
152 - 164

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, whether it was Xiaoluo or Zhang Dashan, they made a phone call to the house and asked if they had received the mooncakes sent back by mail. They talked about their homework, but they talked with their family members. The topic is terminated in the topic.

There is no rest in Luofang, and the major stores open as usual, because there are quite a few customers on the Mid-Autumn Festival who will come to buy moon cakes and pastry bread.

When Xiao Luo was idle, he inspected the store accompanied by Li Mengmeng.

Many store employees don't know Xiao Luo, but they know Li Weimeng of the marketing department because she is the head boss of all store managers. When I learned that Xiaoluo was the owner of Luofang, many of the clerk showed an incredible expression. I didn't expect their big boss to be so young and overbearing the rhythm of the president.

"Now our Luofang store business has returned to the original, the transaction volume is more than twice as high as the peak period of the past!"

In the car, Li Xiaomeng smiled and reported to Xiaoluo about the business situation of the store. It can be said that Luofang has stood up again, and in two days it has become the giant of Jiangcheng pastry bread industry, the orders are constantly, the store business is also It's hot and unstoppable.

After saying this, she deliberately observed Xiao Luo from the inside rearview mirror to see how he would react, but found that there was not much ripple on Xiao Luo's face, and he sat quietly in the back seat and made a fist in his right hand. Desperate, lazy and indifferent looking at the flow of people and traffic outside.

Li Lanmeng licked her lips and was slightly disappointed. She thought that Xiaoluo would be very happy, at least she would show a smile.

The car was quiet for a while, and she suddenly hesitated and asked: "Zhao, there is a question I don't know when I ask questions."

"What problem?" Xiao Luodao.

Li Yanmeng's tentative inquiry: "Where did you go on the day of the trial?"

Xiaolu thought for a moment and replied: "Busy things have gone." Then he asked, "What happened?"

Li Xiaomeng shook his head: "Nothing, just think that the way Zhang always speaks on the day of the trial is like you."


Xiao Luo frowned and fixedly looked at her. My heart was very strange: a woman is really a nerve-sensitive animal, and this can be found!

He was a little uncomfortable when he saw it. Li Xiaomeng smiled and said: "In fact, there is no... I should be thinking about it..."

"You are right, it is really you thinking about it." Xiao Luo said with a very positive tone.

Li Xiaomeng looked at Xiaoluo in the inside mirror and smiled. The smile was extremely unnatural. This should be the so-called chatter. My heart: Why do you want to talk about such a boring topic? Zhang is always Zhang Zong, Xiao is always Xiao Zong, how can it be mixed?



Not long after, I arrived at a store.

The location of this store is very good, the four directions of the southeast and northwest are residential areas, the customer quantity is guaranteed.

"This is the store where the old man had a recurrence of heart disease. The manager is called Sun Jiannan. A very honest person is very concerned about the work. Xiao always looks at you. When the clerk is too busy, he also comes out personally. Entertain customers." Li Wei Meng said.

Xiao Luo looked at her sight and saw Sun Jiannan, who was entertaining the guests.

"Would you like to go down and see?" Li Yumeng asked.

"Let's take a look."

Xiao Luo exhaled a deep breath and opened the door and went down.

Li Xiaomeng was busy getting off the car. She was nearly one meter tall. She wore high heels and looked very tall. The hair was clean and neatly tied into a ponytail. The delicate face was smooth and white like chicken egg white.

The upper body is wearing a white sweater with a stylish plush long coat and black stockings on the legs. It reveals a temptation. Just getting out of the car will attract many male eyes.

Compared with her, Xiao Luo's dress is much simpler and more casual. The black sweater is equipped with black slacks and the cuffs are rolled up to reveal the arms. The casual fit is worn on him but it is a unique ethereal and handsome show. There is also a cool one.

Generally speaking, anyone standing beside Li Yumeng, the gas field will be overshadowed by Li Yumeng's gas field, and he will not, the kind of natural confidence that makes him stand out in the solitude of independence, like The supreme king, Li Yumeng is like a sage who assists him.

In the store, if the city is in the market, Xiao Luo did not specifically disturb the busy Sun Jiannan.

Business is good, this Sun Jiannan's face is full of happy smiles, the first time I saw him, the desolate and decadent appearance swept away.

"Xiao total?!"

In the moment when he found that Xiao Luo stood in front of him, Sun Jiannan was so excited that he even became a vibrato.

Xiao Luo smiled and asked: "Sun store manager, how is the business now?"

"Okay, much better. Since the end of the trial, the business in the store has been on the rise. I haven't seen so many customers coming to our store for a long time."

Sun Jiannan has a very big feeling. He really didn't expect Xiaoluo to take Luofang to a new height. How much he wants to tell Xiaoluo's true identity to his niece, Sun Hao, so that she can catch it well. Stay in front of this excellent man.

Xiao Luo nodded: "This is good!"

"Boss ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Do you have any bread suitable for the elderly? To be softer, the old man has few teeth, too hard to bite." A middle-aged woman came over and asked Sun Jiannan. Road.

"There is nothing, just in that position, I will take you there."

Sun Jiannan enthusiastically answered the question of the female guest. When she was about to walk away, she realized that Xiao Luo was here and could not help but smile. "Xiao Zong, I am..."

Xiao Luo waved his hand: "You are busy with you, I will take a look."


Sun Jiannan responded and then entertained the middle-aged woman.

Xiaoluo really looks around, like the pastry bakery is the most important thing is the environment, the environment is clean and tidy, in order to enhance the trust of customers, if the appearance looks messy, customers will naturally feel that the pastry and bread are made. It was not hygienic at all.

Although he did not indicate his identity, many shopkeepers in the store have guessed it. Even Li Yumeng is only behind the tail like Noro, not the owner of Luofang, and this speculation is also lively. A little girl was confirmed by Sun Jiannan.

"Wow, it turns out that he is our big boss, so handsome!"

The girl who committed the idiot cast Xiaolu's eyes on Xiaoluo. "Not all of the TV shows are deceiving. There really is this one that belongs to the overbearing president."

"Sneak shots and sneak shots. If you miss this village, you will not have this store."

"I feel that the boss and the minister Li are very well matched. It is impossible to have anything for us."

"So handsome, such a good boss is to let me be a junior. I am willing."

The clerk whispered, while at the same time entertaining customers, he was also doing some small tricks to steal Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo and Li Yumeng sat down in the hospitality area of ​​the store and drank hot tea.

After Sun Jiannan had finished the customer, he greeted him with enthusiasm. He smiled and asked: "What do you have to give guidance to our work?"

He used to be skeptical about Xiaoluo. Now, he is 200% confident in Xiaoluo's leadership ability. Otherwise, Luofang cannot stand up in such a short time, especially Fang Weilei, who is even the taste buddy. Lost in the hands of Xiao Luo, this ability, excellent to let him think that Xiao Luo is like a **** on the top.

"There is only one suggestion."

Xiao Luowei smiled and then looked at Li Yanmeng next to him. "It is also a request for all store managers."

Li Xiaomeng quickly took out the paper and the pen, and recorded the words below Xiaolu in detail so that she could carry out and promote it in various stores.

"The store manager must learn to manage the store with 5S theory." Xiao Luodao.

5S theory?

Don't say that Sun Jiannan's face is a circle, and Li Yumeng is also showing an incomprehensible expression.

Xiao Luo smiled and said: "5S is finishing, rectifying, cleaning, cleaning and literacy. Finishing is to distinguish the length of the cakes and breads that have a long shelf life. If the shelf life is too long, they should not be placed on the shelves and disposed of as soon as possible.

Rectification is to put all the things in the store neatly, clearly quantity, clearly marked, to achieve three fixed, named, quantitative, and positioning. Cleaning is to remove the dirt inside the store and prevent pollution from happening..."

When Xiao Luozhen described the 5S theory to Sun Jiannan and Li Yumeng, two other girls came to the store to buy pastry bread.

They are dressed in fashion and are very good in shape. One of them has a slight volume of hair and looks good, while the other looks like a poor state of mind and a pale face, but the sweet looks are enough to make many boys fascinated.

"Meng Qi, the surgical wound on your body has not completely healed, and the doctor told you to pay special attention to it." The girl with a small volume of hair reminded me.

It is Ma Jinger and Zhao Mengqi!

Zhao Mengqi shook his head: "It's okay, I have a lot of appetite when I smell the toast. Let's go in and see."

Ma Linger grinned: "You can't eat even if you have an appetite. You can only drink light porridge now."

"If you can't eat, you can go in and smell it. If you smell it, I will be satisfied." Zhao Mengqi laughed.

"This... well, I can't help you."

Ma Linger compromised, "but you really can only go in and smell it!"


Zhao Mengqi nodded.

The two walked into the store together, and they were all kinds of dazzling breads and pastries, French soft bread, hill rolls, shredded bread, pudding, Swiss rolls, etc., which made people appetite. Great increase, even the ringing bells that wouldn't have been hungry couldn't help but swallow.

"Look at you, buy it if you want to eat it!" Zhao Mengqi gave her a look.

Ma Linger waved resolutely: "No, in order to maintain a good body, I firmly resist this high-calorie food."

"I used to eat it often, not fat." Zhao Mengqi said.

After that, the light on his face suddenly dimmed, because she used to eat it often, but she was bought by Xiaoluo. She remembered very clearly that she once came to Luofang's pastry shop with Xiaoluo. However, he found that he only took a dozen yuan of money, and finally picked up a large and many shredded bags, and the two together divided up.

That time, really happy!

However, the beauty of the past was destroyed by her hand...

Thinking about this, I felt that my nose was sour and my eyes were red.

"Meng Qi, what's wrong with you?" Ma Linger asked with concern.

Zhao Mengqi sucked in with a strong breath and squeezed a smile: "No... Nothing, right, Linger, where is the 100,000 yuan for me to cure?"

When she was in the hospital bed, she seemed to see Xiaoluo in confusion. At this moment, she finally remembered whether it was true or false to verify with Ma Linger.

"Don't you tell me, I took it to my family." Ma Linger's eyes were a little dodged, lying, and somewhat guilty.


Zhao Mengqi bowed his head slightly and then said, "I will pay you back later."

"No need to use it, my family is not short of money..."

