

  Author's POV

  He clenched his fist as different thought keep running through his mind.

  "There's no way she's pregnant for me cos we never had sex so how come?? CJ thought.

  He watched as Anna let out a whimper and slowly open her eyes.

  ?Anna lifted her head to find CJ staring down at her with a shocking face expression on his face.

  "You.. You... You're the evil one" CJ said and Mina was surprised to see tears in his eyes.

  "You're the liar and the betrayal" CJ said and Anna arched her brow

  She was confused and did not know what has gotten over CJ.

  CJ shook his head and left the ward angrily, he bumped into the doctor but ignored him and walked away.

  The doctor entered and smiled at Anna when he see that she was awake

  "What is wrong with him?? The doctor asked as he checked the fluid.