
Solo Player Arvin

Arvin was a genius back on earth. With eidetic memory, he was able to enter college at the age of 15 and could have become one the greatest genius on earth after graduating college… Although he was a genius, he lived a very tough life. With no money and no parents, he faced many life's challenges alone… But one faithful day he gets chosen to be a player in a game orchestrated by the Gods… He gets transported to another world where there is danger in every step… But as a ray of hope, a God extends his hand towards Arvin to save him… That God promises him power in this treacherous world and returns he only wants one thing…. BEAT THE GAME before ANYONE ELSE CAN Gifted by the Mischief system Arvin starts his journey… Come and join Arvin’s adventure in this treacherous world. Join him as he uncovers the deep and dark conspiracy around him… Join him in a journey where he becomes the most fearful existence in the whole game…. ..................................................................................................................... Warninngs... 1>This novel will have an overpowered MC. 2>This novel may have some grammatical mistakes. Because English is not my mother tongue. 3>Everything that happens in this book happens for a reason. AND I MEAN EVERYTHING. If you think that a character is being naive or is insanely overpowered, then it is there for a reason. 4>It will contain gore and bad words... ............................................................................................................... 1 Chapter daily... Will do mass release when readers will hit certain power stone goals... ....................................................................................................................... If someone wants to chat with me about the novel then join my discord... https://discord.gg/QbjkADmhh2 ...................................................................................................................... If anyone wants to donate to me personally then feel free to use the link below https://paypal.me/Aladin666817 ............................................................................................................................. If anyone likes my work and wanted to support me then they could start by becoming my Patreon... https://www.patreon.com/Aladin786

Aladin666 · Fantasy
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157 Chs


Baka Cullen was the illegitimate child of the old master's father. He possessed excellent talent in fighting. So rather than abandoning him in the outer city, the old master's father decided to make his personnel in the ghost faction. Thus he had been in the ghost faction for 90% of his life. Now after this many years, the Baka had become the third elder of the whole faction.

Baka was a strong individual amongst the personnel of the ghost faction. But there were only two people that had surpassed him in terms of strength. Those were second elder Han and the leader Terumi.

Baka may have been a weak elder. But that doesn't mean that he was an idiot. A puzzle that Han or Terumi would take 1 min to solve, that puzzle would take him 1.5 mins to solve. But he will eventually solve it. The day when Terumi said that Han had betrayed them and had gone to the path of vengeance, he didn't believe it. But as he didn't want to upset his leader, he accepted her theory.