

  Kayla's POV

  I can't believe that CJ left me behind, I had called his mom some minutes ago and she told me to find every means to get rid of her.

  I really don't know who send the message to me to come to the concert but i am beginning to hate this.

  I have tried everything for the two to hate each other but it always prove abortive.

  What am i going to do now??"

  I need to look for a better way to get rid of Mina.

  Anna's POV

  We both stay quiet for most of the walk, except a few rude remarks from CJ about me being too slow. I ignore him and take in my surroundings.

  He decided to break the silence.

  "So what do you wanna tell me before?? He asked.

  "Err.. Nothing"

  CJ stopped and looked at me making me look away.

  " Do you want to tell me that the kiss was a mistake and you don't love me?? He asked making me glance at him"Isnt it??"

  "CJ" i whispered.

  "Anna you don't have to say anything cos your heart had said a lot"