The more the Ma Linger said, the more whispered and unfounded, and there is no reason to even pay 100,000 pieces. She now feels that the paper can't be fired sooner or later. I wonder if it should be explained with Zhao Mengqi. However, after thinking about it, I decided to explore the style of Zhao Mengqi first, so I quickly ran open the topic.

"The money thing waits for you to get sick and then say, as a sister, I have to say you, how do you find that Huahaifeng is a boyfriend, that kind of rich second generation has no ability, just have a rich father. You look at him, you are sick, he doesn't even look at you, it's just a personal scum, oh no, he is a scum who is lifting him. He is a stone in a pit, stinky and hard. ""

Zhao Mengqi showed a bitter smile on his face: "Linger, don't mention him, now, no one blames me, I blame myself for being stupid, can't help but temptation~www.mtlnovel.com~ Don't say that, very few girls Can resist in the face of the temptation of money, let me say, if there is a rich family to take me hundreds of thousands of dollars, I may also go with him regardless of what he wants."

Ma Linger stopped at the right time, and then transferred to Xiao Luo. "Well, don't say this, talk about a person's name, Meng Qi. When you are sick and comatose, who is Xiao Luo who you read in your mouth?" ?"

Zhao Mengqi stunned, and a bitter smile in his heart: Did I call his name after I was in a coma?

"He is my ex-boyfriend and my first love. We are the first love for each other. We have no experience in dating. We have had a lot of jokes at the beginning. We have been embarrassed and embarrassed. A lot of emotions, but now they are all full of sweetness."

Sweet smile, as long as I think of Xiao Luo, Zhao Mengqi feels very happy.

In the mind, there was a picture of the past, without an umbrella, I could only stand on the bus stop to hide from the rain; when the holiday came, I couldn't even walk. Xiao Luo said that she would return her to the dormitory; she could not remember what the reason was. The two quarreled under the tree and made a fuss...

"Do you still love him?" Ma Linger asked.

Zhao Mengqi's whole body trembled, and all the memories of the picture no longer exist. She smiled slyly and shook her head: "I don't deserve to love him again."

"Don't say this, maybe you still have the possibility of compounding."

Ma Linger took her hand and excitedly said, "Go to him, maybe he still loves you!"

"Do not!"

Zhao Mengqi suddenly lost her control and took a step back. She watched her stay there, and her face apologized. "I'm sorry, I..." closed his eyes and said painfully. "I abandoned him. I will always be a part-time worker, and I have to look for him now."

Zhao Mengqi's words showed a deep sorrow and remorse. She had texted and tried it. Xiao Luo did not return at all. She was as indifferent to her, even worse than a stranger. She did not There will be a chance to return to his side.

Ma Linger sighed and didn't know what to say.

At this moment, the door of the hospitality waiting area was opened, and it was verified that some people would always meet inadvertently when they saw Xiao Luo coming out from inside, accompanied by the manager Sun Jiannan. When walking straight to the store, Zhao Mengqi and Ma Linger were both staying.

"Shaw...Sholo? How could he be here?" Ma Linger screamed subconsciously.

Zhao Mengqi was completely stunned, slightly open his mouth, and the wood stood still in the same place. He looked at Xiaoluo with his hands and his hands, and the whole brain was blank.

Getting closer and closer, more and more reachable!

But she was suddenly nervous, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if she had to jump out of her chest, the whole body was stretched, and the tension that came out of it was difficult to control.

Xiao Luo didn't see her. Li Yimeng, who was on his left side, just blocked his sight, and his attention was not on the customers in the store. After all, he came to inspect the store instead of buying the pastry bread.

"Xiao Zong, you can rest assured that I will learn more about 5S theory and then implement it in the store." Sun Jiannan respectfully said.

Xiao Luo nodded. His major in university is IE, which manages the operation process of the factory to achieve high efficiency, save money and save manpower, and reduce production costs. This set of 5S theory is the basic thing in IE. Of course, this is only for those who learn IE. In China, 5S theory has not been fully promoted in major companies and factories, so few people have heard of it.

Looking at Xiao Luo from his side, he did not squint, Zhao Mengqi only felt that all thoughts were gray, like the soul was suddenly pulled away from the body, the most familiar stranger, she finally understood what this sentence means.


Ma Linger wants to shout Xiao Luo, but the next second is like a discouraged ball, because she suddenly realized that there is a woman who is excellent in both body and appearance by Xiao Luo. The woman's clothes are worth a lot of money, and her temperament is even more difficult for her. At first glance, she is a status woman, afraid of being Xiaoluo's girlfriend.

I really shouted Xiao Luo, I am afraid that Zhao Mengqi will be very embarrassed!

Turning his head and looking at Zhao Mengqi, she found that her face was full of desolateness, and she comforted: "Forget it, don't worry, I will know that he is on the list of the woman's thigh next to the list. This man who eats soft rice does not." It is worth recovering."

No wonder the shot is so generous, it is 100,000, the reason is actually here, Ma Linger's heart screamed: Xiao Luo, I really misread you!

"It's so sad, I deliberately went to the bathroom to make up the makeup. The big boss didn't even see me."

"You don't want to think about it, or work hard."

"Yes, right, and strive to be a minister, so it is possible for the big boss to look at you, oh..."

Several little girl clerk gathered together to watch the loud discussion outside the door.

big boss?

Ma Linger stunned and walked over and waved and waved: "Hello!"

"Hello there!"

A little girl warmly returned a smile, and returned from the state of gossip to the state of entertaining guests. She was polite and friendly, and her smile was awkward.

Ma Linger was very curious about the big boss they had just said, so he asked: "Excuse me, is the big boss you discussed referring to Xiao Luo who just went out?"

Hearing this statement, several small sisters who were originally scattered gathered again. After all, gossip is a woman's nature.

"Yes, he is the big boss of our Luofang." The clerk said.

Ma Linger frowned: "Is Luofang's boss not a surname?"

"Before it was a surname, it was not a month ago. Xiao Zong, that is, our big boss bought Luofang."

"No, if the big boss bought Luofang, Luofang had already closed down."

"The big boss is really amazing. It took Luofang up in a month and also beat the competitors' taste buds."

Speaking of Xiao Luo, these little sister clerk can't tell the pride and pride, and the eyes reveal the almost crazy worship.

Ma Linger was eclipsed and dared to widen his eyes.

The same is true of Zhao Mengqi. After being surprised, it is followed by regret and regret, and regrets in the bones.

"No, Xiaoluo, where did he get the money to buy Luofang?" Ma Linger asked loudly.

"We don't know this. It seems that he has a very good relationship with the boss of Chu in the Chongcai Pavilion."

"Well, I also heard that the original Luofang was purchased by Chongcai Pavilion, and then the big boss bought it from the boss of Chu."

"In short, these are not important. What is important is that the big boss has the ability and looks very handsome. Whoever can become his other half is definitely the happiest woman in the world."

These little sister employees are full of fantasies.

Actually, I have a good relationship with Chu Yunxiong of Chongcai Pavilion. How is this possible?

Ma Linger's mind is like exploding an ammunition, falling into a blank and chaotic, who is Chu Yunxiong, but even the internationally influential commercial predators are the kind of high-spirited people. Looking up to the existence, and Xiao Luo actually has a good relationship with such a person, this is also an incredible thing.

Wrong, wrong!

She suddenly blushed, because she just thought that she was on the top of the rich woman's thigh.

She looked at Zhao Mengqi, Zhao Mengqi more than a trace of silence, looked at the store, tears silently fell from the corner of the eye ~www.mtlnovel.com~ He succeeded, as he said before, one day he will Let everyone look up, he did it, hehehe..." Zhao Mengqi laughed silly and muttered to himself.

Ma Linger's brow was so deep that she could clearly understand the mood of her sister Zhao Mengqi.

If Meng Qi was not stunned by the temporary temptation at the beginning, the good man should still belong to Meng Qi, but unfortunately everything will not come again. There will be no regrets in this world. She is afraid that she will regret going to the wall.

She walked up and gently patted Zhao Mengqi's shoulder and comforted Dao: "Bless him, know, that 100,000 is not what I brought to my family, he gave it!"

Paper can't hold fire, 100,000 yuan is not a small amount of money, she is ultimately unable to pass, or is now frank.

Zhao Mengqi suddenly stunned.



At 7 o'clock in the evening, Xiaoluo and Zhang Dashan drove to Guangming District. Xiaoluo would not forget to promise Sun Yan to see their Mid-Autumn Festival party, and his sister Xiao Ruyi had already called several times to remind him, and he wished he would immediately rush. To the venue of the party.

In addition, the five people who have gone to work in the wind are also cheeky, but a car can sit so many people, the wind does not directly mark the three people outside the small five, so that He and Xiaowu, together with Xiao Luo and Zhang Dashan, can sit down and not too crowded.

"Zhang Ge, you are very comfortable sitting in this car."

Xiaowu touched the leather seat and began to tout Zhang Dashan. "It must be leather. It feels like a woman's skin. It feels super good."

"His grandmother, you can't say two things, you can't say what I want to say, then I still say a ball!" The wind did not trace the heavy head on his head.

The Mid-Autumn Evening Party of Guangming District People's Hospital was held in a hotel. The hotel's job was to engage in weddings. As long as the decoration was slightly changed, then a temporary stage was set up with stainless steel frames and a red carpet was laid, which became a party for the party.

When Xiaolu arrived, Xiao Ruyi, Sun Hao and Tang Ren had already waited at the hotel entrance.

"Brother, you are finally here!" Xiao Ruyi greeted him.

"The road is blocked by cars." Xiao Luo explained.

Xiao Ruyi whispered: "Okay."

Sun Hao smiled and said hello to Xiao Luo at this time: "Xiao Luo Ge."

Xiao Luo nodded and returned with a smile.

Zhang Dashan began to be active: "Come here, wind brother, let me introduce you, this is the old sister's wishfulness, follow me to Luomei, next to this little white face... No, this little meat It's her husband, Tang Ren, and then this one, I'd like to introduce it, Sun Hao's beautiful woman, Lao Xiao's future wife."

Sun Hao was shocked by the introduction of Zhang Dashan's straightforwardness.

"The scorpion is good!"

The wind did not trace and the small five shouted, very serious, loud and loud.

This time, Sun Hao's face was redder, and she was too shy to find a place to sneak in: "I... I'm going to makeup in the background, Xiao Luo Ge, you go to the position with the wishful sister, sit down and sit down..."

