
Some Little Things Called Love( Jungkook ff )

who thought that curing a unknown patient would change the life of Kim Y/N ,and bring interesting twists in her normal life, this marked the beginning of her actual life which will change her life completely......... Y/N : what is the bravest thing you have ever done..?? JUNGKOOK : LOVING YOU

payalchandak · Celebrities
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Jungkook was enjoying with his friends , when he was interrupted by his mom .

Jungkook can you please come with me for a minute , I need to introduce you to someone.

Come On ! Meet Hana, she is the daughter of the mayor Choi , she is studying law in US ,why don't you guys have a talk and enjoy party together .

Jungkook clearly understood his mother's motive .

upon that Hana was also excited like a fool because she thought that she would be really lucky that she was getting chance to date Jungkook , "A man every girl wants "

oh hello Hana nice to meet you, but I am not interested sorry , well thanks for coming to the party , enjoy.

Saying this he returned to the bar and sat with his friends

Mrs. Jeon and Hana were dumbfounded on what had just happened , even before starting a thing it came to end .

I'm sorry Hana I will talk to you later , please enjoy the party , saying this Mrs. Jeon also left .

Finally the party was over everyone was almost gone except for Jungkook's friends and his family members .

Grandpa Jeon : Jungkook where are you going ?

Hmm grandpa I was going to club with my friends

As soon as boys saw grandpa Jeon they all bowed down to him , hello grandpa how have you been said the eldest one jin

I'm good , Jungkook I think we need to talk , so you are going anywhere but with me , said grandpa in cold voice , saying this he departed upstairs.

Dude I think you are dead today , grandpa was really cold today , said j-hope

Hmmm I also thinks so , ok then I will see you tomorrow in my office at 5 am sharp

Man are you going to take us to gym or what ..what are we going to do at 5 am dude, if you are asking us to drink with you early in the morning , I'm not available said jimin

Jungkook their is no way I'm waking up freaking hell in the morning , I'm not sacrificing my beauty sleep for anything said Yoongi with a boring face , saying this he made his way towards door waving his hands while his front facing the door .

Can you please stop this nonsense , at least jimin hyung and namjoon hyung i need you both tomorrow morning. just be ready by 5 am bye .


In living room in Jeon mansion .....

Grandpa Jeon was sitting with Mr. Jeon ( Jungkook's father ) in the bar , Mr. Jeon was probably making a drink to his father , Mrs . Jeon was sitting on the sofa pealing some apples, it seemed that these people were all waiting for Jungkook.

Jungkook entered the room whistling .

Then he went towards the fridge and grabbed a can of beer ,

Hey grandpa! what you wanted to talk about ?

About marriage ..( okay that was direct ) said grandpa Jeon with a plain expression

Are you getting married grandpa , who is my new grandma is she sexy , said Jungkook in joking tone.

Hearing this grandpa almost spilled out is own blood .

You punk I'm talking about your marriage , I heard from your mom what you did today.

Grandpa as of now I don't want to get married , please understand said Jungkook with a deep voice.

Then when do you want to when we are dead , said Mrs. Jeon yelling at her son

Grandpa : Jungkook you are the only grandson to me , so I want you to get married soon and lead the legacy .

Jungkook was unable to answer to these questions so he stood their drinking beer

Mrs. Jeon : son are you dating that girl ha ji hyun, remember we will not allow anyone from film industry to be our daughter in law .

No mom I'm not , said jungkook with irritated face.

Mr. Jeon said while showing his phone, then what about this rumors .

Dad you know media people , they just have to release something for their channels , I'm really not dating someone as of today ,but ....

What but Jungkook asked grandpa ,

I have someone who I like , Jungkook said while turning his head .

Mrs. Jeon , what son are you really saying truth , Is she from your entertainment industry , I already told you I will not permit anyone from there.

No mom she is not , she is a doctor , said Jungkook

Ohh!! then I am absolutely fine with it , go ahead you can date her , all I want now is you to give me a grandchild now , said Mrs. Jeon with an excitement

What does her family do asked Mr. Jeon.

Hmm well dad , she is a doctor in Seoul city hospital , she has a younger brother who is in high school now and her mother runs a small store .

