
Sold to the Mafia Boss

Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe love can grow with time? Do you believe hatred can turn into love? Well, Regina Quinn does not understand the concept of love at all. She is an orphan who chose her family (grandmother and kid sisters) over the luxuries of life. Her sole objective was to provide for her family, even if it meant having numerous side jobs and working night shifts. Night shifts, best reason to get kidnapped. Worst of all sold to some Mafia boss who seems to value her a lot. Could his attention have anything to do with her appearance?she has no idea. She doesn't even find herself pretty. So she believes this is love at first sight for her new master. Description;Long white hair, crystal blue eyes,thin pink lips, smooth skin and long lashes. How about Lexus grey, our male lead?,a 21year old beautiful narcissist, whose life is just a competition against his brothers. Does he believe in true love at all?not sure.He sees women as tools and doesn't want any attachments,so why would he want to get married to this complete stranger? Description;Jet black hairs, bright purple eyes, firm pink lips, a masculine jawline, well carved eye brows and long lashes. The first 3chapters are Regina's pov,the next 3 are Lexus'. The rest are general Also all events or places in this story are fictitious, if there are any resemblances to reality, then it's a coincidence.One last thing, my English is not the best but I'm learning. Special thanks to Okoski for my cover page.Love you!

FANSS · Urban
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18 Chs

Let's have breakfast, darling

My eyelids were so heavy, i hadn't had an inch of rest all night. It was his fault, i didn't even know his name but he was the only thing on my mind. How could he be so beautiful yet dangerous?I pondered on and on while staring at the ceiling then

BANG! the door burst open and mysterious men all dressed in purple tuxedos marched in with Mr beautiful at their head. That's what I called him since i didn't know his name and he was really beautiful.

~Untie her!~Mr beautiful ordered and sat on a nearby stool facing me.

The men obeyed his orders and immediately cut the ropes binding my hands to my back and feet together. Finally I was free, my spine ached from being tied up for so long. I stretched my arms and stood up.

~sit down, don't get close to our boss!~a white haired man ordered,his words almost pulling me down. Who was he and why was he giving me orders?I wasn't even planning on getting close to his boss.

~Let her stand she must be exhausted from sitting~it seemed like the men were his goons, they did everything he ordered them to. I was lost in my thoughts and didn't notice he was staring at me.

~Leave the room~he ordered and all the men bowed their heads and marched out as quickly as they came in.

~Now that we're alone I think you should come close~his tone lightened as he spoke to me, more like he was begging me and not giving me orders like he did with his men. I moved a step forward, but then I felt dizzy and I passed out.

His face was the first thing I saw as my eyes fluttered open.

~I'm sorry~he said in a barely audible voice. He then turned to his men and started yelling at them.

~Didn't I tell you to give her food! what if she had developed ulcers?~his men didn't dare look him in the eyes, they were visibly terrorized.

I looked around me and for the first time in days I felt warm, not cold from the tiled floor.The room was well ventilated, clean and beautiful. I felt kind of.... safe.

He turned to me and asked me if I could wake up,I had a little bit of strength so I sat up. He smiled at me, his smile gave me a strange feeling of warmth.

~You know what? let's have breakfast darling~breakfast? with him? why did he call me darling? why was I feeling warmer?

He ordered a maid to take care of me and left immediately.