
Soldiers of Time.

There is a war on the horizon and we need you to lead the world into battle. But you are weak. Far too weak. So you must become strong. Strong enough to bring the world under your banner Strong enough to withstand the tribulation to come. The era wars beckons... A war where Godkings are cannon fodder. A war where even lords will fall ... Apocalypse is coming. And strong... You will become!!! * “Let the Soul of the Universe bear witness Let the Rules of Creation acknowledge Let this mortal be reborn anew Let it AWAKEN as THE CHILDE OF TIME! LET THE TRIALS OF LAW BEGIN!!!” * [First Trial of Time: Trial of a Soldier] [Before you can lead an army, you must first understand what it means to be a soldier.] [Main Objective: Reach the Limit of Mortal Coil.] [Secondary objective: Destroy the organisation that seeks to harm your planet.] [Reward: ***] [Good luck Inheritors. Good luck, Childe.] A group of Spec Ops operators are saved from the jaws of death by the intervention of the Supreme Law of Time. However, nothing comes for free. A prices must be paid. A duty must be delivered. Thus, began the journey to the summit of a group of soldiers who are unavertibly marked as Soldiers of the Supreme Law of Time.

Gbotty · War
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999 Chs


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"Hello." Korede said.

"Good morning." Special Agent Ndike replied.

"What's up?"

"A chopper will be ready to pick you by 2 pm at the rendezvous point we used last time. Hope you don't mind the wait?"

"No. It would give me the time to tour the city a little before returning home."

"Well, that's good. I can send you tour recommendations if you want."

"Sure, thanks."

"Alright. I'll send it to you after the call."

"In the meantime, can you give me a SitRep?" Korede asked.

"Of course." Special Agent Ndike agreed.

" I had thought you would want to wait to get back before reading the completed report.

So, last night, the Op came to an end and was deemed a success. Same as in Onitsha, raids were conducted on major NDz establishments in other parts of the country. These establishments were uncovered thanks to the two ledgers you provided.

The last of the raids was concluded in the early hours of the day. Evidence and Intel at the locations are still being collated as we speak. So far, they have been an intelligence gold mine for us and the DSS.

The DSS has enough evidence to start up different cases against individuals and companies involved with the NDz on Money Laundering, Tax Evasion, Assassinations etc.

As for us, we've gotten our hands on the NDz smuggling routes, contacts and most importantly, valuable intel on their customers including the Haram Boyz.

Between the two of us, it seems our analyst at HQ think they have enough intel to find the Haram Boyz elusive main base.

All in all, the top brass see the Op as a success." Special Agent Ndike reported.

Korede's eyes flashed a little when he heard about the Haram Boyz main base.

It meant he could soon have a chance to go after the next targets on his kill list.

"What about Jonathan Duke?" Korede asked.

An awkward silence descended.

It took a moment of time before Special Agent Ndike finally said,

"The doctor confirmed that his spine was shattered, effectively causing a blockage of his spinal cord thus paralysing him from the neck down. While he is alive, he won't be able to do anything himself for the rest of his life."

Korede nodded.

It was as he expected. As for the awkward silence earlier, he knew Special Agent Ndike must have found out how Jonathan Duke sustained such injuries. However, Korede didn't care what anyone thought of him or his actions as long as his conscience was clear.

"Alright. Try to get a specialist to interrogate him as early as possible. We need everything in his head. I'll use the time left before my exfil to tour the city." Korede said as he ended the call.

He entered the bedroom and got a change of clothes before leaving. He left the building on foot and made his way to where he hid Chidozie the smuggler's bike.

When he got there, he found that everything was as he left it.

"It's still here."

He smiled as he cleared away the materials he used to obstruct the bike from view.

He looked around and surprisingly found a relatively clean cloth in the area which he used to wipe down the bike. Well, it wasn't like it was dirty in the first place.

Korede got on the bike and rode around the different attractions in Onitsha. Occasionally, he would pick up chatter amongst the people there about the rumours of the gunfight that took place the previous night and the strong presence of law enforcement at various NDz businesses.

