
Solomon incarnated into tamriel

shichiro takehiko meets R.O.B and reincarnates as Solomon from fate in the elder scrolls with extra powers.

Kyheem_Huff · Fantasy
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6 Chs


my name is shichiro takehiko I'm an ultra otaku

though otherwise I'm just a normal so normal it's almost indescribable how normal I am.

as I was walking home from school I see a fucking plane flying straight towards me..... WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!!











welp I'm dead but strange it seems I still have my conscience all of the sudden a blinding flare of light enters my line of sight and from it come a man that looks like a older version of obi wan Kenobi

"hello there." he says eerily sounding like a Star war character "I am R.O.B I will reincarnate you in a world

of your choosing you have 5 wishes it can be anything you can imagine but choose wisely" he says really looking like a obi wan ripoff.

MC" alright can I go to the elder scrolls world during the aylied slave uprising??." "R.O.B"alright then".

MC"alright then my first wish is to have the Skyrim

console commands my second wish is to look like Solomon from fate my third wish is to have all Solomons powers my fourth wish is to have gate of Babylon with all the treasures my last wish is to have

all the console commands immediately in my head so I know all the console commands.

R.O.B"alright then have fun"












next to a large and beautiful marble building lies a young man with brown skin and grayish/white hair.