
Sold to the Alpha

Amber West's mother was a ruthless woman who ws never meant to be a mother. She sold Amber to the highest bidder not caring what her life would turn out to be. Amber finds herself being taken away from everything she had ever known, the good and the bad, and thrown into an abyss of the unknown. Alpha Damien Lionheart was the most powerful Alpha in the whole country. Also known as the most ruthless; He has purchased Amber from her mother, not even sure why the reason. All he knew was that when he had seen her picture, he was mesmerized.

Swift_Sonder · Fantasy
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66 Chs


Damien's POV

As I make my way down to the cellar, I can't help my heart keep from beating a little faster. As soon as I saw Amber's face in the stack of pictures given to me, I knew I had to have her. I cannot believe what Jeremy told me, that piece of shit was about to kill her. I will find out what makes those people tick, what gives them pride and pleasure, and I will rip it away from them.

As I close the basement door I stand at the top of the steps to listen for any sounds. There is a complete silence, no sounds coming from anywhere. I quietly make my way down the stairs and stand in front of her door. I can hear her breathing steady, she seems to be in a deep sleep. I unlock the door and quietly open it making my way inside. The room is filled with her scent, lavender and vanilla. My wolf is going crazy at this point, and I can not keep myself from moving closer to her. I slowly make my way over to the bed, and my heart just about stops. "Mate" I whisper as I stare at her beautiful face. I gently sit down on the side of the bed and move a lone strand of hair from her face. I gingerly caress her face down to her neck, and she starts to stir. I stop my movements so she doesn't wake up, waiting for her to fall back into her rhythmic breathing to know she is in a deep sleep again. Once she does, I move her golden braid from her neck, and I see the massive bruise that shitbag left on her throat. My blood is boiling and I know I have to get out of there before my wolf loses his mind.

I make my way to the door as quickly as possible, but don't have the mind to not slam the door on my way out. I make it upstairs and into my office before Killian (my wolf) tears his way to the surface.

Amber POV

All of a sudden I jump up. What was that loud bang? "Hello?...is anyone there?" I call out. Nothing is there, just me in the darkness. My heart starts racing, and I start to feel like I can't breathe. Oh no, I am having a panic attack...it's ok, deep breath, one...two...three...in and out. There we go, my heart starts to slow it's pace. I slowly get out of bed and out my robe on. I can't just sit here and do nothing, I need to get some answers. I walk over to the door and just for shits and giggles I turn the knob. Oh my lord, it's unlocked! I quietly open the door and make my way out into the hallway and up the basement stairs. Stopping at the top of the stairs I listen for any sounds that tell me someone is on the other side. All I can hear is my breathing which tells me there is no one on the other side. I open the door, standing there I contemplate what to do. Should I run or should I try to find some answers as to why I am here?