

//hello WORLD// how's everyone, fine you should be! So today was Saturday the day we all get awaken from the inner conflicts & decide to cheer up for the Monday. But my Saturday looks somewhat different from u all. I pray the lord hanuman on Saturday & also walk to the nearby temple & meditate there for a while. Today when I was meditating I just remembered my childhood nostalgic memories. The person the society sees today was never like this... but some things never change just like my habit of reading! Even when I was a little one I used to carry a book with me like some story book or newspaper ,ofc I didn't got the words but the pictures made me happy! Some of the memories like loving the smell of easers & making paper boats when it's rainy. Riding the bicycle the first time, the first knee injury, our sweet jelly phone on which we used to talk & eat up when hungry, the string phone science experiment which made me feel like Einstein for days, the Maggie we would take for Saturday half school which was not less than a cake till afternoon, playing bounce tales on parents nokia mobiles, that era was different dude, the friendship was on another level, the tiffin sharing, the bunking of lectures and roaming through schools, standing outside after getting punished & feel like ishaan in "tare zameen par"!! Once I remember crying for watching "3 Idiots" & promising to score 90 % in exams for that too... but back then I never knew life will be bringing me here, studying engineering feeling like real life 3 idiots. From sharing tiffins to sharing clothes we all grew up, from laughing together to sharing sorrows we grew up, from waiting for the school bell to ring,the summer holidays, drinking coke & acting like drunkard we all grew up.. The best part of life is always the childhood, the age until we are away from the social stress, bondings, responsibilities...

From leading in the science project to leading our own lives we aged! The times never coming back, but the memories will stay forever!

Aaj ka gyaan-"a man only grows by his body counted by his age, but the heart remains the same! Just like the smile when we see our family remains the same for life-time! Rohit this side, Signing off!😶‍🌫️