
Solo Protagonist(Project Zero)

Most people say that we are all the protagonist of our own story that's because they don't know the truth we have all been blinded with that belief with no hope of seeing the light but one day normal humans started to discover the truth about the reality that we are all side characters/ Npcs of someone's story which led to the creation of an organization called project zero who's sole aim is to get rid of all the protagonist to make all of us stand on the same road ,we follow the life of kaito who wants to join that organization and become the best In it's rank but fate isn't something you can leave aside read solo protagonist for a new taste of fantasy

Voiddrk · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 50: A New Dawn

As dawn broke over the horizon, Kaito awoke to the soft sounds of birds chirping and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind. He opened his eyes, feeling a sense of renewed hope wash over him. The night spent in the woods had provided a much-needed respite, and he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Lyra was already awake, sitting cross-legged on the ground and watching the sunrise. Her expression was thoughtful, and Kaito could see the determination in her eyes. He joined her, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the morning.

"Good morning," he said, a smile creeping onto his face. "Ready to take on the day?"

Lyra returned the smile, her eyes sparkling. "Absolutely. We have a lot to figure out, but I believe we can do it together."

As the rest of the group began to stir, Kaito felt a sense of camaraderie. They were all in this together, united by their shared goal of freedom. Orion gathered everyone around to discuss their next steps.

"First, we need to stay low and avoid any main roads," Orion began, his voice steady. "We'll head deeper into the woods and find a safe spot to regroup. From there, we can assess our options for getting out of the city."

Kaito nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "What about supplies? We'll need food and water for the journey."

Lyra chimed in, "There's a small stream not far from here. We can fill our water bottles and look for any edible plants or berries along the way."

"Good thinking," Orion said, looking at the group. "Let's split up into pairs. Kaito and Lyra, you two can scout for food and water. The rest of us will gather any supplies we can find in the area."

With a plan in place, Kaito and Lyra set off toward the stream, their hearts filled with purpose. As they walked through the woods, Kaito felt a sense of freedom he hadn't experienced in a long time. The fresh air and the sounds of nature invigorated him, and he couldn't help but smile.

After a short walk, they arrived at the stream. The water sparkled in the sunlight, and Kaito knelt down to fill his bottle. "This looks perfect," he said, taking a moment to enjoy the refreshing sight.

Lyra joined him, filling her own bottle. "Let's look for some berries or edible plants nearby," she suggested, scanning the area.

They ventured a little further from the stream, keeping an eye out for anything that might be safe to eat. After a few minutes of searching, Lyra spotted some wild blackberries growing on a bush. "Look! Over here!" she called, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

Kaito rushed over, and they began picking the ripe berries. "These will be great for energy," he said, popping a few into his mouth. The sweet flavor burst on his tongue, and he felt a surge of energy.

As they continued to gather berries, Kaito felt a sense of normalcy wash over him. For a moment, it was easy to forget the danger they were in. He glanced at Lyra, who was focused on picking the berries, and felt a warmth in his chest. They had come so far together, and he was grateful for her presence.

After filling their bags with berries, they made their way back to the group. Orion and the others were waiting for them, and Kaito could see that they had gathered some additional supplies.

"How did it go?" Orion asked, a smile on his face as he saw the berries.

"We found some wild blackberries and filled our water bottles," Kaito replied, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"Great work!" Orion said, looking at the group. "Now that we have some supplies, we need to decide our next move."

Kaito felt a sense of urgency as they gathered around. "What's the plan for getting out of the city?" he asked.

Orion took a deep breath. "There's a small road that leads to the outskirts of the city. If we can make it there without being spotted, we can find transportation to a safer location."

Lyra nodded, her expression serious. "We should wait until nightfall to make our move. It will be easier to avoid detection in the dark."

The group agreed, and they spent the day resting and preparing for their journey. Kaito felt a sense of camaraderie as they shared stories and laughter, the tension of their situation easing for a moment.

As night fell, Kaito felt a rush of adrenaline. They gathered their supplies and prepared to leave the safety of the woods. "Let's stick together and move quickly," Orion instructed, his voice steady.

With determination in their hearts, Kaito, Lyra, and the group set off toward the small road that would lead them out of the city. The darkness enveloped them, but they felt a sense of hope guiding their way. They were no longer prisoners; they were free, and they would do whatever it took to stay that way.