
solo ang imong inahan

All humans on Earth were moved to another globe once the great transformation began. They were to train for ten years and become Hunters, with the objective of being able to defend themselves against the evils known as monsters.  Jin, a bread shuttle at his institution, had been bullied and humiliated.  He had hoped to become the strongest after being moved to another world, but he was the world's weakest hunter, contrary to his expectations.  He was still stuck at level 1 after ten years.  He had entirely squandered the power that God had bestowed upon him, leaving him despondent and depressed.  Jin tripped in the moment they were going to return to earth. As he awoken, he realized that he was still stuck in this fantasy world but with a huge difference. Everyone has gone frozen in time.

Lerex · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Author's Note

This is simply a quick mass release of the remake of the novel Solo Hunt which is one of the first ever Novels I made and also the most popular. It has a lot of errors which I know very well and the story had subsided to wrong path.

I hit a Writer's block which I wasn't able to overcome until now. I realized that if I want to continue writing this book, I had to redo it all over again. Fix all the errors, the grammar the typos and everything else.

The story will remain the same but I'll focus more on the frozen arc as I felt like I made it in a hurry that I wasn't able to give a detailed explanation about the stuff and also make the characters alot more deeper than just giving them an anecdote.

This is all for now, and I'll be updating more in the future.

If you are a new reader, I highly suggest you don't read the old one and just wait for the release of chapters since I'll be mass releasing them in 1-2 days.

I will be removing some parts that I feel like it's too unnecessary or fast paced.

and that's all