

  (Still on Flashback)

  "Unbelievable.. What a life!!! But why can't Chairman take care of her own daughter and decided to take care of another woman's daughter"

  "I think the reason is best known to him" Alex said Just then Anna entered and CJ quickly end the call

  "Hey can't you knock before entering?? What if I am dressing up?" He asked as he glared at her

  "Well you're not dressing.... That's a relief..." Anna said as she glared at him back.

  "What are you doing here?? He asked

  "I want to go back home" She half yelled.

  "Well... I already bought you and now you're mine, so just go out and go and feed my dog" He scolded and Anna angrily left his room and slammed the door hard

  "Can't believe I am asking the daughter of the great popular chairman to feed my dog" CJ muttered to himself.

  CJ was locked up in the closet in Anna's room, Anna intentionally lock him up because he also lock her outside in the rain

  "Open this door right now" CJ yelled