After that, he ran away like a ran, and almost hit other people.

"Zhang Da's face, you are doing a good job, scare you away." Xiao Ruyi's eyes widened and dissatisfied with Zhang Dashan.

"Where do I know that Sun Beauty will be so shy."

Zhang Dashan spread his hands, his face was innocent, and then he turned his head. "But look at this situation. Sun Beauty doesn't mind at all. Lao Xiao, congratulations, and successfully won Maserati, you can open it later."

Xiao Luo did not get a good foot on his buttocks, and scolded: "Speak well, don't talk without driving a word!"



The Mid-Autumn Evening Party was set up on the third floor of the hotel, with thirty or forty tables, all of which were hospital doctors and nurses.

The moon cakes were placed on the table, and the dishes were also served. Xiao Luo saw that the moon cakes were actually made by Luofang, and there was some sense of accomplishment in the heart.

Of course, this Mid-Autumn Festival, Luofang also has activities, but he gave the activities to Xu Guansong and Li Yumeng for their treatment. I heard that it was also a gathering, but the stage program was missing, but a million yuan prize was set at the end of the dinner. Very interesting.

"Luomei, Tang Ren, you didn't think I was different from the past?" Zhang Dashan asked.

He has been stunned for a long time. He thinks that he has more than 800,000 Weibo fans now. A public trial broadcast has made him a network red man. He thought it was already very famous, but he thought about it. At this point, Xiao Ruyi did not respond at all, which gave him a strong sense of frustration.

Xiao Ruyi and Tang Ren looked at each other and wondered: "Different? What is the difference? Isn't the face still so big?"

My day!

Zhang Dashan almost didn't hold back the swearing, and he didn't give up asking: "Don't you have seen a recent public trial with Tang Ren?"

Tang Ren shook his head and said: "Mountain brother, I am preparing for a doctor's card in addition to going to work. I don't have time to watch TV. Then I am not particularly interested in the court's handling of the case."

"I didn't have to watch a few episodes of Korean drama at that time." Xiao Ruyi also echoed.

"It's worth it, playing the piano."

Zhang Dashan sighed heavily and did not expect his popularity to be enough.

Xiao Ruyi was not happy, put down the chopsticks and screamed at Zhang Dashan: "Zhang Da face, who are you talking about?"

Zhang Dashan shuddered, and then he was immersed in a big head and had no traces of the wind and a small five or two. He said: "I said they are cows. You can see them, you can eat more, just like two cows. Like."

"Zhang Ge, you can have a bit of awkwardness in this pot and Xiaowu!" The wind looked up and smiled.

"Give an egg and say that you are like a cow, you are boasting that your body is strong, and you two are illiterate."

Zhang Dashan's martyrdom training, and then forked the topic, "To the Luomei, there is something that must be told to you, your brother Lao Xiao is not the same as before. He used to be a sling, and now he has become CEO, and has entered success. The ranks of people."

Xiao Luo gave him a glance: "Can you talk well?"

Did not stop Zhang Dashan's meaning, and did not intend to marry his own sister, so let Zhang Dashan say.

"Is this not really good to talk about, can you not beaten?" Zhang Dashan dissatisfied.

"Zhang Da's face, you didn't drink alcohol, how did you start talking nonsense?" Xiao Ruyi is only a joke.

"I tell you the truth, you still don't believe it."

Zhang Dashan couldn't help but sigh, then took out his mobile phone and searched for the public trial live that day. "When you watch this video, you will know whether it is true or false."

Xiao Ruyi and Tang Ren suspiciously picked up the past and clicked to view it.

"Mountain brother ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ How do you seat in the plaintiff? You are the agent of Luofang?" Tang Ren was shocked.

Zhang Dashan is like a stranger who has smashed a non-existent beard and squinted: "Continue to look down and read the video completely. I will explain it to you."

Xiao Luo quietly ate the food, he could understand it. This mountain, in addition to telling him that he is the boss of Luofang, told Ruyi and Tang Ren, but also showed a heroic battle in front of them. Feat.

Sure enough, after reading the essence of the public review video, Xiao Ruyi also looked at Zhang Dashan with another look: "Zhang Da face, you can, actually can be the agent of Luofang, but also give the other lawyer a swearing, direct I was driven out by the presiding judge. I must give you a compliment on this wave."

"To deal with a Fu and Yu, the little meaning is small, oh..." Zhang Dashan waved his hand and looked relaxed.

"Fu and Yu? It turned out that Fu Heyu, who was mad at you, I heard that he was a barrister at the same level as Ge Zhongtian." Tang Ren's face was shocked. To be honest, there are some doubts about whether this video is fraudulent. The sounds and characters are processed by late technology.

"In front of your mountain brother, Fu and Yu are a fart, and what jade comes into use, all of them have to sing on the ground to sing me, haha..."

Zhang Dashan's vanity was satisfied by a sly, sitting in his seat and began to scream the screaming legs, and uttered madness. As for why Fu and Yu, it is of course he deliberately, fortunately, Tang Ren and Xiao Ruyi. Put a big push in front of you.

The voice just fell, and a thunderous scream came.

"Miscellaneous things, what are you talking about?"

Turning his head, the sound came from the mouth of a young man, and there was a thick anger between the lines.

It was a man who looked like a Sven, wearing a suit and a watch. His hair was quite fluffy and curly, his face was long and white, giving him a high-grade impression.

At this moment, the man's face was full of anger, his eyes were round and fierce, and he was fierce like a wild horse with a hairy anger. His roaring object was not someone else, it was Zhang Dashan.

"Bad mountain brother, he is called Fu Guisheng, is a very young brain doctor in our hospital, and also a relative of Fu Heyu's lawyer!" Tang Rendao.

Lying in the trough, can this be touched?

Zhang Dashan immediately turned into a bitter face, and then complained: "Old watch, why don't you say it early, say that there is a scorpion of Fu and Yu here, I will not say this topic."

Tang Ren has some wronged explanations: "I just prepared to say, just...hey..."

He is now preparing for a doctor's card, and he doesn't know anything about the window. The reason why he knows Fu Heyu is because this Fu Guisheng wants to go to work after he graduated from college. He is still an intern and has been playing under Fu Guisheng's hand. After a while, I heard about Fu Heyu.

I was just really ready to tell Zhang Dashan, but I didn't have time to do it. I expected that Fu Guisheng was sitting not far away, and I just heard Zhang Dashan's eulogy.

Xiao Luo also felt speechless. He took a look at Zhang Dashan and shouted: "Can you keep a low profile in the future?"

"I didn't have a shouting microphone to go to the stage and said that my glorious history in the courtroom was loud enough." Zhang Dashan sighed.

During the conversation, the young doctor named Fu Guisheng and his seven or eight people at the table had already come around and stared at Zhang Dashan with a bad look.

"What did you just say, do you want to tell me again?"

Fu Guisheng looked at Zhang Dashan murderously and gnawed his teeth.

Although Tang Ren still looks like a child, he can come out to the society for more than a year. He still understands when he is a human being. He stood up and greeted with an apologetic smile: "Fu Ge, don't go to your heart, He just drank some wine and said nonsense."

"Right right, Dr. Fu should not care about him. He is like this. He likes to run the train with his mouth."

Xiao Ruyi followed the singer of Tang Renfu, stood up and smiled, and then rushed Zhang Dashan to make his eyes and signaled him to apologize.

Although Zhang Dashan is awkward, he is not an unreasonable person. He is a relative of Fu Heyu. He will compare his heart. If someone else says his uncle's bad words, he will not be able to stand it, not to mention that this is the Mid-Autumn Evening Party in Xiao Ruyi's hospital. On, more than one thing is less than one thing.

He poured a glass of wine, stood up and turned to face Fu Guisheng: "Brother, it is my fault, should not be nonsense, this glass of wine is what I will pay for you."

When you say it, look up and drink the wine from the glass.

Fu Guisheng apparently recognized that this person was the embarrassing man who had embarrassed his uncle in the trial on the same day, and also personally ruined his uncle's future. For other people, he might have done this, but it is Zhang Dashan, how can he Just stop here.

Cold road: "Is there a cup left?"

As soon as this statement came out, the wind that was originally eating was not traced and the eyes of the little five were slightly cold.

Xiao Luo's movements are also a stagnation. Zhang Dashan has already apologized for seeing the young doctor. If the other party wants to get a measure, he will not agree. Of course, there is no apparent appearance, and he will continue to eat if nothing happens.

"Fu Ge, forget it, he is my friend, don't..." Tang Rendao.

"Tang Ren, this matter has nothing to do with you, stand on the side!"

After waiting for Tang Ren to finish, Fu Guisheng pushed Tang Ren to one side. Tang Ren was weak and was thrown to the ground by his push.

"Fu Guisheng, speak and talk, what do you do!"

Xiao Ruyi blamed Fu Guisheng and went over to help his man Tang Ren.

Fu Guisheng ignored her and re-sipped a glass of wine and brought it to Zhang Dashan. He said with an order: "Drink it!"

"Oh... is it for your face?"

The wind did not trace the chopsticks and stood up. He glared at Fu Guisheng. Zhang Dashan was his benefactor. In those days of injury, he could rely on Zhang Dashan's care. He could not see anyone else licking his face on Zhang Dashan.

There is a suffocation in his body. From this stand, the seven or eight people around Fu Guisheng are all bowed.

Zhang Dashan raised his hand and gestured to the wind without a trace. He looked at Fu Guisheng with a smile: "Well, I drink, anyway, the wine at this table is ours, and sooner or later I will get my belly!"

It's not awkward, but I don't want to make things big, destroying the atmosphere where Xiaoluo and Sun Hao are close to each other.

But when he reached for the glass of wine, Fu Guisheng suddenly made a mistake and poured the wine directly on his face.

"Now I forgive you!"

Fu Guisheng was satisfied with the cold smile and turned to return to his seat.

"and many more!"

A faint sound sounded.

Fu Guisheng sneered and stopped to turn around. As soon as he turned around, he was greeted by a large bowl of wine. "哗啦" was poured on his face, and a small amount of wine was poured from his nose. Going in, it's like having two bugs in it! www.mtlnovel.com~ Very uncomfortable.

Looking at it, it is not the person who insults his uncle, but the person who just sat quietly in the position to eat.

