
Chapter 10

Even before my friends or I could drive, I would go to the park in the next town. Sure it was a long walk, but what else was there to do on weekends when you lived miles away from town or any of your friends? We’d go to the park and look for boys. Not that we knew what to do with them if we found any, which happened occasionally, and involved talking or looking or teasing each other about which one we liked best.

When I turned sixteen and got my driver’s license, I started needing to go to the ‘library’ quite a bit, and that was also, hey, in the next town. Sorry Mom, I sometimes drove by it just to sound honest, but most of that time I was in the park, or drag-racing up Main Street, or out to Telegraph Road or the new freeway, to open up Dad’s ‘39 Mercury which ran much better after my taking it up to 90 mph.