
Sold to the Alpha's

As her smile appeared a frown came from the guy in front of her. "What is so funny?" He questioned as he took a knife and traced it on her knee "Hmmm what is so funny?" The petite woman, beautiful women sitting tied up only smiled more. It didn't matter that the man was stronger than her, nor did it matter that she might not make it out of this alive. All that mattered is that she held on just until they got there. "You are." She started to laugh, "You think that by torturing me I will tell you anything, that I will give up those that I love? If so you are dead wrong." His voice was never warm to begin with, but up until now there was a softness in his voice. Used to get most women to give him the information he wanted, but it turned cold and chilling. Leaning up to speak in her ear he whispered "Most people I have tortured have said the same thing, and I have broken each and everyone of them. There is nothing special about you, you will break just like the rest." With those chilling words he quit messing around, and plunged the knife into her leg. She did not scream, instead she closed her eyes begging that she could reach her mates through the bond. Hoping they would come and save her. Right as the knife was pulled out to be used to make this young girl scream, both of them could hear the sound of bullets. Leaving two emotions in the room, one of satisfaction and happiness. The other one of terrior as he had kidnapped her. "What's wrong, worried?" The girl grinned through the pain. "Not in the slightest." The man turned hiding his face from her. Before he could think of what to do the door opened. It was not opened slowly, but so hard, and fast that if it had received anymore force the door would be off it's hinges. Standing in the doorway was a man with a red suit and brown hair. The man doing the torturing tried to take off only to turn back in horror, as the man turned into a wolf and ripped him to shreds. She didn't know who stepped in the room, but she knew they were here for her, by the way the man screamed in agony. Her back was faced to the guest so all she could do was wait. Wait for him to save her, when he stepped in front of her, her heart melted. "Chase." It was the only word she could muster with all the pain. He cut through her restraints, and lifted her in his arms. "Isabelle stay with me baby, I'm here just stay awake." He begged but worry set in, as his women was growing unconscious in his arms. He was finally here, finally here to save her, but was it to late? Maybe had she never fallen in love with him, or the others she wouldn't be on the edge of death. This book takes you on a journey of four lives. Isabelle the omega who had her heart broken, and believed every last alpha was the same, all being cruel. While the other three were like brothers, Cole the leader, the other two being Dylan, and Chase. They lived life to the fullest, and the darkest. Once caring about people, only to destroy the ones they loved in the end. The three of them decided to no longer care. But when they meet a beautiful thief, they realized she did not only break into there house, but into there hearts. Could she be different, and survive there world, or would she be doomed by the past? Believing there world to be bad for her, only to find out her world held the same darkness, or maybe even more. Does fate bring these four people happily ever after, or does it merely taunt them to believe they can, only to be destroyed for good. (THIS BOOK IS MATURE, BUT STARTS SLOW. YOUNG READERS NOT ADVISED, OR PEOPLE WHO CAN'T HANDLE THESE TYPES OF BOOKS.)

Fiction_1864 · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Out With the Old, In With the New Part 1

Jane decided to help isabyelle out at the bookstore putting books into piles of genre. When a big moving truck pulled up in front of the store.

"Isabelle, ISABELLE! Jane ran to the back room.

Isabelle was gluing the shelves back together, but stopped when Jane came in. "What is it sweetheart?" Isabelle tried to control her anger as she saw Jane who looked scared. "Did someone hurt you?" Isabelle got up and went to Jane holding her face.

"No just someone is outside with a moving truck, and I don't know who it is."

Isabelle looked past Jane out the door as the front door opened. "Jane I need you to stay here okay?" Turning her attention back to Jane.

"No last time I listened to you, you were gone for hours, days even. I don't want you to leave again." Jane gripped Isabelle's shirt determined not to let go.

"I'm not leaving the store. I'm just stepping out of this room to say hi."

"Promise?" Jane didn't fully believe Isabelle would come back.

"I promise." Jane finally let go. Isabelle pulled away and looked into her eyes. "It's going to be okay."

Jane smiled shyly and sat in the back, while Isabelle went out to meet the stranger. The front door was held open as men moved boxes into the store. Isabelle watched from the register as she snuck a gun into her pants. The movers didn't stop, nor did they say something. After the boxes came the shelves. Isabelle was in a daze, what is it that they were doing?

"Ms. Jade, Ms. Jade." One of the workers had walked up to her with a clipboard and a pen.

"Huh, hmm." Isabelle finally snapped out of it, realizing the guy in front of her was to close she backed up. While seeing another guy measuring her book shelves. "What the fuck is going on here?" Isabelle caught all the eyes, all the workers stopped what they were doing.

"Miss please sign this." The guy in front of her was ignoring her question, as he tried to give Isabelle the clipboard.

"Not until you tell me what in the hell is going on." Yet just like the last time she asked, she received no answer.

Isabelle pulled out the gun. She had to protect the little girl in the back room no matter the cost. She could have pointed it at the man in front of her, but the thing about fear is you get the most information when you have more fear. The man in front of her seemed afraid, but not as afraid as the man with the tape measure. So the gun was pointed at him.