A clean face, a thick sword brow, a sculptural facial features... is Xiao Luo!

Xiao Luo looked at him indifferently: "Sorry, wrong, I thought it was a trash can."

trash can?

Fu Guisheng was mad at the three feet, and the meat on his face was pumped. This is obviously insulting him.

"The bastard, you..."

"You are doing, what are you doing?"

Just when Fu Guisheng wanted to worry, a middle-aged man came over with a glass of wine, his hair combed brightly, his belly was big, his face was round, his chin was almost nothing, but he had a leadership temperament.

Seeing this middle-aged man, Fu Guisheng's fierce face immediately put on a smile: "He, director, nothing, just..." The eyes consciously or unconsciously bowed to Xiaoluo, the yin of the road, "our hospital party It seems that there are some unrelated people. Do you think you should ask them to go out?"

He naturally didn't want to tell the story of the matter, or else he had someone who knew his old man's scandal, and he was the leader in their hospital.

"Oh? Unrelated people?" The middle-aged man's eyes fell on Xiao Luo.

Xiao Ruyi quickly smiled and played round: "Director, they are all my friends. Our hospital's party is not satisfied anyway. I will ask them to come and join in the fun."

"If you like, the party is limited to the hospital staff, you will not know?" The middle-aged man has a mouthful of officials.

Xiao Ruyi continued to explain: "Director, he is my brother, my brother, they are not..."

The middle-aged man waved and interrupted: "Even if you are a brother, this is a violation of the rules. You still ask them to go out."

"Who is Luo Mei, mom, big official!"

Zhang Dashan shouted loudly and was splashed by Fu Guisheng. Although Xiao Luo helped himself to pour back, but this temper is still rushing up, like Xiao Luo, the temper is up, even if you are Jade Emperor, he dares to call you. .

The middle-aged man's face suddenly became iron.

Xiao Ruyi took a sip of cold air, and hated Zhang Dashan with a hateful look: "He is the director of our department, Zhang Da face, don't you talk nonsense?"

Xiao Luo gave Zhang Dashan a look and told him not to be so rash, don't let his sister embarrassed.

Seeing Zhang Dashan disappeared, Xiao Ruyi continued to smile and said to the middle-aged man: "Director, you will be able to get through, please!"

Exercising the woman's specialty - spoiled.

The middle-aged man seems to be unable to enter the oil and salt. The face is resolutely determined: "No, this is the hospital's party. If everyone brings their loved ones and friends like you, then it is not a mess. If you want, you are also The old man in the hospital, you have to take the lead and set an example for everyone. The rules are regulations."

"Oh, director, this is not a big deal. You can't close your eyes with one eye." Xiao Ruyi said.

"It's useless to say nothing, let them leave!" The middle-aged man shouted.

Fu Guisheng next to him also said: "He is right, this is the Mid-Autumn Evening Party of our hospital. It is not just what a cat and dog can come in."

"Is your grandmother wanting to die?"

As soon as I heard this, the wind did not violently rise, and reached out and grabbed his collar, almost hanging his feet. The suffocation of one body scared Fu Guisheng and the middle-aged man and several people around him.

"You... what are you doing? Let go, let me go!" Fu Guisheng panicked and eclipsed, because he found that the wind did not trace his hand on his collar like a steel tongs, he struggled and struggled.

"Don't let go, you can squat, do you want me to teach you what to say?" The wind did not mark the palm of the palm, the threat of evil.


Fu Guisheng was angry and shocked. In the face of such a strong wind, he did not dare to make it.

"Xiao Ruyi, you look at what you are carrying, who is suffocating, it is not a serious person, security, security..." The middle-aged man was disappointed with Xiao Ruyi and then shouted the security of the hotel. Ready to forcibly drive away Xiao Luo and his party.

"Director, don't call the security guard, why are you doing this?" Xiao Ruyi was anxious.

"Ruyi sister, what's wrong with this?"

At this time, in the background, the makeup was dressed. Sun Yan, who was wearing a dance dress, came over. With her, there was a woman wearing the same dance clothes. Obviously, she had to perform on the same stage.

"Quickly let go of this grandson!"

Zhang Dashan hurriedly called the wind to open Fu Guisheng. They now represent Xiaoluo's image. They must pay attention to it in words and deeds. Xiaoluo cannot be allowed to drop points in Sun's heart.

The wind nodded nodded, did it according to the facts, and then sat back to his position. Before sitting back to the position, he gave Fu Guisheng a threatening look, meaning to dare to swear and kill you!

"Xiao Sun, the first show is yours, not in the background, what do you run out?" asked the middle-aged man curiously.

That Fu Guisheng put together the collar and revealed a smile that he thought was the most sincere: "Hey, you look good in this dress!"

Sun Hao ignored him, directly skipped Fu Guisheng, looked at Xiao Luo, and then said to the middle-aged man: "He, they are friends of me and Ruyi, please come to them is not in line with the regulations, but I hope what The director is able to be accommodating."

Hearing this, the expressions of middle-aged men and Fu Guisheng have undergone subtle changes.

Waiting for the middle-aged man to answer, Fu Guisheng laughed haha: "Haha... Hey, you said that you and your wishful friend, we thought it was a monk who was rushing to eat and drink. You see this happening. "Laughing and talking to the middle-aged man, "He, a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding, since it is a friend of theirs, what is the tightness of eating a meal here?"

The middle-aged man used his fingers to refer to Fu Guisheng without a word. He thought: It is you who let me drive them away. It is also you who wants to stay with them. Are there any ideas in the end?

"You, you!"

Dry cough a few times, take out the majesty of the director, "Since your life has said so, let's stay, Ruyi, Xiaosun, they are your friends, you will entertain them on behalf of the hospital!"

"Thank you Director!"

Xiao Ruyi smiled and bent down and thanked.

The middle-aged man patted Sun Hao's shoulder and turned and left.

Fu Guisheng did not leave, his eyes have been falling on Sun Hao's body, his face with a silly smile.

"Old Xiao, with my seven or eight years of experience in picking up a girl, this grandson has absolutely unfair thoughts on Sun Beauty." Zhang Dashan whispered in Xiao Luo's ear.

Xiao Luo did not return to him, but his heart was a little uncomfortable.

Fu Guisheng's look at Sun's eyes is very different. As long as he is not a blind man, he can see that he likes Sun Hao, or his attitude towards them will not turn so fast~www.mtlnovel.com~Cough...Fu doctor Should you go back to your own table? "

Xiao Ruyi has some disgusted words. Sun Hao is the sister she introduced to her relatives. She has been regarded as the future amnesty. This Fu Guisheng eyes staring at Sun Hao without looking at her, don't mention how uncomfortable her heart is. .

"Hey, just sit next to my brother!" Pulling Sun Yan sat next to Xiao Luo.

Fu Guisheng found a clue, but there is no reason to stay here again. When he returned to his position, he stepped back and forth. Then he was surprised to find that the girl he liked actually showed off the man who had just splashed his face. Open, spring-like smile.

The situation is wrong!

At this moment, he instantly understood that the guy is his own rival!

At this moment, he regretted that his intestines were green, and he actually left his rivals!

At this moment, he hated his teeth and his hands clenched his fists tightly, because Sun Hao looked like a qualified girlfriend in front of the guy. Even the guy's eyes were affectionate. Let him envy and hate.


Fu Guisheng snorted and screamed, sitting back in his position with a black face.

"Fu Ge, it seems that you have a competitor."

"Don't panic, wait for you to show your hand on the stage, then confess to her, first to be strong."

"Right right, we will echo below, let the audience shout "Respond to him", Sun Hao will definitely promise you, then you can take her back to roll the sheets tonight."

Men at the same table have spoken.

Fu Guisheng thought for a moment and thought that these people had a reason to say that they would drink the wine in the wine glass in front of them, and then they nodded and nodded: "Yes, just do what you said!"

"Sun Beauty, you guys are really pretty wow, you can show your little waist, right, this beautiful woman next to you is called anonymity, introduce us to everyone, except Lao Xiao, All of us are still bachelors." Zhang Dashan wiped his face with a paper towel and once again took on the role of an active atmosphere.

"I still come by myself."

The girl volunteered to introduce herself. "My name is Hu Shuirong, and I am working in the same batch with the hospital."

Although her looks are not as good as Sun Hao, they are also sweet and very good.

"Water hibiscus, good name, my name is Zhang Dashan, I have seen Shui Rongmei." Zhang Dashan stood up and extended his hand to Hu Shuirong.

Hu Shuirong generously shook hands with him and smiled and said hello: "Hello, mountain brother!"

This sound 'mountain brother' can satisfy Zhang Dashan's vanity, and intentionally or unintentionally bowed to Xiao Ruyi and said: "Look, see, how polite this is, how connotation, Unlike some people, they don't want to give others a nickname."

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Luo and Sun Hao couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Shaw wishful outraged, put a chopstick hill toward the queen lost in the past: "Da face, you want a beating, is not it, in this innuendo Who does?"

"Oh my old girl, I just talked about it, and there is no specific person. How do you put yourself in every time? I don't know if you are like this, I am very helpless!" Zhang Dashan spread his hand. , a long sigh.


Xiao Ruyi was so angry that he couldn't help but said that Zhang Dashan had to resort to his brother. "Brother, look at him and bully your sister."

Xiao Luo smiled and looked at Tang Ren: "You should look for Tang Ren at this time!"

When I heard that I was named, Tang Ren put down the squatting hairy crab and raised her head. He asked, "What happened? What happened?"

That kind of innocence and innocent look, I can't help but laugh at the table.

Xiao Ruyi whispered and sighed: "You see, he simply can't count on it." Then he took a look at Tang Ren and hated the iron. "Continue to eat your hairy crabs, nothing to talk about."

"Oh, good wife!"

Tang Ren responded with a sentence, and then continued to bury his hair on the crab.


Sun Hao was teased by Tang Ren's appearance and found out that Xiao Luo looked over and explained: "Tang brother is very cute."

Xiao Luo glanced at Tang Ren and nodded. He strongly agreed: "It is a bit."

After that, I found that Sun was staring at herself with a pair of bright big eyes, and could not help but wonder.

"Xiao Luo Ge has something on your face, don't move, I will take it for you." Sun Hao slowly approached, and the soft hand stretched out his face.

