

  (At The Reunion)

  Everyone was eating, smiling, laughing and chatting on the dining table.

  "I remember when Eric was always to shy to talk to girls, after talking to a girl, he would run inside the house and lock himself in the room" Rox said and everyone burst out laughing.

  "Jeez... You're embarrassing me" Eric said as he threw the napkin on her face.

  "Luna, why are you not saying anything?? Suzy asked and they all look at her.

  "I don't have anything to say" She said as she focus on her food.

  Mimi brought out her pen and wrote something then she show it to everyone to read.

  "Luna is just like Anna".

  They all laughed...

  "Exactly, she played me for a fool today" Eve said but Luna did not say anything.

  "Where is your mom?? Anna asked Eric as she tried to change the topic.

  " She is busy .. She sent her greetings" Eric said as he took a bit of fried meat.

  Rox was about to pour some green beans in Luna's food but she quickly pull her bowl away.