Huhhh what a low family background said Mr. Jeon .

Mr. Jeon has always been classy when it comes to relationships , its not that he don't like low people, but he avoids them .

family background doesn't matter , is she good ...asked grandpa

Yup she is , she is very good , he said while brushing his hairs , his expression also became quite tender as soon as he started to think about y/n

But he was hit really hard by the reality , but the problem is grandpa ....I got rejected

As soon as everyone heard this they were all dumfounded .

What Jungkook you got rejected asked Mrs. Jeon .

Mr. Jeon said , well finally there is someone who rejected you , I think she is perfect for you !

Grand pa : don't worry my son, " try one more time" , you need to get her in the end . come on! ...even I tried 15 times , then only your grandma said yes .

Jungkook was not expecting such a tremendous support from his family ,so he was quite happy about this thing.


Here when y/n arrived at the entrance of her apartment , she felt that someone was following her but when she turned back to see no one was their ,she thought that she is very tired that's why she is seeing these things .

y/n was really tired today mentally as well as physically , so she decide to wash herself and directly go to the bed , it was already 11 when y/n freshen up , then she went towards her study table , when her eyes saw an unfamiliar thing , wrapped in a beautiful sky blue paper with silver ribbon on it .

as she remembers perfectly she didn't kept it hear nor did anyone came in her house , so who kept it here and when , as it is said "curiosity leads one to best of his life as well as is a cause of miserable life" .

inside it was a beautiful diamond bracelet , it was the same bracelet she saw when she and park Seol went to shopping , but who gave it to her , and that to such an expensive gift , their was a card inside the box , stating


hope to see you soon –

from your dad

what dad ! my dad my step dad is dead , and my so called dad is not so loving or generous to gift me this , then who the hell did send me this Y/N thought.

y/n was really confused about this and a little scared also , because first thing she don't know is who sent her this and second thing was this person came to her house without her concern . she was really scared , then the first thing that came to her mind was may be it was taehyung , he could do that , because in past also he has sent her gifts and moreover he is rich enough to assign anyone to broke into my apartment , so without any further delay she decide to give a call to him . Normally she has never called taehyung on her own , it was him all the time who has called her , so she was feeling awkward , but dropping any more thoughts she decided to go for it.

Taehyung was in his dreamland when he was disturbed by his phone , because of the sound he was very irritated so without feeling a need to look at the person's name he directly picked up the phone and started yelling on the person on the other side.

how dare you disturbed my sleep , he literally shouted .

on the other hand y/n was not at all scared because already a mess has been going on in her mind so why waste time being scared .

ya! Taehyung stop sending me gifts! , how dare you came to my house !, are you out of your mind now!!

as soon as Taehyung heard her voice his eyes widen , he could'nt believe in his ears that y/n has called him for the first time on her own , he could not guess the sound of himself but he will never forget her voice. It took a couple of seconds for him to digest that she has called and more few to realize that she is on either side of phone and its still on.

y/n you are calling me , wait a second ,

he could not believe on himself so he finally decide to have a look at the caller id on his phone .

he was very happy as soon as he heard her voice his voice became more and more tender , he was no more a cold and arrogant person which world has been known.

yes do I need presidents permission to call you , said y/n with an irritated voice .

no! no! not at all! you can call me any time , I am always available for you , said Taehyung in a sweet and tender voice .

Listen I don't have time for your rubbish talk . I called you for saying , stop sending me gifts , this time you went beyond the limit how could you directly broke into my house . I'm warning you Mr. Kim Taehyung enough is enough now , I won't tolerate this any more!

Upon hearing this Tarhyung eyes darken , as if he was ready to kill someone

What are you talking about my little sister ?what gift ?

"Kim Taehyung" said y/n with a serious and deep voice .

Yes please !! asked taehyung

Tell me seriously you didn't sent me any gift or broke my house nor your minions inquired y/n

what are you talking about my little sis , why would i do that , said taehyung

as if I'm going to believe you Taehyung , but its my last warning to you their will be no other time, said y/n almost yelling

she was about to hang up when taehyung interrupted her..

"Y/N Happy Birthday my little sis "