Xiao Luo did not move, the nose smelled a faint fragrance from Sun Hao's lush fingers, which made him feel relaxed and happy. He looked at Sun Hao quietly. The girl's expression was very focused and exhaled.

Others were subconsciously quiet at this time, and looking at Xiaoluo and Sun Hao's intimate moves with a smile, it was like looking at a love movie with a look full of expectations.

"Hair?" Xiao Luo looked at the filaments held by Sun Hao's fingers.

"Well, yeah, it seems to be a girl." Sun Hao chuckled.

"So short is definitely not a woman's hair, scorpion, you are absolutely wrong." Xiaowu said that Xiao Luo explained.

Zhang Dashan, Xiao Ruyi, and Hu Shuirong all came over to him, and his eyes were filled with anger.


Xiaowu was so hard to swallow a sip, nervous and uneasy to see the wind without trace: "Wind brother, I ... I said wrong?"

The wind did not use force to pat on the back of his head. The lesson said: "Of course, his grandmother is wrong. Xiao Ge and Xunzi are talking about love, and which words do you insert, not only grabbing lines with me, but also stealing Xiao Ge. The lines, your kid is not a strong wing, want to fly, eating rice can not block your mouth!"

Xiaowu wants to cry without tears...

Sun Hao's face was red again, and the time was almost the same. The party started soon. As the first show of the party, she had to go to the background to prepare. It was the same as when I was at the hotel entrance. The departure.

"Wait a minute, my bag hasn't been taken yet!"

Hu Shuirong returned to take her bag again. She said to Xiao Luo before she left. "Hey, this is a good girl. If she loves her, take her away and fly high, because the nurse is not a good profession, often staying up late, even if Young girls are also very easy to become old."

After that, I left a smile to everyone and turned and left.

"The words that Shuirong's sister said are true. The nurse's position sounds tall, but only the hard work of them can be realized. I am right about Luomei?" Zhang Dashan followed Hu Shuirong's words and said ~www.mtlnovel .com~ Yes, it's the right thing to say. From now on to the present, this sentence is the most correct. "

Xiao Ruyi picked up the glass. "Come, Zhang Da's face, it's not easy for you to say a correct sentence."

"Mom, I have to ridicule me for drinking!"

Zhang Dashan stood up and touched Xiao Ruyi with a cup, then he looked up and drank it.

"Well, eat vegetables, or else I have to eat it by my husband Tang Ren." Xiao Ruyi greeted everyone.

Zhang Dashan didn't mean it: "How much can Tang Ren eat this product, wind brother, come, let her see your appetite, scare her!"


When I heard the words 'Scared her,' Xiao Ruyi smiled and sprayed, but immediately turned around and spit the alcohol that had not been swallowed to the ground, otherwise the table could not be eaten.

Not long after, the party started.

Sun Hao and Hu Shuirong, and four girls walked from the background to the center of the stage, and then danced with soft music.

Xiao Luo didn't pay attention to other people. His attention was on Sun Hao's body. Sun Hao danced like a beautiful butterfly, and twisted like a graceful wicker. The sleeves danced like countless petals. The volatility of the sky is fascinating.


Xiaoluo can almost hear the sound of his heartbeat, and he can feel the blood in his body is accelerating. The Sun Yan who dances on the stage makes him look a little crazy.

"Old watch, the heart is moving, what are you waiting for, rushing to smash the lights, hehe..." Zhang Dashan didn't know when he got together and urged him.

Xiao Luo gave him a glance, not angry: "I want you to teach?"

"Mom, I am anxious for you!" Zhang Dashan anxiously.

The light-step man dances like a swallow's nest, and the fly is like a ostrich night horror. The beautiful dance is leisurely and soft, and the astute intelligence is as light as the wind...

Sun Hao's dance won warm applause from the audience. When they finished, cheers and applause thundered.

"Brother, is it good to jump?" Xiao Ruyi did not look deep into Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo nodded: "Good!"

Xiao Ruyi smiled and opened the flower, as if she was praising her, because she knew very well that Xiaoluo's mouth was good and very good.

"Listen to her, do you have a show?" Xiao Luo asked curiously.

"It was originally reported, but I removed it. It is the most cumbersome to prepare for the show. I don't want to throw my rest time on it."

Xiao Ruyi snorted. "Right, I didn't tell you before. I am a good single girl like this. There are many pursuers in the hospital. Just one of them is Fu Guisheng, one of them. Chasing the most fierce, giving flowers to you every three or five."

After hearing this, Zhang Dashan took a thigh: "I said, the grandson has absolutely not honest thoughts about Sun Mei."

"Dare to steal the scorpion with Xiao Ge, I killed him!" The wind did not trace a cup of wine, turned his head and looked at Fu Guisheng's evil road.

"Get an egg, just because of his ruin, is it qualified to compete with the old Xiao?" Zhang Dashan stunned.

"Zhang Ge is right, no matter what, the "Madao Ghost (Dialect)" is a lot worse than Xiao Ge."

Xiaowu seized the opportunity to find a sense of existence, and then enthusiastically gave Xiaolu a plan. "In fact, chasing girls, don't make too many tricks, like the flowers and diamonds in the city, it's all about me." Just told me that when it was still in the primitive society, men looked at women, as long as a stick stunned and dragged back to love and love, they would not play virtual."

A stick of halo dragged back?

Xiao Luo stunned and didn't speak.

Zhang Dashan, but they laughed and burst into tears, and shouted that they were talented.

At this time, Xiao Luo saw an acquaintance, Jiang Yongchun, the owner of Yingtong Plastic Factory.

Entertaining Jiang Yongchun is just the director of the surname.

"I wish, that person should not be the doctor or leader of your hospital?" Xiao Luo asked, just not righteously said that it is not allowed to bring outsiders to come in. As a result, the director named He seems to have violated the rules.

Looking at him, Xiao Ruyi saw Jiang Yongchun and explained: "That is the owner of a plastic factory, providing plastic syringes for our hospital. He Luliang, who has no chin, eats at him. A lot of kickbacks, so he is the ancestors."

Xiao Luo raised his eyebrows and thought that it was like this. Then he noticed that Xiao Ruyi's name for her own director, the dead fat man without chin? Needless to say, this is quite appropriate.

"I said what your director is doing, I just want to ask, this granddaughter danced over the dance, why haven't you come yet?" Zhang Dashan said awkwardly.

"You have to make up your makeup and change your clothes. It doesn't take time."

Xiao Ruyi puts his hands in his waist and sighs. "My brother is not in a hurry. What are you worried about?" The emperor is not in a hurry, he is anxious, cut!"

"..." Zhang Dashan is speechless.



The Mid-Autumn Festival party was carried out in a series of programs, and the content of the program was quite wonderful. Dance, cross talk, sketch, singing, and I have to say that it was really good.

Sun Hao, who wore ordinary clothes, sat under Xiao Ruyi's push, and Xiao Luo sat down, loose yellow bottoming shirt, tight dark blue jeans, and a lively and youthful atmosphere, that glimpse A smile is so beautiful and moving.

"Xiao Luo Ge, my uncle told me something strange today." Sun Hao took the initiative to talk about a topic.

Xiao Luo asked: "What strange words did he say?"

Taking advantage of the noisy music of the party, Sun Biao said boldly: "He said, let me hurry you!"

After that, the cheeks are red, like a ripe red apple.

Xiao Luo decided to look at her, but she shyly turned her head and pretended to enjoy the show.

He smiled and said, "Be my girlfriend."

Sun Yiyi, the heart is like a sika deer jumping in a pleasant mood, jumping her nervously to suffocate, confession, Xiao Luo Ge just confessing to himself?

The small mouth is slightly open, the beautiful eyes are round and the cheeks are red.

Xiao Luo took a deep breath and said: "Sun Hao, be me..."

Unfinished, the host on the stage was so excited that the microphone was so loud that he shouted his voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the most anticipated and eye-catching finale program is about to start. It is the "Make Your Man" by our doctor, the youngest and most handsome brain specialist in our hospital. Our doctor Fu Erudite and versatile, not only the pillars of our hospital, he also learned the piano himself.

Passed the seventh level of the piano examination of the Musicians Association, it is extremely talented in music. Come to ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Let us use the warm applause, please have the male **** Fu Guisheng of all the nurses in our hospital! "

Thunderous applause echoed at the huge scene. There were still many girls shouting "Doctor Fu" in the audience. The scene was very lively.

Under the eyes of the public, Fu Guisheng walked out of the background with a microphone. At the same time, a piano was slowly pushed out by the hotel staff.

"Mom, will this grandson play the piano?"

Zhang Dashan's face was scornful, and he turned his head and looked at the wind without a trace. "Do you believe?"

The wind shakes his head without a trace: "I believe him a hammer!"

Zhang Dashan looked at Xiaowu again: "Do you believe?"

"If he can play, let me be killed by the chicken."

Xiaoluo said faintly: "You didn't notice his hand just now. The nails are short, they don't exceed the fingertips. The fingertips are round and the palms are wide. This is a typical piano player, plus him. Confidence, playing the piano is certain, but it is not known if you pass the seven-level test."

This can scare the little five, if that Fu Guisheng will really play, but he is going to be killed by the chicken!

Xiao Ruyi smiled and said: "My brother is observing carefully. Unlike the big and old you guys, tell you honestly. Fu Guisheng does have two sons. The song is a bit like Zhang Xinzhe. It is soft and nice, and the piano is quite powerful. Last year's Mid-Autumn Festival party A Chopin nocturne touched everyone so much."


The small five forehead was shot on the table, a pair of unbearable look, thinking: I have nothing to do with a poisonous curse!

At this moment, Fu Guisheng, who stood on the stage, smiled and said: "Before starting my singing, I want to say a few words to a girl, please give me a testimony."

A man took a bunch of fiery roses and walked onto the stage. Just when everyone did not know why, Fu Guisheng took the bunch of roses and then kneeled down on one knee, looking at Sun Hao sitting underneath.

"Hey, seeing your first sight, I was deeply conquered by your beauty. From that moment on, I lost my soul. You took my soul away. I want to see it every day." To you, every day I dream that we will hold hands and walk in the evening sun, I love you forever, to death!"

The affectionate voice was spoken through the microphone and echoed throughout the party.

Everyone reacted at once, it turned out to be confession!

