

A story about a boy who died and got transmigrated as Sung Jinwoo in the Solo Leveling Manhwa world. Follow how he became not only the Monarch Of Shadow but more then a Monarch. How he became the One And Only God Of Chaos. Join him on his journey and see how he also travel through different worlds. The cover is not mine. Additional Tags- world travel, yuir(only with the presence of mc), milf. Patreon- patreon.com/NOVELLOVER800

Novel_Lover459 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs



When Jinwoo launched the punch a big hole formed creating a path with a loud voice.

"HOLY SHIT". Song Yeul said with a wide open mouth with Joohee who was also shocked seeing the strength which Jineoo possess right now.

"Follow me". As they were in their shock they heared Jinwoo's voice pulling them out of their shocks and without any hesitation they followed him back.

While on the other side Kim and the other man were also shocked seeing the wall suddenly breaking.

"Urgh, What the hell was that". Kamg Taeshik said with blood coming out from his mouth while trying to stand up.

When the wall broke he was standing in front of it, he was able to step aside but the force which came when the wall broke was so strong that it sent him flying towards the other side.

"Did the boss monster did this". Kang Taeshik said while standing but suddenly Jineoo appeared in front of him which shocked him completely because he appeared out of nowhere.

"H-How are-". But before he could finish his words Jinwoo slapped him sending him flying while breaking some of his teeths.


"Shut the fuck up". Jinwoo said after slapping him and then turned towards Kim and the other man who were looking at him with a look of disbelief.

They were completely shocked seeing him appearing suddenly but what shocked them most was his strength, which he displayed when he slapped that bastard.

"W-Wait a minute d-doesn't that mean". Kim said with a trembling voice when he thought that the one responsible for making that hole might be Jinwoo.

"Mister Kim".

But before he could ask this he heared a voice and when he turned towards the voice he saw Song and Joohee coming out of the hole.

When Song and Joohee followed Jinwoo and came out of the hole they saw Jinwoo standing in the opposite direction and then their eyes fall upon Kang who was stuck in the wall and three bodies of the convicts.

They both were confused about what happened but then they saw Kim and the other man with injuries they ran towards them to know what happened.

"Kim what happened and why are the convicts dead". Song asked coming near Kim with a worried tone.

"That bastard Kang Taeshik killed them and when we reached here and saw him killing them he attacked to kill us".

When Song and Joohee heared him they became surprised and then they turned towards Kang who again stand and had a angry look on his face.

"Who the hell are you bastard". Kang Taeshik asked with blood coming out of his mouth while looking towards Jinwoo.

"Sung Jinwoo, an E-Rank hunter". He said with a smile on his face while looking towards him.

"Do you really take me as a fool, an E-Rank with that kind of strength". Kang Taeshik said with an angry look and then looked towards the hole.

"You have been hiding your strength, havent you". 

"Are you an false ranker". Kang said but then he thought about his relationship with Song and Joohee.

"No you cant be an false ranker because an false ranker wouldnt let someone live if they find their identity". Hearing him Song and Kim were also curious to know just how Jinwoo became so strong suddenly.

"Then there's only one answer". Kang Taeshik said with a smile on his face.


"WHAT MR. SUNG REAWAKENED". Song said with a shocked look while Kim and the other guy were just out of words.

But when Song saw the normal look on Joohee's face he understand that she already knew about this all from the beginning.

"Seeing their reaction it looks like you have been reawakened-". Kang said while looking towards Jinwoo.

But before Taeshik could complete his words, Jinwoo dissapeared from his place and appeared in front of shocking him completely.

Jinwoo's hand shot forward, gripping the face of Taeshik's with an iron grip. The air crackled with energy as Jinwoo's eyes glowed with dark blue energy. Taeshik, despite his formidable strength, felt a force beyond comprehension restraining him.

Jinwoo's voice, calm and measured, cut through the silence. "You talk too much."