Since the gains of the Op were still being collated, the defeat of the NDz hadn't yet been officially announced. However, rumours were already spreading.

A vast majority of the people expressed that they would be happy if the rumours of the crushing of the NDz by Law Enforcement were true.

As for the remaining minority, they kept quiet due to residual fear of the gang but inwardly, Korede could tell that they were also happy.

Korede's mind felt at peace. The emotions of the people were perfect vindications to him that whatever he did was the right thing to do.

His mind experienced a small growth in state. Aon was worried when this happened though. The last thing they needed to happen was for the youth to experience another flash of apotheosis. Korede only survived the first one through luck. If another one came within such a short time, there's no way Korede would pass it as the test would have fully gauged his potential this time around.

Aon's fears were put to rest as nothing happened after a while.

After getting his fill of the sights and attractions, Korede returned to the safehouse before noon and packed his things.

By 1 pm, he left the apartment.

Honestly, he had grown a little attached to the apartment. Anyone would, with its beautiful décor and stunning view. Korede would also miss the 'Armoury'.

He chuckled at the thought as he entered the elevator and made his way down with his luggage in tow. He approached the manager to return the Keys and Keycard.

Done with the formalities, he was about to leave when the man suddenly said,

"Thank you for your service. While many will not know what you did, some do and are grateful to you. As would the rest of the city be if they should come to know what you've done for it."

Korede was stunned by the man's words. It was then that it hit him.

'A Safehouse such as this would definitely be an important one considering the well-equipped armoury. There's no way the NDI wouldn't have an agent or an asset nearby to keep watch over it.'

Korede smiled and performed a military salute before walking to the car.

He made his way to the shed rendezvous where he dropped off Adeshina Owolabi to Special Agent Ndike previously. The man was already there waiting for him by the time he got there. The two engaged in a little chat before they soon heard the sound of a rotor. They looked up and saw a helicopter approach.

The vehicle landed and it's door opened.

Special Agent Danjuma got out while Colonel Balogun could be seen seated inside.

Special Agent Danjuma approached the two. He offered Korede a handshake as he said,

"I wasn't able to say it last night. Congratulations on completing your mission. The top brass is impressed with your work."

Korede shook his hand as he replied, " Thank you, sir. However, I can't take all the credit. It was a team effort. I was but a member of a good team. The mission couldn't have succeeded without the effort of the members of the NDI, DSS and other agencies that took part in the background."

Special Agent Danjuma was happy with the youth's humble reply.

"Alright, let's not keep your superior waiting." He said with a smile.

Korede saluted him before boarding the helicopter. Soon after, the aircraft took off heading west.

Colonel Balogun who had been silent finally asked,

"How do you feel after your first Solo mission?"

Korede thought about it a bit before answering his superior/brother.

"There's a lot of shit and darkness in the world. At the same time, if one looks closely enough, there's also a lot of light worth fighting for ."

Colonel Balogun nodded his head.

"There'll be muddier missions in the future. Always hold on to that light and let it guide you so that you don't lose your way." He said.

"Copy that." Korede responded.

The brothers ended their conversation. Though they had a lot to say, now was not the time to say it as there were others around.

Korede turned his sights to the window as the beautiful trade city of Onitsha faded away into the horizon. A lot of things crossed his mind as the city disappeared from view. One more true than others.

Though the NDz might have fallen, there'll soon be another force to replace them and sit on the throne as the ruler of the city's underworld. Though he didn't know when it would happen, it was only a matter of time.

It could be in a week, a month or a year. However long it takes, it will happen.

'Wherever there's light, there must be darkness and shadows'

With that, the helicopter made its way back to Lagos.

Thus, the curtain fell on Operation PythonSlaying.


This chapter is about half the usual, I apologise for that. I want to end the Arc here so that I can start a fresh Arc in the next chapter.

That been said, I would like to know what you think of the story so far.

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See you in the next Arc.

[A.N: Please, don't forget to leave a review of the work to encourage me. Your opinion matters to me.]