
Sold to the Mafia Boss

Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe love can grow with time? Do you believe hatred can turn into love? Well, Regina Quinn does not understand the concept of love at all. She is an orphan who chose her family (grandmother and kid sisters) over the luxuries of life. Her sole objective was to provide for her family, even if it meant having numerous side jobs and working night shifts. Night shifts, best reason to get kidnapped. Worst of all sold to some Mafia boss who seems to value her a lot. Could his attention have anything to do with her appearance?she has no idea. She doesn't even find herself pretty. So she believes this is love at first sight for her new master. Description;Long white hair, crystal blue eyes,thin pink lips, smooth skin and long lashes. How about Lexus grey, our male lead?,a 21year old beautiful narcissist, whose life is just a competition against his brothers. Does he believe in true love at all?not sure.He sees women as tools and doesn't want any attachments,so why would he want to get married to this complete stranger? Description;Jet black hairs, bright purple eyes, firm pink lips, a masculine jawline, well carved eye brows and long lashes. The first 3chapters are Regina's pov,the next 3 are Lexus'. The rest are general Also all events or places in this story are fictitious, if there are any resemblances to reality, then it's a coincidence.One last thing, my English is not the best but I'm learning. Special thanks to Okoski for my cover page.Love you!

FANSS · Urban
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18 Chs

Getting to know you better

Regina was still taken aback by what had happened the previous day; Lexus' coming to the mansion, him freaking out just because she hadn't had lunch and then disappearing after ordering Mme Laura to make lunch. He didn't even eat, neither lunch nor dinner. It was almost like he had gone but Regina knew he hadn't. The purple Lamborghini she assumed he arrived in was still parked in the mansion's front yard. But he was still nowhere to be found.

"He'll show up anytime soon, I guess. So where do I go today? the garden again? no I'll try the orchard instead." She tidied up and got into a pair of grey sweatpants and a white basic t-shirt. She picked up her notebook and walked to the backyard.

The orchard wasn't as large as the garden but the trees and shrubs were organized. Apple, orange, fig, apricot and peach trees lined in rows. Camelia, Lilac and hibiscus bushes at the corners.

"I didn't even notice how good this place smells. The scent reminds me of my home,fresh camellia blooms. I guess I'll stay here a little longer"she sat at the base of an apple tree and chuckled.

"If an apple drops on my head then I

might have new ideas for my plan. Wow, Regina Newton"she chuckled a little more.


In the master's bedroom's bathroom, Lexus who had just woken up was taking a bath while organizing his thoughts

"The 'getting to know each other' phase of my plan has to start today. From my few 'taking a lady to my mum' experiences, the most essential things we need to know about each other are our hobbies, habitudes, likes and dislikes. I'll ask Alex to do a background check on her later. I didn't even hesitate before telling mum she was a good person meanwhile I'm not even sure. Her only character traits I know she has is being shy and well mannered which are not enough. I'll try to sort everything out before next week."He walks out of the bathroom and puts on some clothes.

"First I check my garden then I can go check on the girl. It didn't look really healthy yesterday, or maybe I didn't pay much attention to it".

When he opened the door, he had expected to see wilted flowers, dried leaves and litter everywhere. Instead, the garden was more beautiful than ever. The flowers had been watered and trimmed even better than he did."Wow!"he exclaimed.

"I guess my eyesight was too bad from the tiredness yesterday. Mr Smith (the gardener) did a really good job this time, I can't even believe he's the one. There's nothing to do here, I should go in." he thought.

He was on the point to leave when he noticed fresh footprints leading to the orchard."There's someone out here too?"he asked himself. He traced the footprints and found Regina sitting at the base of a tree."Oh, it's her. What could she be doing here at this hour of the day?"he asked himself.


Regina heard footsteps coming towards her direction. She guessed it was the gardener so she greeted him as soon as he got closer.

"Good morning sir"she said calmly without lifting her head from her notebook. The man stopped in his tracks for sometime before speaking.

"Good morning darling, how was your night?"said a very familiar voice said startling her. "Lexus!?"she asked herself. She looked up to see Lexus smiling at her.

"I-it was good, master"she stuttered.

"Please don't call me that?"Lexus said.

"What should I call you then, master?"she asked. He looked upset, she gulped.

"Call me... hubby boo or something of that sort, we're married so stop calling me master"he said in a half irritated tone.

"H-hubby boo?!"that name sounded familiar, but she couldn't seem to remember when she had heard it.

Lexus chuckled at her reaction and sat to her right. She pushed her notebook aside.

"Why are you out here so early in the morning?"he asked.

"Taking some fresh air."she said quickly. She would have asked him the same question but she dared not.

"Do you like plants?"Lexus asked.

"M-mainly flowers"she answered.

"Well me too"he smirked."Are there any other things you like?maybe we might have more in common"he added.

His sudden interest in her likes stunned her. She wondered if it was done sort of interview, she didn't like sharing her personal information but she couldn't leave his questions unanswered.

"Drawing, physical activities and books"she listed

"Can I see your drawings?I guess you make your sketches in that notebook"he pointed to the notebook which laid in the grass. Regina mentally face slapped herself. If she gave him the book, he'd see her escape plan written in it. Which will lead to the failure of her plan.

"N-no"she stuttered.

"Why?"he gave her a suspicious look while trying to reach for the book.

"The... drawing a-are not yet f-finished"she pushed the book further."I hope it's a good reason"she thought.

"Ok, but you'll have to show me them when you're done. So you're into physical activities? anything in particular?"he asked, checking her out at the same time. It made Regina feel uneasy,"is there something on my shirt?"she asked herself before moving away slightly.

"N-nothing in particular"she stuttered.

"What categories have you tried?"he inquired.

"Mild fighting sports mostly for self defence, tennis and swimming. But I dropped them a while ago"Lexus stopped talking for a moment, like he had just remembered something very important.

"Thanks for being so honest with me. Now will you like getting to know me better?"he asked. Personally, she didn't want to know anything about him but if it pleased him then I should do it, she told herself. She faked a sweet smile and nodded.

"My plan is going just as I expected,it wouldn't be as hard as I thought"

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