
Soldier Boy: Marvel

follow Daniel in his jorney on the MCU world while he becomes the best "hero". ***I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR NOTHING JUST OC***

Forseti_0 · TV
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18 Chs

A glimpse of the future

CH. 11 A glimpse of the future

????? POV


I was startle by that scream, I got up from my bed and went to the door, when I open my door I saw my older brother's room at the end of the hall. It is three in the morning and his light is on.

"You need to stop coming home in the middle of the night like that, and stop yelling! It is 3 am and your brother is sleeping."


I recognize my brother voice. He probably had a 'couple' of drinks; I do not know what I can do to help. He has been like this for a couple of months now.

'If I go I'll probably make things worse.'

That's when it happens.


I see my mother shoved out on my brother's room, and she falls to the floor bad. I feel my blood go cold, as if everything in me stops for a second, I felt numb. I felt like I was watching from someone else's eyes as I march down the hall. I check on my mother and she was ok, she just hurt her arm in the fall. However, I feel like there is a weight in my chest and it keeps getting heavier and heavier.

I look at my brother just standing there, and everything just rushes out of me. I go into his room and grab him, we fight a little but I manage to throw him on the floor, I get on top of him and start punching him.


After a couple of punch I start to choke him, I feel like my arms are made of lead, he puts his hands on top of mine, but instead of trying to get free, he presses. As if, he wants me to do kill him.

I look at his face and he has this deranged look, like he when crazy. I let go of him, and he stars screaming like a fucking maniac, yelling something I don't understand.


Daniel wakes up from his nightmare. He is sweating and breathing heavily, his chest is glowing faintly.

'Calm down, keep calm.' He take some deep breaths and get his shit back together. 'Why I am dreaming about that shit. It was a long time ago, in literally another life.'

Daniel shakes his head, trying to get that night out of his mind. It's was the worst night of his life. He felt so much rage and frustration, whenever he remembers that night it's like he is there again. The worst part is, he doesn't know if he should have stopped, his brother just got worst after that. Until one day, his brother just packed his shit and left.

Daniel gets up and goes take a shower, it's still too early, the sun has didn't rise but he won't be able to sleep again.

"I must be nervous about moving to New York, after my graduation I'm going to start my special-ops training. The war in Vietnam is going to start after Kennedy is shot in Dallas, after that is only going downhill."

After the shower, he puts some sports clothes and goes out for a run in the woods. 'I'm going to miss this place, most of my nuclear power training was in the lake near here.'

He when deeper in the woods so no one was near him, when he was sure he was alone he opened the system.

[System online]

[One Gold for login]

[G- 7.498

Consumables- 25 G 250 G

Clothes- 50 G 500G

Armor- 100 G 1.000 G

Weapon- 200G 2.000 G

Character- 500 G 5.000G


'I have been waiting for the right time, this is it.' Daniel selects the 5.000g for character roll and the two options appears in front of him, one gold box or ten silver boxes.

"Right now I need people I can trust, I don't have a lot of allies so I need numbers." He selects the silver boxes.

The screen glows and he looks at his new summons.

[Mr. Smith – Uncommon

Mrs. Smith – Uncommon

William Miles – Uncommon

Storm Shadow – Rare

Walter white – Uncommon

Queen Maeve (comics) – Super-rare

Nathan Petrelli – Rare

Victoria "Vicki" Vale- Common

Simon "Ghost" Riley (CoD)-Uncommon

Crimson Countess (comics) –Super-rare]

Well that is a good start. I got two of the sexiest superheroes of the boys comics, like all characters their powers in the comic are on another level, Queen Maeve is a promiscuous wonder woman, and Crimson Countess is a cheap shot at the scarlet witch, her powers are heat generation and flight, she is a hot redhead.

I will summon them in the future, right now, I don't need that much fire power, plus they both are unstable, Crimson Countess is a celebrity not a hero so I will have to train her. Queen Maeve is a trained fighter but she is a nihilist, so I'll need her to trust me and show her she can take control of her life.

I don't have time for any of them sadly.

Moving on I have some good specialists they are literally the best in their fields, but humans so I can control them better. Simon "Ghost" Riley a British Special Forces operator, this is fate. I'll have him work with me in the future, he can be a good second in command.

Now we have the power couple, Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith, two assassins for hire, they could be good cover, nobody suspects a husband and wife.

Speaking of assassin's we have the William Miles father of Desmond Miles. He is a Mentor of the assassin's in the eighties. He was responsible for training and overseeing the activities of Assassin cells spread around throughout the world. Now that is a good leader.

Storm Shadow need no introduction, he is a ninja with a cold heart. If you can get his loyalty, he will follow you and do you biding without hesitation.

With these people my possibilities are endless, I have a solid foundation for the future.

'Wait a second is this Nathan Petrelli from "heroes" TV show, I remember him, he was an asshole, but he can fly at supersonic speeds.'

I put him in Character synchronization; just his power to fly is already reason enough for me. That he is a politician and has natural charisma is a bonus.

When I select synchronization it's like a heat wave spreads through my body, I feel energized and fresh. I open my status.

[NAME: Daniel Mayer

RACE: Human

Age: 16 Years

Character synchronization:

- Nathan Petrelli (60%)


- Spriggan Earth Mother




- Flight


I was surprise by the percentage 'Wow, it's already at sixty percent, well Nathan did fly at supersonic speeds, so his body must be strong or he would die from the altitude alone. My body is a lot stronger than his.'

I start to levitate, it's a good fucking feeling, I try going forward, it takes a few tries but I manage, I go forward, backwards, up and down.

'Let's take this a little higher.' The sun isn't out for another hour at least so let see how fast I can go.

I shoot up in to the dark sky of the morning.

"Fuck yes, this is fucking awesome!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Forseti_0creators' thoughts