
CH965: SNL - The Interview I

CH965: SNL - The Interview I


"Welcome back to Saturday Night Live on the SoT News Station.

"We'll be moving on to the interview segment now. As I announced earlier into the program, we have a special guest interview tonight that you won't want to miss.

"And without further ado, let's dive right in."


"GAIA Biotech...

"By now, almost everyone worldwide has heard the name. The company's two flagship products, the Beauty Pills and Nutrient Packs, have taken the world by storm with many people singing the company's praises for these two products.

"However, aside the fact that the company is the biotech company responsible for giving women, and men, a natural means of maintaining or even enhancing their innate beauty, as well as providing hardworking class people a way to get in their dietary needs even through a hard day of work, much very little is known about this enigmatic company.