Many people have become excited when they see each other. Some girls are screaming like crazy, and they can't wait for themselves to be the object of Fu Guisheng's confession. The atmosphere on the scene has become very lively.

Fu Guisheng hit the iron hot and smiled and said: "Hey, I like you, you are willing to be my Fu Guisheng's girlfriend, let me care for you, take care of you, become the happiest woman in the world?"

Sun Hao lived, his face was full of overwhelmed, she did not think that Fu Guisheng would get this out.

At this time, Fu Guisheng's friend shouted loudly.

"Promise him, promise him!"

This kind of shouting was quickly echoed by other people. After all, this was a big joy and a romantic. They didn't have the truth of not cooperating. For a time, they encouraged Sun Hao to promise Fu Guisheng's voice as a wave of waves, shaking the eardrum. .

"I love his thief, and the grandson actually came here!"

Zhang Dashan has a fire. He knows that this trick is so powerful. Many girls are defeated by this offensive. You think about it, when people around are shouting 'promise him', and when that person is When talking about the expression of a large section of deep affection, no matter how strong the girl is, the psychological defense will be relaxed and can't bear to refuse.

Xiao Ruyi hates Fu Guisheng's hateful teeth: "Don't face!"

The wind stood up without a trace: "His grandmother, this is a clear robbing, Xiao Ge, hey, Xiao Ge?"

It was reminded by him that everyone had come back to God. The place where Xiao Luo was sitting was empty, and several people looked at each other and did not know where Xiao Luo went.

After Sun Xiao realized that Xiao Luo had left, his face gradually became pale, looking at Fu Guisheng's affectionate eyes, and hundreds of hospital staff rushing to cheer, she did not know how to deal with it.

Accept Fu Guisheng? This is absolutely impossible. She doesn't like Fu Guisheng. The person she likes is Xiao Luo.

Can be directly rejected and seem cruel, or let everyone in the room be disappointed, do not come face, she wants to refute the face of everyone?

What should I do, what should I do?

Sun Hao was so anxious to cry, this situation made her feel overwhelmed and confused.

Just then, a wonderful music sounded softly on the scene, melodious like the spring water in the mountains, flowing in a sly, from time to time naughty to stir up a wave, hit the stones on the shore, hit a Say, whisper, and then continue to flow forward.

All the voices that cheered for Fu Guisheng slowly stopped. The people looked back at the stage and saw a figure of a flowing figure sitting in front of the piano. The smart fingers were playing on the black and white keys. This was a big party. The lingering music is flowing slowly from the fingertips of the man.

The clear and clear sound of the cymbal sings, like the wrinkles from the deep valleys and mountains, smashed through the years of life, and broke into the depths of everyone's soul.

"What is this piano piece, why have you never heard of it?"

"It's so wonderful, I feel my ears are pregnant."

"Don't talk, listen quietly."

Some people who have studied music have whispered.

Even ordinary people who don't understand the temperament are also fascinated at this time. This piano piece is like the voice of the soul, which can calm down quickly.

Zhang Dashan and his party are now staring at the stage, especially Zhang Dashan. The mouth has become a big duck egg, and the face is shocked. Because it is not someone else who plays the song in front of the piano, it is his good brother. Xiao Luo.

"Where, I don't have a blind eye, Lao Xiao actually plays the piano!" he murmured in disbelief.

Xiao Ruyi is also a wooden saying: "When did my brother learn to play the piano?"

Tang Ren, the wind has no trace, and the small five is coming back quickly. The excitement says: "Brother (Xiao Ge) is simply handsome!"

When she discovered that she was Xiao Luo, Sun Hao turned from horror to horror from the beginning, and then turned from horror to joy and expectation. She looked at Xiao Luo's eyes with deep love.

The meat on Fu Guisheng's face was pumped up. He carefully arranged a confession and used the enthusiasm of hundreds of people in the audience. In order to let Sun Hao nod his head, he even imagined that he was soft with Sun Hao tonight. The picture of the bed on the big bed is a step away, so it's a step away.

As a result, it was like a rushing flood that suddenly encountered a tall mountain, which was contained, blocked, and castrated!

What made him most unbearable was that Xiao Luo actually sat in the position where he should have played the piano without any problems. The angry emotions broke out like a mountain torrent, but he could stop in the next second. Kai Xiaoluo, as a small achievement on the piano, naturally heard the subtleties of Xiao Lu's playing.

The rhythm, speed, and arrangement are so full, and the rhythm cuts are just right, the brakes, the weak, the obstruction, the long and short sounds... everything is treated like a master.

This guy actually has such a high attainment on the piano!

Fu Guisheng's eyes widened and he could not believe it, and he was even more unacceptable.

I don't know that Xiao Luo had a musical talent before ~www.mtlnovel.com~ In addition to singing, he is proficient in all kinds of musical instruments, and of course the piano is not to mention.

He sat in his seat and was as elegant as a sea pianist. He played with his fingers and fingers. The sounds of his fingertips flowed like butterflies flying in the wings, fluttering with moving wings, and like the distant sky, sedimentation. Clear light.

Listening to this piece, some people saw the rice fields of yellow orange and orange. Some people remembered the fields that ran in memory, and some people remembered the infinite scenery of their hometown...

so beautiful!

Such as the beauty, such as wine, people are so fascinated, deeply fascinated in it, all the words, at this moment, pale and powerless, can not describe the beauty of this song.

In the end, the tone of the song suddenly increased, ups and downs, magnificent, swallowing the mountains and rivers, as if the whole world is resonating, like the gunpowder rushing to the sky, shining brilliant fireworks at the highest point, illuminating the dark night sky.

Absolute shock, absolute hearing feast!

After the song was finished, everyone could not recover from the sound of the beautiful piano. The soul seemed to be asleep by the song. The whole party was silent and the needle was audible.

Xiao Luo stood up and walked over to the stunned host. He took the microphone from the host and then faced Sun Hao. He said loudly: "Sun Hao, from today, you are my woman!"

What... what...

Sun Hao was shocked by the whole person, and the tension shook almost suffocated. Happiness came too suddenly and she was completely unprepared.

Some people were shocked at the venue. I don't know what the situation is. Why do two people confess to a girl at the same time? Oh no, this one is not a confession at all, but a direct announcement, not a discussion, not a confession. It is unacceptable to declare to everyone that Sun Hao is his woman.

Lying in the trough!

"Old Xiao is so arrogant, hahaha..."

Zhang Dashan couldn't help but swearing out, there were no flowers, no gorgeous words, and some were just overbearing and courageous. This is simply smashing!

"His grandmother's, it is my brother, this gentleman who can match." The wind is incomparably happy.

"My brother is too overbearing, but I like it, hehe..."

Xiao Ruyi smiled, and then looked at Tang Ren next to his eyes. He reached out and pulled his ear. He screamed and reprimanded. "Look at my brother, how can you learn to do it?"

Tang Ren yelled: "Wife, hurts, hurts, throws hands, throws hands, and then tears off the ears."

Xiao Ruyi hated the loosening of iron.



"The bastard, you are my woman, what are you messing around here?" Fu Guisheng was furious and angry, and his face was stunned.

"This person is not in our hospital. He is deliberately messing up."

"Yes, we don't have this person in our hospital."

"Mr. Fu's good confession was completely irritated by him. Everyone is blasting him out."

Fu Guisheng's friend shouted loudly and raised his fist.

Everyone is a glimpse, not our hospital?

At this time, He Yuliang, a director with high authority in the hospital, also echoed: "This person is really not a colleague of our hospital. I don't know what purpose he is destroying Dr. Fu's romantic confession, but it must be deliberate. Everyone should not be bought by him because he played a good song. We must stand on the side of our colleagues and support Dr. Fu."

Obviously, this dead fat man without a chin is standing on the side of Fu Guisheng.

Everyone listened and nodded. Several dozen tempered male doctors stood up and pointed to Xiaoluo on the stage.

"Who are you? What do you want to do in the evening at our hospital, mix and drink?"

"A good program and confession by Dr. Fu is all overwhelmed by you. I don't give an explanation. You don't want to go out from here today."

"Hurry and roll down, that stage is not where you should stay!"

Xiao Luo suddenly became the target of the public, suffering from the condemnation of the audience.

He ignored these voices, took the microphone, and looked directly at the Sun Yan under the smile: "Sun Hao, as long as you nod your head, I will take you away immediately!"

He doesn't care about anyone's opinion, even if the whole world is against it, as long as Sun Hao nods, he will take her away.

"Hey, promise me my brother!" Xiao Ruyi screamed eagerly.

Zhang Dashan, the wind has no trace, Xiaowu and Tang Ren are also anxiously watching Sun Hao, looking forward to her can nod to promise Xiao Luo.

Sun Hao feels that she is now the happiest girl in the world. She first met Xiao Luo. This is not a lot of words. The very cold man left an indelible impression on her heart. Later, the two of them ate together. Baked sweet potatoes, talking about the fun of childhood, she found that she fell in love with this man unconsciously, whenever she remembered the bit between the two, she could not help but be as stupid as eating honey. laugh it out.

Even dreaming often dreams of him, dreaming of snuggling in his arms, dreaming of holding his arm, a meeting of the wedding banquet...

Today, the man is reaching out to himself and wants to be his own woman.

So beautiful, so sweet, the whole person is like being soaked in a honey jar, full of sweetness!

"I wish..."

Sun Hao's excited nod response, not finished, a harsh voice rang next to him.

"Xiao Sun, do you really want to be clear? Do you think he will be a man you can rely on for a lifetime?" This sentence with a hint of reminder, with a warning.

Sun Hao's heart trembled fiercely and turned his head, only to meet the serious face of He Yuliang.

"He Director, I..."

Sun Hao became hesitant, and He Yuliang's words seemed to make her wake up from some sweet fantasy, and her delicate face was struggling.

At this moment, Jiang Yongchun went to the stage, and he said that Fu Guisheng's microphone was taken over, and then he said to the smiling person who was present: "Don't attack everyone, chase girls, it's fair for everyone. Fair, isn't Dr. Fu's confession not allowing others to confess? It's obviously not the truth. It's not about the girl who is being confessed. She is rare, who is willing to go, no one of us. Power interference ~www.mtlnovel.com~ This is her freedom, right..."