And with a surge of power, Jinwoo lifted Kang Taeshik off the ground, his body suspended in mid-air. The world seemed to slow as Kang Taeshik struggled against the unseen force that held him captive. Fear flickered in his eyes as he realized he was at the mercy of a force beyond his understanding.

In a sudden, swift motion Jinwoo slammed him into the ground, the impact resonating through the whole dungeon. The ground shattered like a glass forming a huge crater with a loud sound like a bomb has been dropped.


When Jinwoo slammed Kang Taeshik, his face blowed up completely and his body also shattered in many pieces due to the force.

When Song, Joohee and others saw this their jaw touched the ground. They were just out of words, the scene in front of their eyes was something they have never seen before in their lives.

The whole ground was completely shattered like a mirror resulting in forming cracks, the walls were still shaking due to the impact and there was a colossal crater in the middle of the ground. 

As Jinwoo was standing in the middle of the crater he got a message from the system.




After the messages a rune stone appeared in front on Jinwoo.



"Its great, now I can take his skill by absorbing and I can also give the rune stone to Joohee". Jinwoo said with a satisfied smile and then turned towards Joohee and others and then appeared in front of them.

Seeing him Song and others came out of their thoughts.

"Thank you Mr. Sung" Song said coming out of his thoughts while helping Kim to stand properly.

Hearing him Kim and the other guy also thanked him and apologized for leaving him behind in the double lair dungeon.

"T-Thank you Mr. Sung and I a-am really sorry". Kim said with a apologetic look and the other guy did the same.

"You know that a sorry can't change what you have done". Jinwoo said with a serious voice.

Hearing him both Kim and the other guy became nervous but what they heared next made them relax a bit.

"But it's good that you know your mistake, so I forgive you". Jinwoo said with a normal voice but he said this because he wanted to send them out of the dungeon fast, so that he can absorb Kang and all the goblins.

"Now Mister Song you take them out of here and I am going to clear this gate".

When Song heared him he wanted to protest but then he saw the crater and then remembered what happened a while ago he throwed that thought out of his head.

"All right Mr. Sung we will go first and report the guild". Song said while looking towards Jinwoo.

While on the other hand when Joohee heared Jinwoo she wanted to stay behind and help him because when she saw how strong Jinwoo really is and knowing that he is going to became more strong she felt powerless thinking that will she be able to stand by his side in the future.

But before she could say she heared Jinwoo's voice.

"Joohee you stay behind with me".

When Joohee heared this she became really happy and with fast speed appeared next Jinwoo.

Song and others didn't say anything on this because they knew that she will be safe with Jinwoo.

"All right be careful we will be waiting outside". Song said and left the area with others.

After they had gone Jinwoo turned towards the Corpses of the three convicts and the body of Kang Taeshik which was not a body any more.

"Joohee don't be shocked, okay". He said to which Joohee was confused hearing him but what she saw next she did the opposite of what Jinwoo told her not to do.


Jinwoo said and raised his hand, from which dark blue energy came out of his hand and moved towards the bodies covering them completely and absorbing them without leaving a trace behind.

Just as he absorbed the corpses many messages started to appear in front of Jinwoo but he decided to check them latter.

"Jinwoo what the hell was that". Joohee asked with a shocked look on her face.

Seeing it Jinwoo smiled and then he explained about his power by which he can absorb others and get their skills.

When Joohee get to know about this she was completely speechless, a skill by which one can absorb others and acquire their skills. Just thinking about it is absurd but here Jinwoo has that skill.

"It's still hard to believe that even though I have seen you using it". Joohee said with a surprised look but also with a powerless look.

When Jinwoo saw her like this he knew what she might be thinking.

"Joohee I know what you are thinking and you don't have to, didn't I told you I will make you strong". Jinwoo said and took out the rune stone and gave it to Joohee who was confused seeing the stone.

"This is a rune stone which will give you 'STEALTH' skill". He said while giving it to Joohee.


When Joohee heared what Jinwoo said she shouted with a shocked look.

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