
Solo Druid

Jesse is a man who is 24 years old. He worked since he was 16 to raise enough money to live a comfy life in his very small apartment. With most of his money, he bought a VR pod that immersed people into the game fully. He bought the newest game, Infinity Online, a game that played like every other MMO rpg, except by using an exceptional AI they managed to make a story that developed itself around the players. When Jesse gets in the game, he’s determined to make some money from it.

BlackenedSky · Games
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— Infinity Online (2)

Jesse started to get settled in as his character, Gram. He just thought it was a cool name. He started on the starting enemy areas which were right outside the starter city. They were most populated by slimes and bigger slimes. As expected from a starter area. Because of his synchronization with his character, he had an idea on how to use his bow and arrow along with his daggers.

He killed a slime first. By killing it with two arrows. He started with two skills, Piercing Shot, and Target. Target was pretty much an ability that guaranteed a hit on his next attack. And Piercing Shot was a high damage dealing ability that immediately shattered armor. But this class wasn't used often due to its high cooldowns, along with pretty low damage.

"Hmph, I don't think these people knew how to use this class properly."

He used Target and Precision Shot in unison. Piercing shot was a pretty hard to aim ability. So target was perfect for actually hitting something with it. And then he killed a few more slimes with daggers. He leveled up once. He was now level 2. Every level you gained in this game until you were level 50 gave you 6 stat points.

The stats you could put points in were Perception, Luck, Strength, Intelligence, and Speed. Currently all his stats were at 5, except for perception and speed because of him choosing the elf race. Those were at 10. He put all of his points into perception. As he expected, he was more perceptive. He noticed things that people usually wouldn't notice. Though they weren't very important things, he could hear and taste and touch just a little better than everyone else.

He steadied his bow and looked towards one of the bigger slimes. He didn't need to use target to aim piercing shot anymore, but it was a bit unstable, so he used it anyway just in case he missed. He shot his bow once again, feeling the propulsion of the shot pierce through the slime.

"That should've done at least 75 percent of its health…"

He dashed forward with his daggers and cut it apart until it died. The big slime gave him one level. Because before that encounter, he had accepted a quest to kill one. And got a level from it. He put 4 stat points into strength and 2 into perception. He decided to explore a bit.

After buying himself a new bow with the slime parts he sold. He departed the starter area to look for some loot.