Going to Xiao Luo, "You still don't know who he is. Let me introduce you to everyone. He is the current owner of Luofang, Xiao Luoxiao. The reason why I am here today is my invitation. It's not what you just said, let's eat and drink!"


He...he is the boss of Luofang? !

Jiang Yongchun's words were tantamount to a shell bombing at the scene. Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe the slender figure on the stage.

It is said that the name of the company in Jiangcheng is the loudest. It is undoubtedly Luofang. It has been under the pressure of the taste buds. As a result, it suddenly rises and directly crushes the taste buds into slag. It is said that the owner of the taste buds Fang Changlei was not only involved in the investigation by the Anti-Unfair Competition Bureau. Several hotels under the name were involved in the Yellow River. All of them were investigated. The people have been locked up in the detention center. They are only waiting for the trial. A few years of imprisonment may not be able to escape. It is.

It is because of the fall of Fang Changlei that more and more people are very curious about the owner of Luofang. They are curious about what kind of person it is, and can actually let Luofang come back to life, and can immediately stumble the powerful competitors. .

Now, the mysterious boss who is full of infinite curiosity is standing on the stage!

It's so young, so bold, the music is so beautiful, this is...

No one said a word, all of them are in the same place, and the image of Xiao Luo in their minds is like a big mountain at this time, insurmountable.

The dozens of tempered male doctors looked sullen and sat down in vain.

Mix and drink? tramp living by begging? Hanging wire?

Thinking of the name given to Xiao Luo, their faces were hot.

After simmering the prescription given by Xiaoluo, Jiang Yongchun found that his genius was obviously improved, and the most ecstatic to him was that the second child who had not responded to the woman's reaction was able to I am a hero, although I am not as strong as I was when I was young, I can barely experience the joy of male and female love.

He is very grateful to Xiao Luo and has become a loyal supporter of Xiao Luo.

Therefore, when he saw the people in the hospital running and spurning Xiaoluo, he would not hesitate to stand up and publicize Xiaoluo's identity, in order to suppress the voices of disharmony. He is a hospital partner and many are highly respected. Both the doctor and the leader recognized him, and the words he said were naturally quite weighty.

The most shocking thing to say at this time is Xiao Ruyi and Tang Ren.

"My brother, he... is he the boss of Luofang?"

Xiao Ruyi looked at Zhang Dashan unbelievably.

Zhang Dashan shrugged and spread his hand and said: "Yeah, what I said before, you don't believe it. I and the two old watches are working for him."

The wind is no trace and the little five is a little nod.

"Scorpio, brother is so powerful!"

Tang Ren was shocked. This is beyond his imagination. The owner of Luofang, who is at least seven or eight hundred million, has always thought that he would not have any intertwined with his bosses who are hundreds of millions of dollars in his life. After all, he was just a small intern, and even the doctor's card had not been obtained. It was too small, but he did not expect to have one by his side, or his wife's brother.

Sun Hao lived, the brain has lost the ability to direct his own actions, the wood generally stood still, with two eyes stunned and looked at Xiao Luo on the stage, whispering in his mouth: "The original ... It turns out that he is the boss of Luofang..."

This message was too sudden and shocking for her!

At this moment, she finally understood why the uncle called himself to catch up with Xiao Luo, but...

Sun Hao's dawn is shaking, she is sitting in her seat like a soulless powerless. This news is not good news for her. She suddenly feels that her distance from Xiaoluo is very far away. As far as one is in the sky, one is in the underground, he is a young and promising company boss, and she is a nurse with a low status and holding more than 3,000 yuan a month.

The gap in identity and the gap in status made her suddenly feel awkward in front of Xiao Luo.

"Beautiful Miss Sun Yan, are you choosing this Dr. Fu or choose this young and promising, excellent Xiao Zong?"

The voice of Jiang Yongchun's sorghum pulled her back to reality.

Everyone's gaze fell on her at this moment, forming an invisible pressure and pressing against her.

Standing in a corner, Hu Shuirong's eyes were both hopeful and difficult to conceal her inner worries. She shouted silently to Sun Hao's voice: "Hey, choose Xiaoluo, he will definitely take you out of this dirty hell! "

Faced with the gaze of hundreds of eyes around him, Sun Hao is like an actor in the stage performance.

"I don't choose anyone!"

She suddenly stood up and responded aloud, then turned and ran out of the hotel.

No one chooses? !

Jiang Yongchun was dumbfounded, Zhang Dashan was dumbfounded, and Xiao Ruyi was even more shocked and widened his eyes.

This result is too unexpected. Who can think of Sun Hao who is not chosen!

"What happened?" Zhang Dashan looked at Xiao Ruyi, but it is unknown.

Xiao Ruyi screamed back: "You ask me, who do I ask!"

She privately asked Sun Hao about her brother Xiaoluo. From Sun Yan's words, she is very sure that Sun Hao likes her brother, but why, why did Sun Hao refuse at this time?

She is puzzling.

Xiao Luo decided to look at the door, then shook his head and smiled, put down the microphone and walked straight down the stage.

Jiang Yongchun didn't know what to do for a while. He wanted to express his performance in front of Xiao Luo. Whoever thought that this would happen, he would not be showing it, but he would not let Xiao Luo come to Taiwan.

"Jiang Yongchun, what is there for you here!"

Xiao Luo suddenly stopped and turned back to his cold and dropped a sentence, and then jumped off the stage without going back.

"Xiao Zong, this...I..."

Jiang Yongchun really wants to fan himself a few slaps. What is this thing that Nima is doing? Gong did not receive it. It was recorded in Xiaoluo, not to mention how much wrong and depressed.



"Brother, you... are you okay?"

Xiao Ruyi looked at Xiao Luo, who was coming from a cold face, and asked worriedly.

Xiao Luo touched her head and smiled. "I can do something."

"Well, brother, don't be sad, she must have been mentally prepared, I can pack the ticket, she definitely likes you." Xiao Ruyi said.

"Yeah, with my seven or eight years of experience in picking up girls, Sun Beauty is absolutely calling you, but I can't figure out why she refused you." Zhang Dashan touched his chin.

Xiao Luo smiled and didn't speak.

He didn't have much loss. He just thought that Sun Hao seemed to hide something, especially what Sun Yan's friend Hu Shuirong said to him before: Take her away.

It seems to be suggesting him.

"I want to say that Xiaowu just said that right, don't make these virtual ones, and a stick of stuns will bring back to the circle and forks." The wind has no traces.

Xiao Luo gave him a speechless speechlessly.



Sun Hao walked to a secluded corner~www.mtlnovel.com~ crying with a tree, she cried like a child who lost her way at night, crying herself, crying her stunned, crying everything all.


A call came from behind, but Hu Shuirong chased it out.

Sun Hao began to choke and tried to cover her pain with her hands. But all this restraint was lost after Hu Shuirong's hand was placed on her shoulder. She turned and hugged Hu Shuirong, crying: "Shui Rong What should I do, what should I do? Hehe..."

Hu Shuirong's eyes were also red, and she patted her back gently: "Why don't you promise him, I see it, Xiaoluo is a good man."

"It is because he is too good, too good, I dare not promise him, you know, I am not a clean girl, when that thing happens, I..."

Sun Hao's face was full of pain and struggle, biting his lip with force, "I don't deserve him!"

"Stupid, this is not your fault. It is all the fault of the bastard. He hurts you and hurts me. I am too deep. I can't turn back. You are different. You just have to bite your teeth." Can be free from his control, brave with Xiao Luo, the man can help you!" Hu Shuirong comforted.

Sun Hao shook his head: "No, I don't have the courage to let him know!"

"Do you want to continue to be tortured by the **** like me?"

Hu Shuirong's emotions are out of control. "He is a beast. He has already killed a lot of young girls. I can't watch you again because he is ruined. So, promise Xiaoluo, Xiaoluo has the ability to take you away. Here."

"I... I have to think about it..."

Sun Hao lowered his head and his tears fell.

It has been seven days since the Mid-Autumn Festival party.

These days, Xiao Luo did not contact Sun Hao, and Sun Hao did not take the initiative to contact him. To be honest, he fell in love with the girl. After she refused, his mood has not been very good, and the words have become less. .



In the evening, sitting on the sofa, holding a can of drink, watching TV boringly, like Zhang Dashan, I liked the blind date program. He is thinking, is it because Sun Hao has any hardships, or he does not know how to pursue girls and ask girls happy, the former is unlikely, if it is the latter, then he should look at blind date. The program is learning and learning.

"Old Xiao, good news, Fang Changlei was arrested for the hotel under the name of Huang, and sentenced for two years and eight months, the taste buds are completely thoroughly finished." Zhang Dashan while sitting on the floor of the hall with the wind without traces They fried gold flowers and reported to Xiaoluo about the recent news.

"Where is the yellow?"

Xiao Luo shook his head and chuckled. "He is really dead."

"Isn't it, there is a saying on the Internet, 'Nozuonodie', Fang Changlei's grandson interpreted the meaning of this sentence very well."

Zhang Dashan slowly opened his three cards. When he saw it, his eyes immediately lit up, because the three cards were all red peaches, but also a straight, straight flush, which is absolutely universal. Card.

"Mom, five hundred!"

With a big bang, he took five hundred dollar bills out of his pocket and slammed it on the floor.

"Zhang Ge, you are too scary, it was so big at the beginning." Xiaowu's face changed slightly.

"That is, we don't have much salary for you, don't bring such a play." Several other people complained.

Zhang Dashan yelled at the big scorpion and said: "BB eggs, you have to follow them, don't fold them, it's that simple!"

Xiaowu looked at his card and his brow was almost wrinkled together: "Forget it."

After choosing to fold, the other three were discarded after seeing their cards.

The wind is not marked at first, it is a secret note. If you don't look at the cards first, you don't know the size of your cards. It depends on luck.

"I am with you!"

"啪嗒~" I slammed five hundred.

"Oh, demo, you are with me. Ok, I will take another five hundred." Zhang Dashan picked up his sleeves and looked like a dry frame.

"I will continue!"

There is no trace of the wind, and there are five hundred, and the heartbeat and excitement are played.

"The old watch, you are so arrogant, dare not even look at the card and dare to cross me like this?"

"Spell together, bicycles become motorcycles, bet a bet, the car becomes a BMW!" The wind smashed his lips and smiled.

"But you can't even lose your shorts."