Isabelle waited a moment before sighing. "I want to know what is going on, and I'm really not going to ask again." To fully sell it Isabelle gave half a grin, terrifying the man that the gun was pointed at.

Yet the man closer to her only smiled, this was the famous Isabelle Jade. The innocent little girl the three alpha's were falling for. She's not as innocent as she looked.

The one that responded was not the guy who just pissed himself, that was so afraid. Four of the men there were just normal movers. While two more men were personal security, hired by the three alpha's to protect Isabelle. Funny enough it was her with the gun.

One of the personal security guards was in front of her with a clipboard. While the other was outside making sure everything was okay out there.

The man with the clipboard responded. "Ms. Jade we were paid to drop this stuff off, and set it up." He wasn't prepared to see the confused look on her face.

Isabelle holding the gun firmly moved the barrel towards the man talking. "Who paid you, and what is it?"

Was this Steven, she thought she finally got away from him. He was the only one she knew that did something this bazar. She would have to leave once again. She was finally happy, but then again she found herself happy many times in a new town away from him. Only for him to destroy it. She thought she learned by now, he would always destroy her happiness. She would never be truly free.

Anger clouded her mind, she cocked the gun. She wished it was Steven in front of her, and how he would tell her how she couldn't do it. He was fucking wrong this time. This town changed her, it tore her apart, more than Steven ever could. She put herself back together, but she put herself back differently. So yes, she knew deep down she could kill him, but a stranger. Could she kill some random guy she didn't even know?

The man with the clipboard put his hands up for mercy. He was throwing up the white flag. "Please Isabelle just take a look at the clipboard, it will answer all your questions." He was getting the feeling she thought he was someone else. Someone she was afraid of, so he tried to stay calm with her.

Rolling her eyes Isabelle looked at him. He seemed sweet enough, but so did Steven, so did Wade. Her heart ached as she thought of Wade. How could she trust the man in front of her, or any man for that matter? She couldn't, not after Wade.

"I can't trust you, now can I? How do I know you won't do something to me once I grab it?"

"How do you know I will do something to you?" She was damaged he could see that much.

"Your a stranger who started bringing stuff into my store without my knowledge. I don't know about you, but in this part of town that's sketchy. So no I can't trust you. If you want me to your going to have to prove it."

The man just stood there, how was he supposed to prove his intentions were pure, and why couldn't one of the alpha's tell her what was going on? He was lost when out of the blue an idea popped into his head, like a lightbulb just suddenly turned on. Smiling in his head he walked up to the counter, still with his hands up, isabelle backed up still with her finger over the trigger. The man reached down and slid the clipboard towards her, then backed up.

"My name is Zack. I have no intention to hurt you."

Isabelle reached over grabbed the clipboard not taking the gun or her eyes off of Zack. Once she scanned over the papers her eyes got wide, as tears trickled down her face. It wasn't Steven, but rather Cole. She was relieved, but even more confused. Yeah Cole was a dick, but she wouldn't kill him, or some random guy. Moving her finger away from the trigger, and putting the gun into safety mode she scanned more of the papers. There were new books, bookshelves, locking door system, a desk for the back office, and a nice leather love seat sence a sofa wouldn't fit. A new computer, digital, and old fashioned clock. This man had no shame. He shoved her out of his office not giving a damn, only to give her what looked like over a couple thousand dollars worth of stuff. Then she saw a few tables, and chairs, and lights. Wow this was to much.

Shaking her head she couldn't imagine what was going on in Cole's head. "Why?" Is all she could manage to say, mouth dropping open.

"Oh sorry, I forgot." Zack reached into his pocket pulling out a small piece of paper and setting it down on the counter. Isabelle still held the gun out.

Isabelle took the letter and read it's contents.

"Ms. Jade I appreciate you having the courage to tell me what you felt. Your honesty touched me. I can't explain why I turned you away, but I shouldn't have done it like that. I've learned of your situation so I decided to help. Charge your own price on the books, and make your business shine. I denied you, you owe me nothing in return. Someone will help you set up. Yours surely, COLE HANSON."

Without saying anything she stood here for a moment before talking to Zack. "Zack can you not mention..." She shook the gun. "This?"

Zack smiled lightly, she was calming down. "I'll make you a deal, put the gun down and it won't be mentioned, I'll even forget it." Keeping the same light smiled to not scare her.

Isabelle was reluctant it was her safety measure, but he wouldn't hurt her, would he? Deciding to have a tiny bit of trust in Zack she put the gun back into her pants. It's not that she trusted Zack, but the tiny but of faith was in the fact Cole sent him here.

Zack nodded as he realized it must have taken a lot to trust him enough.

"I want to talk to him." Her eyes grew cold again as she told this to Zack.

"Don't you have his number?" He had been confused sense he walked in.

Isabelle shook her head, looking sad in the direction of the bookshelves. Taking his phone out Zack handed it to Isabelle with Cole's contact in the screen. Breathing heavily Isabelle hit call.