
Sold to the Scientist Mafia Boss

Grace's world is upended when she's auctioned to Carter Halcyon, a mafia-affiliated scientist with a penchant for the unorthodox. Intended as a test subject for Carter's experimental forays into human potential, Grace's resilience and wit forge an unexpected camaraderie with her captor, transcending the bonds of prisoner and master. As they delve into bizarre adventures, crossing paths with mythical beings and uncovering hidden realms, their initially coerced alliance blossoms into a genuine partnership and an even deeper romance. Through thrilling escapades and the unveiling of a magical underworld, Grace and Carter's tale evolves from an encounter with dark science to a dance with destiny in the shadows of a world where every discovery is laced with danger and enchantment.

Typical_Writing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


The world slowly came into focus. Grace's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself in a room bathed in warm, golden light filtering through the curtains. The air was scented with a hint of lavender. She tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness forced her back onto the pillows. Her head throbbed with a dull ache, and it was then that she realized she was laying on a very soft, very familiar bed with intricate patterns of the Vermilion Spire Estate's ceiling above her.


Grace was relieved to be anywhere but the forest, but she was also confused. How did she get back here?


As she lay there, the door opened softly. James stepped in, his expression a mixture of concern and relief. He held a tray with a steaming cup and some light food.


"You're awake," he said, his voice gentle. "How do you feel?"


Grace took a moment before responding, "Like I've been run over by a truck. What happened? The last thing I remember was… it's all a blur."


James set the tray on the bedside table and took a seat nearby. "You had a… let's call it a severe reaction when you touched the Heart of Tír na nÓg. Your magic went haywire, but thankfully the boss managed to get you out and back here."


"The crystal…the crystal!" Grace's back straightened, "What happened to it? Did we get it?" She stared at him. James furrowed his brows and looked off to the side, so they didn't get it. After all that…


Her shoulders slumped down. James must have noticed because he placed a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, you did everything you could. And honestly, getting you back safe was more important than any crystal."


Grace let out a heavy sigh, lightly waving his hand off her shoulder, "Thanks.." she muttered, her gaze falling down at the tray beside her. The steam rising from the cup blurred with her vision, but she did little to do about it.


"You need to rest," James continued, "Boss briefs us what you've been through, so we won't let you be alone in this."


"Oh," Grace said, "good.." Carter told them everything, everything. She would rather leave them in the dark than let them know of her incompetence. She felt the weight of her eyelids. Whatever, she was tired, so very tired. Let them know everything. She's just glad it's over.


Just then, the door opened again, and Lydia stepped in, her face brightening upon seeing Grace awake. "Oh, you're up! I was worried sick about you." She set down a basket filled with bath essentials. "You probably want to freshen up. A warm bath will do you good." She smiled.


Grace tried to smile, "Yeah, a bath actually sounds pretty nice. I feel like I haven't bathed in ages."


James stood up, giving Grace a small nod. "I'll leave you two. Remember, Grace, take it easy." With that, he exited the room, closing the door softly behind him.


Lydia chuckled. "Well, let's get you cleaned up then. You'll feel much better afterward, I promise." She moved towards the bed, then offered her hand to help Grace up.


As Lydia supported Grace towards the bathroom, the bathroom itself was a haven of luxury. Its walls were adorned with elegant tiles that shimmered under the soft lighting, and the large bathtub, carved from what looked like a single piece of marble, was already filled with steaming water, releasing a mist into the air.


Lydia helped Grace undress, her movements gentle and careful, like she was afraid any pressure could break Grace's still-aching body. As Grace stepped into the bath, the warm water enveloped her, its heat seeping into her muscles. She sighed as she slid deeper into the water.


Grace watched as the dirt and grime from the forest adventure began to dissolve away, swirling into nothingness. Lydia washed Grace's hair, her fingers skillfully massaging Grace's scalp, each movement seemed to make it a life's mission to lull Grace into a deep slumber. It felt as if the bathroom was a secluded sanctuary, the steam and warmth filling the room. For a moment, Grace could forget about crystals, magic, and everything. Here, in this moment, she was just a person being cared for.


Grace couldn't help but feel all warm inside. Even though this was embarrassing, being treated as a princess so fragile and in need of tending. But Lydia is a kind person, and even more, she cares about Grace. At least Grace hoped she does. And that's more than enough for Grace to manage a genuine smile.




Guided by Lydia, Grace made her way downstairs to the kitchen, where the aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air. The familiar clatter of utensils and the warm atmosphere felt comforting. There were the serpentine brothers, Jared was leaning against the counter with James standing beside him. James gave Grace a small wave while Jared just stared before he spoke.


"Hey, Grace," He greeted her. "You look… great girl, how are you?"


"I've been better," Grace tried to sound more upbeat than she felt. "But I'm okay now, thanks to you guys."


Jared gave a small smile but didn't seem entirely convinced. "Just take it easy, okay? We all got pretty worried."


Oh great, now Jared is worried, "So," Jared clapped his hands, "heard the boss came back without the crystal. That's a first." James elbowed Jared gently.


Jared looked at his brother, "What? It really is a first."


James sighed, shook his head then turned back to Grace, "Actually, the boss wants to talk to you, Grace. He's waiting in his study."


