
Solitude's Requiem

[UNDER REDITING PROCESS, DO NOT BE SUPRISED OF SHORTER CHAPTERS/ CHANGE IN NARRATION. THIS WILL BE THE CASE UNTIL THIS MESSAGE HAS DISSAPEARED] A tale of reincarnation. Edwin Gwayne is a young man who passes away after a long battle against his illness. Leaving behind a life where he felt consumed by loneliness and despair. Will he be able to make something of his second life in this new fantasy world, or will he experience that same anguish once more? “Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives” – Andrew Sachs Volume 0: General information The volume where you can find my world building lore that I will try to keep up to date. Volume 1: Tales of Appolyian (demon realm) Passed away at an early age, Edwin Gwayne, the young and sickly young man finds himself reincarnated in a realm called "Appolyian." A realm where strange creatures such as demons reside and the weak are destined to die. Can Edwin Gwayne change and fit in this new society? At what cost? Volume 2: Exploration of Genesias Crossing the border between the realms. The powerful shade demon Secessus Solum Luciel lands in a new fantasy world ripe for exploration and adventure. On his way to find a place to settle down, a true “home” he discovers that it might not be so easy as he once thought. His struggles to integrate himself with these new societies causing him to battle against himself. Author media's and stuff: Instagram: @jelle4novels (starting from this summer it will be filled with ai made art of these characters and more background lore with illustrations and stuff, also quotes and other books I thoroughly enjoy) world anvil page: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/genesias-jelle4manu (I'm still figuring this out but I do believe that one day, I might be semi competent at it.) CURRENTLY WORKING ON BACHELOR AND INTERNSHIP

Jelle4Novels · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Exploring the city

Lucille's Light, the largest and only city in Appolyian. A city with no laws, except the rule that if you are strong enough, you can do anything. Not even that clear a rule but nonetheless, it was one at least. Founded by Luciel before her banishment by Asariel.

'Cornelius spoke of them as living gods. I wonder if their tales are exaggerated or if she still lives in this city.' The reincarnate thinks as he walks through the streets, scouting the environment. Keeping his distance from all the other inhabitants whilst he can only hope that he's brought no unnecessary trouble.

Wandering through the city had two primary goals. The first was to discover the city and increase his knowledge. If he had to flee or search for a safe zone for one reason or another he should know the layout of the city. Secondly, there has to be a way to assure himself of being spared this cruel city's fate.

'It's quite beautiful.' He thinks watching the deeper-than-normal red light that seems to act as this place's source of light. A source of light with an unclear beginning and end. Even if the general demeanor of the city is dark and dreary, it matches quite well with the scarlet light. If one had to describe it perhaps vampiric would do it justice yet somehow its not solely a grimdark depiction. There is life in this city, interaction, singing, even though most is brought by some form of drugs and alcohol. The reincarnates thoughts get interrupted as he has to physically dodge an unwillingly flying imp.

"WHERE ARE YOU, LITTLE WEAKLING!" A pale-looking orc yells in the direction of the thrown imp.

The imp visibly shudders at the taunting aimed at him and makes eye contact with the reincarnate. The imp's eyes start to glow with a grayish tint while he looks at the nearby individual who dodged him before he stands up and runs behind the individual. Standing behind the reincarnate and using him as a shield.

Not turning around, the reincarnate asks. "What do you thi…" before a scream interrupts him.

"THERE YOU ARE!" The pale orc yells as his walk mirrors the anger in his voice, walking with unnecessarily wide steps. The orc does neither seem to be bright nor observant as the orc's gray eyes only seemed to have now noticed the badly hidden imp. The orc now stands before the reincarnated. Its white skin carries a rotten sense now that he stands still and near the one standing in front of his target.

Not willing to become a part of an unnecessary conflict, the reincarnate tries to step aside. Before he could, however, the pale orc's rib cage opened and reached for the reincarnate as if a beast trying to swallow its prey. Quickly the reincarnate disappears into his shadow and walks out of the shadow of the attacking orc.

'Great, another dumb one?' The reincarnate thinks, holding himself back from cursing as he creates some distance between the pale-skinned orc with rotting white flesh. The orc turns around and rushes the reincarnate with a frenzied rage, his rib cage opened once more. Flames flicker in the humanoid shade demon's hand as he immediately casts a burst of fire toward the attacking orc. Burning the exposed insides as the open rib cage closes again.

"AAAAAHHHA! PAIN YOU WILL PAY!" He yells with even more rage than before as he continues his rush. A circle of darkness expands itself on the ground around the reincarnate. The orc ignores the obvious magic and rushes into it. Blood drips from the reincarnate hand as he cuts his hand and lands on the dark circle. Dark reddish spears rise from the dark circle. The dark spears imbued with blood quickly pierce the rushing orc. Paled by the many spears, the victim pointlessly struggles. His rage is still adamant even in the face of his inevitable death.

'How durable are they?' The reincarnate could not help but wonder with now a second orc struggling long in the face of death. The reincarnate reaches for the card given by Ashmodai and throws it to the still-struggling pale orc. It pierces his shoulder as purple energy begins to flow inside the card and causing the orc to finally go limp.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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