
soldier of the Apocalypse(Dropped)

my name is Black I was a number but why do I have memories of someone called Ali and he is a soldier it's like I was him or he is me why is the room dark I hear someone calling me who is he ???: hy wake up kid Black: are you, God can you tell me why I have memories of someone else life ???: wow you are the first to not ask me about Genshin Impact ending Black: I was going to ask this ???: son of ##### follow Ali Black on his quest to survive in the zombie world of high school of the dead with his army will he live or die find out your self

m_42 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Z day have started...ok

I looked at the clock and then looked at the system timer

[time till main story start]


[Z day started one day ago]

[zombie count 1 million ]

after this, I looked through the window at the school still safe from the undead risk but I could see some black smoke rising and, some figures wandering in the streets with lifeless eyes,

I ready myself and look at the quiver and my bow and wear my armor and my sword on my waist put my gun in my bag and make sure that it's full of food and ammo and everything I will need in an Apocalypse, and then wear it for three days I have been getting used to this body and training y bow skill as for magic I can mask my self with death aura so the dead will not attack me and I can use natural magic it can help me grow plants and more if I need I can make a tree stop a horde of undead and now all I need to do is wait for the time to end now I close my eyes and count down 10...the dead is at the school gate 9...8...7 the teacher is bitten...6...holding my bow ready to shot at any time 5...4...3...2...Takashi run to the class ...1

[time till main story start]


[the main story high school of the dead has started ]

[zombie count 45 million ]

now time to move I ready my bow and aim at the undead at the school gate brokering my door...why didn't I just open it now more than a hundred zombies are coming at me but with my bow and some Arrows, I started clearing up the street from the dead but with only forty Arrows I had to pick up the arrows after shooting them at the zombies after an hour or more the school gate is getting harder to clear so after picking my last arrow from the zombie Corpse I jumped over the gate, and laughed at the slow mindless zombies just to hear a sound coming from my back turning around just to be meet a horde of zombies running at me...yes running at not walking holding the bow and getting ready to shot

[Ali]: why did I make fun of you again

saying that I started shooting at the running zombies and looking at their number is thirty or maybe more, I threw my bow away and picked up the gun from my bag, and started shooting at them if the mag is empty I reload fast then Continued to shot my gun till the courtyard was empty all that was left was bodies of the zombies

[Ali]: good thing my gun had a silencer or I would have been swarmed by zombies from all sides I need some help here...stats

name; Ali Black

species: half lich/ human [natural]

skill{s}: [natural magic ] [arms mastery] [death energy resistant] [necro magic] [death small] [necro aura] [natural aura]

/command and conquers system

[resources] [5640] [ten points for every zombie killed ]

/Choose a team [if you choose a team a builder and five soldiers will come out]

/world Council

/dark coalition

/red mountain Republic

[Ali]: I will take dark coalition as a team

when I said this five-armed man came out of Nowhere, four were holding guns and one was holding a flamethrower looking at the stats he is the builder, and the four others are the soldiers all of them saluted me in a military way


one of the soldiers started speaking to me

[soldier]: general how can we be of help to you

this is easy ok now

[Ali]: clear out the school's main building then clear the rest of the school and make sure that no zombies left alive use melee as much as you can save every bullet you can are if any survivors are found send them to the courtyard, and you builder after the school's main building is cleared turn it into an HQ ut first reinforce the gate now move out

after this, the soldiers started to move running at any zombie they find, this was too easy


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