

  Eve's POV

  I was now alone in the house staring at Eric's picture, I was quite relieved when the police left but was worried about something.

  What is it Claire wanted to tell me??"

  I looked at Eric picture and use my thumb to caress it

  "I miss you" I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks just then I heard a knock on the door.

  I quickly wipe my eyes with the back of my hand.

  "Come in, the door isn't locked" I yelled and the person entered.

  My heart was now beating fast as I see who it is

  It is Manager Don.

  My eyes widened in fear as I took a step backward.

  I thought he is no more in town, what is he doing here??"

  "Ohhh good day my lady" He said sacarstically and I was now trembling in fear.

  "Arent you happy to see me?? Or.... Wait where is Eric?? He said looking around and then he burst out laughing.

  "What a jerk he is, your superman is gone.. Who will save you now?? He said as he smirked at me.