
Sold to the Villainess

Scarlet Elwyne, the youngest girl who had achieved the title of the heiress of the dukedom, was hated by all. Due to her villainess and cold blooded behavior, many looked at her as the thorn in spite of being the most enchanting and alluring girl of the empire. Once given poison on a certain occasion, she fled from there to survive when many assassins followed her. She knew her end was there. But who would have known that god will send an angel of mercy to save her from this calamity. When she ran away from the angel, she had thought that a demon like her would never cross the path again. But surprisingly she saw him on the stage of the black market, standing in shame, waiting to be bought by a master who would either beat him and use like an animal or he would be used to serve a lady in bed. With a desire to return the debt, she bought him. But would the entanglement of fate end there or they will have a journey together?

I_am_Creator · History
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217 Chs

Strip for me!

Evans pov

All the time I have spent in that dark area, I only had one thing. That the duchess was evil and love to torture and kill the slaves. She had killed her recent slave just two days ago.

Yet the woman has brought me here to feed. I wonder if she would mix poison in my part or she want me to have enough energy to bear her torture once we reach her palace.

I could see the looks the waiter and passerby was giving me looking at the chain in my feet and my bare chest. Though the woman looked at me with lusty eyes like always. Most of them looked at me with disdain. This place must have belonged to higher nobles where there was no place of a poor slave like me. I did not understand why they wanted us to be with them when they hated our existence so much.

It was not like we have been slaves willingly! There was no intelligence in thinking about these foolish things. I rather make a plan to run away from here as the knights have not followed us in. Only the woman and her aide were there. It would not be so difficult to fight even when the condition arrives like that.

So, I better look at doors and windows to escape. But who would have thought that the woman would decide to talk all the time just when we enter the room.

The way she was standing close to me was rather unnerving. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen with those green eyes and bright golden hair that were shining like gold. But her eyes, they were so blank as if they had died a long ago, the only emotion that could be seen in them was an intention to kill, a crazy bloodlust.

"I do not mean to offend you, I apologize mistress." i replied when i saw that craziness in her eyes again, i did not want to die after coming this close to my freedom.

"You are too free spirited and vocal as a slave. Did they not train you well?" asked the lady as she held a hand on my back.

'Pervert' I could not believe a higher noble like her was doing that in a public area. Could she not wait till we reach the palace? I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth to stop myself from throwing her hands off my skin. The way she was moving her hands slowly on my back leaves goosebumps on my skin.

The door opened and she finally moved her hands away from my back.

"Shall I come later, my lady?" asked the waiter as he saw our ambiguous positions.

"No, serve the food." she replied coldly as she walked back to her seat.

The waiter nodded and dragged the trolley with him. There were more than 6 types of dishes out of which four were meat. I have never seen so many dishes available at once. My stomach grumbled as the appetizing smell wafted in my system. Yet the woman did not signal me to eat or asked the writers to serve me too.

Should I ask? Or the woman would be crazy again. I gulped my saliva as she took the small bites of the steak in her mouth and chewed them leisurely. Taking a sip of wine, she moved her nails on the rim of the glass when finally she looked at me.

Her eyes met mine and I bowed to not offend her further when I saw a smirk forming on her lips.

"Are you hungry too?" did she even need to ask after hearing my stomach growling so many times!

'Growl' here it goes once again.

I nodded, as even if I denied, my loud stomach had made the truth well known.

"You know it is the duty of masters to serve their pets." my face bloomed when she said that, i never had such a meal in my lifetime. I would love to taste it before leaving. But the smile faded after listening to her rest of the sentence. "But then pets should be loyal and entertaining for their masters too. Not the one who bites their master and talks back to them like they are equal." alright! So it meant no food for me!

So, we were only here so that she could eat and I would salivate! She really was the way people see her cruel witch!

"But there is always a chance of improvement, isn't there? Come sit here." she pointed at her feet and i nodded, i walked towards her and sat on the floor beside her feet.

"Now if you entertained me or showed your loyalty to me, I will think about feeding you." she replied, making me frown, but I maintained that smile on my face as I nodded.

I thought hard but I did not know how to entertain such a bored person!

Then an idea hit me and I started singing..

"The days will pass away..

Let it come what may.

I will be with you, in the end,

Oh my love!..."

"Would you stop that!?" came her cold voice shutting me that instant. I looked at her annoying face which was filled with bloodlust again.

"Were you trying to bleed my ears?" she asked as she glared at me and I shook my head.

"I was trying to entertain you, mistress!" I replied, I was sure I had sung before and everyone praised me, though it was a long time ago. So, I was not sure about my skills anymore.

"You better keep that mouth silent if you want to stay alive." she threatened and i nodded.

"Then, what shall I do to entertain you?" I asked her as I had no other idea when a devilish smirk formed on her lips again.

"Strip for me."