
CH792: Dirara Talabani Demori I

CH792: Dirara Talabani Demori I


CH792: Dirara Talabani Demori I

All Temitope had to do to facilitate the capture of Osman Sari and his Sub-leaders cohorts was to issue the order via a phone call.

The Erebus Chief had the Pantheon wing's operatives track and monitor Sari and his cohorts ever since he confirmed they were playing both sides and/or had plans to turn Dirara into a puppet leader.

The group was actually meeting incognito at one of the bigger settlements in the country. This settlement at least had a semblance of a proper town with sundried sand brick used to construct proper structures.

The meeting was held to discuss the group's plans for the war and their subsequent seizure of power from Dirara when they won.

Temitope had the operatives watching over the meet record the conversations and only move in to capture all of them when the meeting was done.
