
Sole Shifter: I Can Copy Identities

In the quiet town of Everwood, young orphan Adrian is forced to grow up quickly after his parents die. He runs their small shoe shop, repairing and making shoes to get by while still attending high school. One night, as Adrian works late to fix shoes for an angry customer, something strange happens. The next morning, he finds he has a new power: when he wears someone else's shoes, he becomes that person, taking on their looks, thoughts, and skills. At first, Adrian thinks this ability is a blessing that will help him survive. But he soon realizes there's more to it. His power is connected to an ancient struggle that goes beyond the human world. Adrian is later pulled into a world of hidden realms and forgotten magic with some of his classmates. Each time he wears another’s shoes, he gets closer to a truth that will change his life and both worlds forever. *** Support this novel with power stones, comments, and reviews for more frequent updates. Even the tiniest bit of help does more for me than you can imagine

JJ_Francis · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: First Step Into The Unknown

"Thanks, Matt," Adrian said, feeling a bit more hopeful. "I couldn't do this without you."

The evening had settled into a deep, velvety blue as Adrian and Matt finally called it a night.

Adrian watched Matt disappear down the street, his friend's enthusiasm lingering like a warm, encouraging hug.

He returned to the shop, locked up, and went to bed with the glowing shoes safely stowed away in the back room. Sleep came slowly, his mind abuzz with the day's revelations.

The next morning, Adrian woke with a jolt, the memory of yesterday flooding back. He got up and went straight to the back room, where the shoes sat innocuously on the workbench.

They looked entirely ordinary now, the magic dormant. He stared at them, trying to grasp the enormity of what had happened. These shoes held a power that defied logic, and he was determined to understand it.

After a quick breakfast, Adrian headed to school. The usual morning hustle felt surreal, as if the world had tilted ever so slightly off its axis. He met Matt at their usual spot by the lockers.

"Morning," Matt said, eyes bright with excitement. "Did you bring them?"

Adrian nodded, holding up his backpack. "They're here. But we can't do this at school. Too risky."

"Agreed. Let's meet at the shop after school. I did some research last night and found a few interesting things."

"Research? You mean Googling 'magic shoes'?" Adrian teased.

"More like 'ancient artifacts with transformative properties,'" Matt corrected, grinning. "But yeah, I found a few leads. We can go over them later."

Adrian couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation. "Alright. See you then."

The school day dragged on interminably. Adrian's mind kept drifting back to the shoes, the sensation of transformation, and the mystery that awaited them. When the final bell rang, he practically bolted out the door, eager to get back to the shop.

Matt arrived shortly after, carrying a notebook and looking thoroughly prepared. "Okay, let's get started," he said, setting his stuff down on the workbench next to the shoes. "First, we need to test if the magic works with other shoes."

Adrian nodded. "I've got plenty to choose from. Whose shoes should we try next?"

Matt looked thoughtful. "Maybe someone from school? Someone you see every day but wouldn't notice if they were acting a bit... off."

Adrian considered this. "How about Mrs. Caldwell? She teaches history. We can use the shoes she left for repair last week."

"Perfect," Matt agreed. "But remember, you need to be careful. We still don't know how this works or what the side effects might be."

Adrian retrieved Mrs. Caldwell's shoes from a shelf. They were sensible flats, scuffed and well-worn. He took a deep breath and slipped them on.

The transformation was instantaneous, a ripple of energy coursed through him, altering his appearance and, disturbingly, his thoughts.

He felt a rush of memories that weren't his own lesson plans, student names, a vague sense of worry about an upcoming parent-teacher conference.

Matt stared at him, wide-eyed. "Adrian? Are you...?"

"It's me," Adrian said, though his voice came out softer and higher, sounding exactly like Mrs. Caldwell. He glanced in the mirror and saw her reflection staring back at him. "This is so weird."

"How do you feel?" Matt asked, fascinated.

"Like I'm wearing someone else's skin," Adrian replied, shivering. "I have her thoughts, her memories. It's overwhelming."

"Okay, take them off," Matt said urgently. "We don't want you getting stuck."

Adrian quickly removed the shoes and collapsed into a chair, panting. His own appearance returned, but he felt shaken. "This is more intense than I thought. It's like... I was her."

Matt nodded, jotting down notes. "This is incredible. But we need to be careful. If you start losing yourself in these transformations, it could be dangerous."

Adrian agreed. "We need to figure out what triggers this and how to control it. And we should probably keep the tests to a minimum until we know more."

"Agreed," Matt said. "But I found something last night that might help. There's an old legend about shoes that can change a person's identity. They were supposedly created by a sorcerer who wanted to hide from his enemies."

Adrian raised an eyebrow. "A sorcerer? Seriously?"

Matt shrugged. "It's just a story, but there might be some truth to it. We need to dig deeper, maybe find someone who knows more about this kind of magic."

Adrian thought about it. "My parents had a lot of old books. Maybe there's something in their collection that can help. We should start there."

They spent the next few hours going through the dusty bookshelves in the back of the shop. Adrian's parents had collected a variety of obscure texts, some about shoemaking, others about local legends and folklore. As the afternoon turned to evening, they finally found a small, leather-bound book that looked promising.

Matt carefully opened it, revealing handwritten notes and sketches. "This looks old," he said, leafing through the pages. "There's a section here about enchanted objects. Look, it mentions shoes!"

Adrian peered over his shoulder, reading the faded script. The passage described a pair of shoes imbued with the power to transform the wearer into another person. The details were sparse, but it confirmed that such magic existed and had been documented.

"Do you think this is what we're dealing with?" Adrian asked, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation.

"It seems likely," Matt replied. "But we need more information. There's a name here—Luther VanRaalte. Maybe he's the sorcerer who created them?"

"Or someone who studied them," Adrian mused. "We should try to find out more about him. Maybe there's a connection."

Matt nodded. "I'll look him up online tonight. In the meantime, we should be cautious. Only use the shoes if absolutely necessary."

Adrian agreed. "This power is amazing, but it's also terrifying. We need to understand it before we can control it."

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