
Solo Evolution system

Chapter 0 : The dark times and the birth of evolution. Ten years ago, the world was at peace and it was a time before the corruption had spread, before the world was ravaged by the darkness. The sun still shone brightly, and the breeze still carried the scent of flowers. People lived their lives in peace, with no knowledge of the coming storm. But then, a darkness crept into the world, a power unlike anything that had been seen before. It began in small pockets, at first only affecting animals and plants. But soon, the corruption spread like wildfire, twisting everything in its path. Natural disasters struck with greater frequency and severity, and the people began to flee in terror. Creatures, items and treasures that only exist in mythology and imagination starts appearing in the world it was a time of Chaos. As the world descended into chaos, a small group of scientists saw the destruction and knew that something had to be done. They began to study the corrupted creatures and the dark energy that controlled them, looking for a way to fight back. It was then that they discovered the ancient relics and treasures that had been hidden for centuries. These relics contained a power that could be harnessed by humans, giving them enhanced abilities and powers. With this discovery, the scientists set out to create a machine that would change the course of history. They called it the Evolution system and it was the beginning of a new era in the world.

Official_Chibuna · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 59: The Challenge of the Newcomers

The hall fell into a charged silence as the evolvers waited with bated breath to see how Cheol Su and Yuer Mo would respond to Lady Quan Yu's summons. Cheol Su stepped forward first, his expression unreadable, his posture relaxed yet alert. He inclined his head in deference to Lady Quan Yu, his voice controlled and polite. "I am honored to be here, Lady Quan Yu. What would you have me demonstrate?"

Yuer Mo, for her part, stood beside him, her gaze coolly surveying the assembled evolvers. She, too, showed the appropriate deference to Lady Quan Yu, but her eyes held a hint of challenge, as though daring any of the others to question her ability. Lady Quan Yu's brow arched slightly, a subtle indication that she was impressed with Cheol Su's reputation. "I've heard that you defeated an instructor two levels above your own. Quite an impressive feat. Show us what you've got."

Cheol Su smiled, savoring the recognition. He cracked his knuckles, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of the challenge. "Of course, Lady Quan Yu," he replied, his voice measured and confident. "I'd be happy to demonstrate my skill." The room fell into a hushed silence as Cheol Su stood, one hand hovering over the air in front of him. With a quick flourish, he pulled a dagger from the seemingly empty space, the glint of the blade catching the light and casting a brief, metallic sheen over his features. The students watched in fascination, unaware of the workings of Cheol Su's private system, Cyprus, from which he had conjured this weapon. The Toxic Wolf Blades, Cheol Su's only elites weapon, legendary set of daggers with a venomous reputation.He brandished the blades, twirling them between his fingers with a showman's flair. His gaze, however, was fixed on Yuer Mo, his intended target. "I hope I leave up to your expectations Lady Quan Yu , he says winking at Yuer Mo. This is one of my favorites," he said with a smirk. "Elemental Grave of Swords."

In the next instant, a maelstrom of elemental energy erupted from Cheol Su's blade. The air crackled with lightning, fire, wind, and ice, the elements swirling and twisting around the Toxic Wolf Blades in a dangerous dance. Cheol Su manipulated this fury with an almost casual grace, but the power of his conjuration was anything but casual. The sheer force of it sent a shockwave rippling through the room, stirring up a gust of wind that threatened to unseat some of the onlookers. Lady Quan Yu's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed the volatile elemental display. In the split second before Cheol Su could release his Elemental Grave of Swords, she moved with a speed that belied her age, sweeping her hand in a circular motion and intoning a word in a language few in the class understood. A shimmering barrier of energy appeared around her, its surface rippling with a rainbow-like iridescence. The barrier crackled as it intercepted Cheol Su's attack, absorbing the elemental onslaught and dissipating its power in a flash of blinding light. As the light faded and the dust settled, Lady Quan Yu stood her ground, her expression unreadable. Cheol Su's gaze, previously focused on Yuer Mo, now shifted to Lady Quan Yu. His stance was defensive, his expression guarded, but there was no mistaking the awe in his voice.

"Truly impressive, Lady Quan Yu. Your defensive magic is without equal."

Lady Quan Yu regarded him with a cool detachment. "And your elemental magic, while powerful, is without control." She paused, her gaze sharpening. The calm facade crumbled, and Lady Quan Yu's voice rose, powerful and commanding. "You almost injured your departmental mates!" Her gaze swept across the room, taking in the stunned expressions of her students. "This is precisely why you're here—to learn control!"

With that, she returned to her calm, cool demeanor, her expression returning to its previously dispassionate state. "You possess a unique gift, Cheol Su. But without discipline, it will be your downfall. Lady Quan Yu's words seemed to weigh heavily on Cheol Su, his expression a mix of defiance and respect. Yuer Mo, watching this unfold, had to admit—despite herself—that Cheol Su was a formidable opponent.

"Perhaps our new arrival has a thing or two to learn from you, Lady Quan Yu," she said, her voice smooth and impassive. "Or perhaps he needs a reminder of who's really in control here."

Lady Quan Yu's gaze shifted to Yuer Mo, considering her words. Even as Cheol Su struggled to absorb Lady Quan Yu's admonishment, the interface of his Cyprus system sprang to life before his mental eye, the screen alight with a cascade of colorful text. The virtual assistant's voice, caustic and unapologetically sarcastic, broke through the heavy atmosphere of the room.

"Hey there, hotshot. Looks like you showed us all how 'in control' you really are, huh?" A self-satisfied snort punctuated its words. "If I didn't know better, I'd say Lady Quan Yu just put you in your place." It paused, as though considering its next words with relish. "But hey, don't let that get you down. At least you've got style, right? You almost gave the ice princess a permanent case of frostbite. She might actually thaw out a bit if you try again." A derisive chuckle. "Just kidding. Don't." As Cheol Su engaged in his mental dialogue with Cyprus, his lips moving ever so slightly as he responded to its taunting commentary, Yuer Mo couldn't help but be intrigued. There was something almost…otherworldly about the way he seemed to be communicating with unseen forces, as though the very elements were in league with him.

She watched him, her expression giving nothing away, but her keen eyes took in every detail—the subtle shifts in his posture, the flickering expressions that danced across his face. It was as if she were studying a particularly fascinating puzzle, one she was determined to solve.