
solo life of a college student

Surya_Teja_6717 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

chapter 14 study all night

after purchasing the skill Surya left with Only 5 coins and looked at tutor Roy with a dark smile and said it not over confidence it's just that I have a good memory .

after hearing the word's tutor Roy looked at him and said okay I will take you test tomorrow morning in front of you parents so be careful and started going in to the house Surya's father arrange a room for tutor to stay in for next 3 day's Surya hurriedly went to his room and closed the door and wanted to find if his skill is working if not he is f*ck up he opened his books and read the first page after reading the 10 lines he opened another book and read ten lines and after that surya lowered his head and his body was trembling not because the skill didn't work but it bid work he remembered each and every line and he can spell the ten lines he read in reverse order also it not like he memorize it's he felt like the word's are permanently engraved in his mind .

surya smiled and tossed the book and went to fresh up and get ready for training after his brackfast and the day was normal he bone basic training like pushup , situps and jumping jacks and after that some basic weightlifting and ended the day with with some basic punches and kicks with the punching bags and went to his room and he went inside the room after he changed his dirty clothes with a new set of clothes and went to have lunch with his family but this time tutor Roy also joined and the told the bet to his parents and little sister and for some reason Taju surya's little sister was grinning and looked at my mom and Surya will definitely will fail so he will get an increase in his studies time so he will not stay in the room long so can take big brother surya's room please .

surya who was listening to this thought the plate on her face because he has taken a liking to his new room but this brat want to take it from me but control him self .

but Taju didn't stop there and said bother with stay in the study room anyway And a room is near to the study room so brother can take it will be easy for him to get in bed quickly if so can I move my things from our room to my new room . surya's took a deep breath and looked at taju she was looking at our mother and said to him self okay let's move out at least I will have my anime collection and computer .

he looked at his mother who was thinking about it but suddenly taju looked at and don't worry brother I will take care of you cartoon collection and my computer . surya lost his passions and stand up to grab her hair but to my supprise she just dogged my hand and completely and hide behind mother . with a fake scammers face she shouted mother brother is builling me roy who all saw this and looked at my father and smiled and purandhar reply it always happened .

mother who has saw all of taju action just scolded her and said to be silent in frent of the guest the my luch has ended but my anger was not so surya went to his room to the computer and placed an order and looked at the disk it lid up and box has appeared and he looked at the box and a creepy smile has appeared on his face my little sister you can call me anything you want but to call my anime collection a Cartoon collection it unforgivable surya Went to his mother room when no one was there if I am correct mom and taju sleep in same room surya went in side the room there was no one he observed the room there was two bed one with a clean white colour sheat And other with a pink sheet and a red tabi he found what he was looking for a bag and he opened the box and placed the content in a pink school bag and thought the box outside the window he looked out side their are some bushes but he no carred he was waiting for the show what was going to happen in side the bag some thing was moving .

surya went to his room and opened his books although he has a photograph memory skill he still has to read all his books total of 7 books including the book the tutor Roy gave him .

surya Said looks like i have to study all night if I have to complete it Surya sighed and turned the page of the book he was reading.

surya was not only one who will stay all night but in one of the room tutor Roy was preparing questions paper for surya .

but still some thing was still nagging him he turned the page and said lets add this question also for his question paper .

after some time surya and tutor roy heard a screen there a lizard in the room surya smiled my hearty gift worker surya smiled and pick up a book and started reading it with a satisfactory smile .