
Chapter 5

Everywhere would get dark soon, she had never been out alone by this time before, and she had a strange man following her. She had been running for about five minutes without daring to look back even once, when she saw light coming from what looked like a motel from afar.

Maybe someone could help me there, she thought as she quickly ran into the place without observing her surroundings, but boy was she wrong.

Ruby found herself in a bar with half naked women parading the whole place. Gross. When she realized where she had

ended up, she made an attempt to leave when an old man grabbed her, he was clearly drunk.

"Leave me alone!" she pleaded with the drunk man who was now trying to harass her. She thought someone would at least try to stop this from happening but no one looked at her and continued minding their business, she was disgusted by their behavior.

"What kind of sick place and sick people are you all, this man is trying to harass me and you all are just sitting there doing nothing at all". Still no reaction from them, seriously...

The next thing she knew she found herself on the ground and finally someone came to her rescue. About time. He was really attractive, but she had no time to admire him, she had to leave now before something worse happened to her.

She tried to sneak out but really wasn't good at that, before she knew it she was grabbed by this mysterious attractive man, who was insanely good at fighting, and was dragged

outside. The cold air welcomed her as soon as she got outside.

She yanked her hand free from his grasp, because he was putting pressure on the injuries her father had inflicted on her, the strange man gave a confused stare.

"Thank you for helping me, but I can handle myself from here on" she turned to leave when she heard him scoff, did he just scoff at her?

"Is any of this funny to you"? She turned back to face him, and this time took her time to examine his features, God was he beautiful!, but lacked manners. Sigh, they can never be perfect, always one fault here and there.

"Angel, are you done admiring my looks' '?" Her cheeks turned red when she realized that she had been looking at him for too long. She glanced back at him and rolled her eyes. "You wish!My dog looks better than you".

Really of all things to say, your dog seriously?, she had to leave now before she made a fool out of herself more than she had already did.

"Look young lady, I didn't butt in to help you okay", she really didn't have the strength to argue with him,so she just nodded her head in agreement with him.


"I am being for real". What was he doing, why was he still pestering her.

"And I believe you. Do you still see me arguing with you, no. So please leave me alone".

"You know i like girls who are feisty-" the stranger said as he pushed onto the back of his car, Ruby took a nervous gulp, and averted her eyes from his gaze, who was this man? And why was her body feeling things it had never felt before.

He raised her chin up with a finger and whispered in her ear, "but I also don't tolerate nonsense from anyone, so you better show some respect princess".

Ruby was weak in the knees, but needed to do something quick, before she ended up doing something she'd regret later. She pushed him off her and put a reasonable distance between them.

"Look, I don't know who you are, or what gives you the right to corner me like that, but I was never rude to you, and you are just overreacting".

He laughed at her, and walked up to her, "whatever you say princess."

"Stop calling me that."

"Princess." ughh he was infuriating and clearly lacked manners. She was done having this conversation and proceeded to leave.

"Do your parents know where you are?"Ruby froze in her steps and turned back to face him, "it is none of your business."

"Uh-huh so they don't know", he said with a smirk evident on his face. Ruby was fed up with this strange man, and just wanted to be anywhere he wasn't.

She turned to leave when she realized she didn't still know where she was, with a sheepish smile she turned back to face him

"By any chance, do you have a charger with you?" *********************************************

The ride back home was quiet, after an endless bickering between her and the mysterious guy he finally gave in and helped her out, by calling an uber for her apparently she really wasn't that far from home.

He kept on calling her princess the entire time, up to the point when the uber driver arrived, and he was clearly enjoying himself.

"You know I really don't like you. And I hope we never cross paths again." Ruby said, before entering the uber, slamming the door, and flipping the strange man off.

She saw the familiar street, and felt her stomach drop. This may have been her only chance to escape from that house, and she had just ruined it.

The uber driver dropped her off, and sped away. Her father was waiting for her by the entrance, an angry expression evident on his face. She braced herself for the beating that was about to come but never received any. Opening one eye cautiously so that she won't be caught off guard, she watched as her father retracted his steps back into the house. Was he finally tired of her?

She watched her stepmom come out of the house to reprimand her, but Ruby had already had a long day and

couldn't deal with her right now. Ignoring her, she brushed her stepmom aside and went up to her room.


The weekend came by fast, it was the day Ruby had dreaded all week. After her little stunt, her father had increased the security all over the place and she was no longer allowed to leave the house, she had become a prisoner in her own house.

Looking at the black revealing gown laid down on her bed with a note beside it stating she should put it on, Ruby had never felt more disgusted in her life, she hated her father, she hated the world, and most especially she hated herself.

Her anxiety had skyrocketed today, she felt it as her legs wobbled as she went down the stairs and into the living

room. She saw a man sitting on the sofa with his head bent downwards, why did something about him feel familiar. The man raised his head up and their eyes met. She gave out an unbelievable cry and retracted her steps backwards until she made contact with the wall.

"You!", she watched as a smirk formed on his face, that devilish handsome man was enjoying this. He stood up from his seat and went to meet her, raising her face up with a finger he whispered in her ear, "me".