Grace's eyebrows were raised, but she nodded nevertheless. She followed James out of the kitchen and down the hallway. And she had to say, this guy got a thing for red. The walls were a deep, rich red, heavy velvet curtains hung at intervals. The floor was a polished dark wood, reflecting the soft golden light that emanated from ornate wall sconces. The sconces themselves were works of art, each one a delicate balance of form and function, casting patterns of light and shadow that danced across the walls.


Every few steps, they passed large, ornate doors, one in particular was slightly ajar. Grace couldn't help but catch a peek. She glimpsed about four individuals, maybe more, standing in a room with a luxurious couch and a desk in front of it. They looked intimidating, and most of all, out of place. Some appeared to be creatures, their skins were of scales of different hues and large luminescent eyes that appeared like deep ocean pools and gills flared at their neck with each breath they took. There was a human too but no less intimidating, incredibly muscular, with broad shoulders and arms that looked like they could easily lift boulders. There was another figure but Grace couldn't make out the details.


Grace tried to get a better look but James quickly pulled her away. "Grace, let's keep moving," he said in a hushed tone.


Too late, Grace's curiosity was already piqued, "Who are they?"


James glanced back at them before quickly moving away. "No one… well, someone, but not our concern. They're part of a group the boss deals with," he looked at his fingers, fidgeting with each other.


"Oh, okay," Grace didn't feel the need to press further, the guy looked close enough to faint, "Let's go then."


James huffed a deep sigh of relief and smiled as he guided Grace to the study.


Entering the study felt like stepping into a world where a library and a laboratory had collided. Books lined the walls from floor to ceiling, and the room was dotted with various scientific instruments and arcane artifacts. There was an air of organized chaos; every item seemed to have its place, yet the sheer amount made the room feel alive with knowledge and discovery.


Carter, however, was nowhere to be seen. James, noticing Grace's glance around the room, said, "Carter will be here shortly. Wait here while I try to get him." He gave Grace a small smile and then departed, leaving her alone in the expansive room. So obviously, Grace began to wander; waiting still wasn't never really her forte. She examined the spines of books and the curious gadgets strewn about.


As Grace roamed, she noticed another door slightly ajar. A room inside another room? Well, that got to her. She nudged it open wider and peered inside. The room was a stark contrast to the study; it was messy, with papers scattered everywhere, a large board with notes and strings connecting various points, and open books with scribbled annotations. One section of the board was labeled "The Heart of Tír na nÓg," filled with notes and diagrams that seemed to detail its significance and properties.


Grace was so engrossed in the chaos of the room that she almost didn't hear the footsteps. Quickly, she stepped out and shut the door just as Carter entered the study, his arms laden with a stack of heavy books.


He nodded at Grace and then carefully placed the books on a nearby table. The thud of the books echoed slightly in the quiet room.


"What's all this?" Grace asked, gesturing to the pile.




"I can see that." Grace replied.


After a moment he continued, "These are study materials. Magic books, specifically. Records show that individuals from your… background have the potential to learn magic just like anyone else here. So if you're interested in self-study, this is where you start."


Grace blinked, to avoid looking like a weirdo for staring too long, she managed a "Oh, thanks."


Her fingers unconsciously tapping against a nearby object.


"So… I heard we didn't get the Heart of Tír na nÓg."


Carter's response was calm, but even Grace could sense a hint of frustration. "Yep," He began to mutter to himself, "three years of planning down the drain," He clicked his tongue.


Grace's eyes widened, "Three years?" She echoed, thinking back to the board, all that researching, all that work was equivalent to three years, "I'm…I'm really sorry Carter."


His expression was unreadable. "For what?"


"For not being able to get the crystal, for everything that happened in the forest," The floor seemed to be the only thing Grace's eyes could look at right now.


For a few seconds there was silence until Grace heard a deep sigh, "No, it's not your fault. I was too… eager, perhaps. I underestimated the complexities of the situation." He paused. "We'll find another opportunity to get the Heart of Tír na nÓg.."




Carter let out a small chuckle, though it lacked warmth. "Yes, 'we'. Despite what happened, you proved to be… quite an asset. Your unique abilities, they might just be what we need for future endeavors."


Grace wasn't sure how to feel about that. Being considered an asset wasn't exactly a compliment in the traditional sense, but it wasn't an insult either. "I guess that's good to know," she mumbled.


"And these books," Carter gestured to the stacks, "are a start. Lydia, maybe the serpentines will be able to help you so as not let another…incident happen again."


Grace's gaze lowered, another incident huh…that reminded her she hasn't had another headache or anything like that since then..


She looked at the stacks of books Carter had brought in, a veritable mountain of knowledge waiting for her to read. It was daunting, but also kind of exciting. Since when was the last time she was excited about learning?


Grace nodded slowly, "I'll do my best," she said, more to herself than to him.


Carter nodded, the ghost of a smile on his lips. "I have no doubt Miss Mildred," His words lingered in the air as he turned to leave the study. Grace watched him go, leaving her once again alone in the study, surrounded by books and artifacts of a world she had no clue about. But she could learn.


Grace picked up one of the books, its cover worn and its pages filled with symbols and writings she could barely comprehend. But it was a start, and that had to count for something, right?