. But before leaving, he said

"I only have enough for one set. You two will have to decide who does the delivery. Remember, you only have one chance. Don't screw this up!"


As Veronica and the girls wandered through the upper floor, they would enter a couple of them, leaving with bags in their hands. After leaving one of the stores, they spotted Mikael sitting in one of the rest areas.

"Where have you been. Here, take our bags." Veronica asked with malcontent and placed her bags on top of his legs.

"Who- Ah, right." Mikael was annoyed at this random person's tone of voice but calmed down after seeing who it was.

"Here ya' go." Michelle also handed him her bags.

"Did you buy something, Mikael?" Nancy asked curiously.

"Yeah, a headset."

"What?" Veronica voiced.

"You actually have the money to afford that?"

"I'm not rich, but I'm not poor either." Mikael looked at her with an annoyed expression.

Mikael and Veronica began to argue with each other. Their voices growing louder and with growing annoyance.

They were eventually stopped as the people around them were starting to give them dirty looks.


After getting dropped off by Michelle's car, Mikael entered his house.

Veronica said she was going to continue spending time with her friends so she gave him all of her bags and told him to leave it by her door.

Before Mikael could retort, Michelle's car left with a zoom. A complacent grin was plastered on her face as they left at a fast speed.


After throwing her stuff in front of the bedroom door, Mikael went to the basement. The place wasn't very renovated, only a few plugs, tools, gas tanks and so on were there.

Cleaning up a bit, Mikael connected the headset to the district's internet service. He pulled a recline chair and sat down.

Arranging himself comfortably, Mikael took a deep breath. His excitement through the roof.

"Okay, okay! Let's do this." Mikael pressed a small button on the side of the headset.

His vision narrowed and swirled as if he were on a speeding roller coaster. Darkness enveloped his eyes before a glowing swarm of letters manifested, forming two words.