Zhang Dashan pulled out a thousand from his pocket and threw it on the floor. "One thousand!"

Looking at the ground, there is already a red banknote on the hill scale. They can't help but swallow their mouths and their eyes are straight. I hope that the money is their own.

There is no hesitation in the wind, and I don't want to look at the cards first.

"Well, I will ask you or not?"

Zhang Dashan has no fear, but his straight flush and big cards are not afraid.

At this time, Xiao Luo came over and patted him on the shoulder: "What do you play so big, take me here as a casino?"

"Only two thousand dollars, big eggs, this is a small bet, a small gambling love knows no, you don't gamble, don't talk." Zhang Dashan did not take it to push him elsewhere.

Xiao Luo smiled, kicked his left foot, and hooked his right foot. The movement was clean and neat, and he quietly changed a card for Zhang Dashan, and the back end of the drink, if nothing happened, walked away.

The wind did not make a big decision: "His grandmother, fight, a thousand, see who's big!"

Turning over my three cards, I went, one to three, plus an old K, and suddenly my face wrinkled like a '囧'.

"Ha ha ha... sample, follow me, come, let you see the big name of the brother."

Zhang Dashan laughed wildly, picked up his three cards from the ground, and then took a gambling temperament and imposing manner on the ground. "Seven-nine-nine-nine, straight flush, big death!"

The wind has no traces and Xiaowu glanced at it, and after a slight sigh, it was a big laugh.

"Zhang Ge, you are not a straight flush."

"It's six or eight, and even the colors are different. It's the biggest one."

Zhang Dashan heard the words and looked down...

Lying in the trough, it is really 689, eighty-nine is the red peach, and six is ​​the plum: "This is this... This is what his mother is doing, my red peach seven?"

The wind did not care about him, and he went to get the money on the ground: "Hey... Zhang Ge, I am sorry, these money are mine!"

Xiao Wuyi's face is heartbroken: "I knew that Zhang Ge was cheating us. I said that I would not fold anything. A pair of preserved eggs, I just abandoned it. I really want to eat it."

"Cheat your sister, Laozi is really a 798 straight flush, it is impossible for me to look wrong, you still have to go to the toilet to eat it, I just pulled it, it is still hot."

Zhang Dashan did not mention how much gas, Zhang Er monk could not figure out the mind, and finally thought of a possibility.

Scared to run out, a serious look to Xiao Luo said: "There are ghosts, Lao Xiao, the house you rented is absolutely ghosts, and the old man's cards have been changed ~www.mtlnovel.com~ move tomorrow Anyway, now that I have money, I don't need to be so hard to squeeze here."

Looking at his face was a little scared, Xiao Luo could not help but laugh.




Chu Yunxiong is walking side by side with Ge Zhongtian on the company's main road, breathing the air of the night and chatting about what happened this time.

"Fang Changlei was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison. Today, Luofang is the first place to completely stabilize the Jiangcheng baking industry." Ge Zhongtian said.

Chu Yunxiong has some regrets: "This Fang Changlei is really bad fortune, but..." The front turned, "Pour a Fang Changlei, and another enemy is in front of Xiaoluo."

"The boss of Chu said is the dragon help?" Ge Zhongtian asked tentatively.

Chu Yunxiong nodded: "Those sealed hotels are nominally Fang Changlei, but their real boss is actually Long Sankui. In addition, the taste buds also have 30% of the shares belong to Long Sankui, Fang Changlei Once it fell, it directly damaged the interests of Long Sankui. With the careful eyes of Long Sankui, he would never do anything."

Ge Zhongtian exhaled a deep breath: "Yes, even if it did not damage the interests of Long Sankui, he would not let Xiaoluo save his love with Fang Changlei in his early years."

"Fang Changlei saves Long Sankui?"

Chu Yunxiong smiled. "This is a rumor. Fang Changlei is just a white representative of Long Sankui. It's hard to hear. It's the fault of his dragon Sankui. Losing a donkey is not painful for Long Sankui. Itching can damage his interests, and he has to be anxious to bite."

"It seems that Xiao Luo has a big trouble." Ge Zhongtian expressed sympathy for Xiao Luo.

"It is not necessarily who has big troubles in the end." Chu Yunxiong said with a smile.

Just as Xiao Luo stood on the top floor and watched the night scene, the phone ringing, it was the sister Xiao Ruyi.

Pick it up: "Ruyi."

"Brother, Sun Hao is not worthy of your liking. You should not contact her in the future. I am really blind. I didn't even see that she was the kind of woman." Xiao Ruyi's words of gnashing his teeth rang.

In addition, I can hear the timid voice of Tang Ren next to him: "Wife, don't come to conclusions so quickly, maybe we are wrong, or things may not be what we think."

"Why isn't it what we think, she went to the hotel with the dead fat man who didn't have a chin. Do you have to see the picture of the sheets they rolled up? Do you believe that Xiao Ruyi's emotions are out of control and angered Tang Ren."

Going to the hotel to open a room with others?

Xiao Luo's mood suddenly fell to the freezing point, unbelievable, even more unacceptable, how could Sun Hao be such a girl!

"Are you sure she is?"

"I am 200% sure, I also took a photo and sent it to you."

Xiao Ruyi feels worthless and heartbroken for his brother, and at the same time, he is extremely self-blaming. "Brother, don't be sad, she is a woman with watery Yanghua. It is not worth your sadness. I blame me. I should not introduce you to her." ""

"Old Xiao, what happened?" Zhang Dashan came out at this moment, curiously asked.

Xiao Luo quickly nodded and answered "Well, I know" and then hung up.

The heart is already unable to calm down. I found out the contact information of Sun Wei in the address book, and then dialed the past, only to find that Sun's mobile phone was turned off.

At this time, WeChat sounded the prompt to receive a new message, click to open, is a photo sent by Xiao Ruyi, the photo shows the door of a hotel, a man and a woman are entering the hotel, although only a On the side, I can still see at a glance that the girl is Sun Hao.

Looking at this photo, Xiao Luo smiled coldly, and the filling drink held in his left hand, under the pressure of his five fingers, collapsed and collapsed, and finally became dry, and the remaining drinks were Squeezed out from the small mouth on the top.


Next to Zhang Dashan, he swallowed a hard saliva, and he couldn't help but shudder. At this time, Xiao Luo sneered in a murderous scent, which made his soul have a stir.

"Old Shaw, you..."

"I am going out!"

Xiao Luo dropped a sentence and walked straight toward the corridor.

"Where are you going? Drive my car!" Zhang Dashan shouted.

"No need to."

A voice that suppressed an angry sentiment passed from the corridor.

The wind did not trace, they also came out, one by one, the second monk could not figure out: "Now it is ten o'clock in the evening, Xiao Ge, this is where to go?"

"God knows!"

Zhang Dashan sighed and his brow wrinkled like a rag. "Mom, the eyelids have been jumping, I feel like something is going wrong..."

"Would you like to keep up with it?"

"With an egg, you did not see his eyes, just like killing people, go to you, I can not go." Zhang Dashan Road.

Recalling Xiao Luo's eyes, he couldn't help but shudder, then turned and walked back to the rental house. He silently prayed that he hoped that he was thinking about it, and that he would never do anything big.

Killing eyes?

The five people who remembered the wind suddenly remembered the scene of Xiao Luo's fight against the dragon gang members in the old warehouse of Jiangcheng Wharf on the same night. One by one, the whole body was bloody, like a cruel and bloodthirsty killing god, terrible, horrified, bloody. !

With this in mind, the five people were all stunned and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​keeping up.



Xiao Luo hit a rough car and rushed to the hotel location on the picture.

He tried his best to calm himself down, but no matter how hard he tried, his emotions could not be calmed down. It was like a storm, and the chaos in his body was more and more difficult to control. There was a kind of hate that shattered the world. impulse.


"Brother, this is fast enough, and it will be speeding soon." The driver looked inside the rearview mirror and explained.

Xiao Luo swept over him, his eyes seemed to be hungry wolf's eyes, with a strong cozy, shouting: "I will let you drive faster!"

The tone of the order is not to be defying.

The driver was shocked, and the speed of the subconscious speeded up. The heart was already in the air. It was impossible to guess whether it contained a dangerous criminal, hesitant to call the police, but found Xiao Luo's eyebrows. It is very different from the fierce gangsters, so the hand is quietly removed from the quick alarm button installed on the car.

He asked: "Brother, are you in a hurry?"

Xiao Luo did not speak.

The driver continued to enlighten: "Brothers, there is no hurdle in this world. Let's calm down. When you get to my age, you will think a lot. People, when you come, cry, cry, cry when you go, and finally dust is dusty. Earth, everything wants to open!"

Xiao Luo still did not speak.

In front, at the intersection of traffic lights, seeing the red light on ~www.mtlnovel.com~ The driver immediately stopped the car.

"Open the past!" Xiao Luo suddenly cold.

This can scare the driver and turn his head: "Boss, now it is a red light!"

"I let you drive over!"

Xiao Luo's tone increased a bit, revealing a strong threat.

At this moment, the driver was 100% sure that he was confronted with a gangster and met Xiaoluo's cold eyes. He had a strong feeling. If he did not do it according to Xiaoluo's words, he would die on the spot. One bite, hang up, step on the throttle and rush out.

The action of the taxi can scare the vehicles that are running normally according to the traffic lights. After stopping, the owner puts down the window and screams.

"I remember your license plate number. If you don't want to get into trouble, take your hand off the siren!"

Where the driver's action can get through Xiaoluo's eyes, when the words came out, the driver was scared, and the electric shock was removed.

"Big brother, it's not easy for me to drive a taxi. You... don't bother me..." The driver cried a face.

"Dust is returned to the dust, and everything wants to open!" Xiao Luo said lightly.

The driver wants to cry without tears. This is what the special said is, the premise is that it did not happen on his own head.

After an hour, I have to arrive at the destination. The taxi driver has even a feeling of death. The red light that has passed has already been counted by ten fingers. His driver's license has to be re-examined. Paying a fine is just a night before returning to liberation.

At this time, Xiao Luo's cell phone rang.

Take a look, the caller Heheran shows the name of Sun Hao.

At this moment, the mood can not be said to be complicated, just like the flood found a vent, and the brain is eager to vent, but he still restrained, forced to calm down, and answered.