
Sold to the Mafia Boss

Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe love can grow with time? Do you believe hatred can turn into love? Well, Regina Quinn does not understand the concept of love at all. She is an orphan who chose her family (grandmother and kid sisters) over the luxuries of life. Her sole objective was to provide for her family, even if it meant having numerous side jobs and working night shifts. Night shifts, best reason to get kidnapped. Worst of all sold to some Mafia boss who seems to value her a lot. Could his attention have anything to do with her appearance?she has no idea. She doesn't even find herself pretty. So she believes this is love at first sight for her new master. Description;Long white hair, crystal blue eyes,thin pink lips, smooth skin and long lashes. How about Lexus grey, our male lead?,a 21year old beautiful narcissist, whose life is just a competition against his brothers. Does he believe in true love at all?not sure.He sees women as tools and doesn't want any attachments,so why would he want to get married to this complete stranger? Description;Jet black hairs, bright purple eyes, firm pink lips, a masculine jawline, well carved eye brows and long lashes. The first 3chapters are Regina's pov,the next 3 are Lexus'. The rest are general Also all events or places in this story are fictitious, if there are any resemblances to reality, then it's a coincidence.One last thing, my English is not the best but I'm learning. Special thanks to Okoski for my cover page.Love you!

FANSS · Urban
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18 Chs

Our Marriage (Continuation of chapter 3)

Regina's fear soon dissolved as she was led back to the table she had been sitting at by Lexus accompanied by a few men in black suits.

Gossips and loud gasps could be heard as Lexus passed by tables; ladies blushed while a few, dazed to the extent of spilling their cups of coffee over themselves. He was well aware of the effect of his presence, he loved the attention he was getting but he just ignored it.

Once at his table, he rang the bell and a waitress walked to his table.She wrote down his order and left immediately.

Regina who had been sitting just across him hadn't said anything so far. Her presence would've been forgotten if she hadn't spoken.

"Who are you?"she asked as she tried making eye contact with Lexus which didn't go well because of his surprisingly intimidating look.

Lexus could have been caught off guard by her question but he had already anticipated it. He stared at her for a few seconds noticing her serious look, he smiled slightly then answered her question.

"I already told you, I'm yours, just call me 'mine'"

She was not satisfied by his answer, she wanted to know his name(and stop referring to him as 'Mr Beautiful'). Plus she didn't like the idea of calling him hers.

"Your name"

Lexus' men shuffled a little in discomfort. Who didn't know Lexus?

Everyone knew Lexus. Not as a mafia boss but as a famous young billionaire. How could this girl not know who he was?Lexus was a little surprised too but he just told himself she might not have recognized him yet.

"Lexus, Lexus Grey"he said with so much confidence. He thought she might bow to him and apologize for not having recognized him and maybe also express how honoured she was to be getting married to him. Instead, her serious look turned into a confused one.

"Am I supposed to know who you are?I don't pay much attention to actors and models"

Lexus' confident smile turned into a look of disgust, like are you kidding me?you don't know who I am? I'm freaking famous and you don't know who I am! it's impossible.

"Y-you've never heard of me before?"

"Hmmm..... I'm not sure, I've never been interested in fashion icons or celebrities"

Her response shocked Lexus even more. He had never met someone of her age who didn't know who he was. He tried to examine her so he could know if she had lied but it was obvious she hadn't.

"N-never mind. It doesn't matter anyway, you'll learn to know me as time goes by" he said though he was still in shock.

A few moments later waitresses walk to the table with different dishes;bacon, omelette, toast, pancakes and a few others.

Regina was dumfounded. She had never seen so much food before and also she didn't know you could get breakfast at a cafe. She might have stared a while longer if Lexus hadn't chuckled softly. She blushed and looked away as she noticed he had been staring at her.

Lexus chuckled a little bit more after seeing her reaction, he found it really cute.

"Eat, it's all yours"

Regina gasped, did he really order all this food for her?One part of her told her not to eat the food since it was from a stranger but the other part kept saying"food so much food, eat food". She tried to reject his offer but it was impossible. She muttered a 'thanks' and attacked the food immediately.

Lexus knew she couldn't resist it but he was doubting if she had any eating etiquette or manners. To his greatest surprise, she ate like any other celebrity. She had good manners and she didn't make it too obvious she hadn't eaten for days.He wasn't hungry so he just had a cup of coffee.

Breakfast went by in complete silence and soon enough they were on their way to the civil affairs office.

The ride was even more quiet, the driver and an Asian looking white haired man sat at the front while Lexus and Regina sat at the back. Since the back seat was broad, Regina ensured a wide gap between Lexus and her in order to avoid any contact.

Lexus seemed to have noticed this, he smiled but didn't say anything. He glanced past at her a few times too but still didn't say a thing. She was bound on keeping the gap between them so much she seemed like she was clinging to the door.

Regina fiddled with her bracelet dangerously, it was her mother's last gift to her so she valued it a lot. The more the car moved, the more she got nervous. She prayed for the ride to be interrupted or at least delayed but no way, the ride was smooth. Cars even seemed to part for their car to move with ease.

The car finally came to a stop. They had arrived at the civil affairs office. Regina slumped in her seat from despair. A million last minute plans went through her mind but there was no way. Once their car stopped, a dozen men in purple suits surrounded the car she was sitted in.

One of the men who had just arrived helped her out,she took his hand came out of the car. Lexus was already there with his hands folded.

"Let's go, we'll be getting married in a few minutes"he takes her hand softly.

He was surprised by how tough but feminine her hands were. He had never held hands like hers, he didn't pay much attention to it unlike Regina who was still wondering how a man's hand can be so soft and smooth. His palms were warm and soo perfect.

He led her into the building and then an office where they were offered seats.Once they say, the lady sitted at the table handed them papers to sign. When all the papers had been signed, the photographer came forward for a picture.

"Do I kiss the bride now"asked Lexus as he stared sweetly at Regina.

The lady at the desk and the photographer laugh at his question.

"Miss, you're lucky to have this man as your husband. He's not only good looking but he has humour too."the lady said. The photographer pointed to a long desk on which they were to sit.

"Miss please move closer to your husband"said the photographer

Regina moved closer to him but the gap was still a little too wide.

"Are you shy?"asked the lady

She didn't even have the time to answer as Lexus wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

"You can take your picture now"

The picture is taken and their marriage certificate is issued and handed to them.

He takes her hand again and they walk out.

Sorry for the slow update once more. I wrote this chapter in a hurry. So sorry for any errors

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