

  Eve's POV

  Weaving in and out of the crowded streets slipping into an empty alleyway. I panted from my sweltering layers of clothes.

  Counting the change in my hand to see how much I had for a bus ticket I walked right into something.

  Stumbling back with the coins cluttering to the stone ground. I managed to stay on my feet looking up to see I hadn’t walked into a wall, but a man in a bright orange clothes

  His eyes trailed up and down my body causing me to

  nearly gag while guessing what he was thinking about.

  "Excuse me." I said trying to walk around him, but another guy blocked my path.

  "Isn't it hot for all those clothes?" the one blocking me asked.

  "Let us buy you a drink what'd you say?" the one I bumped into asked.

  "No thank you. I must be going." I answered sternly trying to

  rush past them, but one of them tried to grab me getting a

  hold of my hood. Turning I slapped his hand away.