
Sold to the Alpha's

As her smile appeared a frown came from the guy in front of her. "What is so funny?" He questioned as he took a knife and traced it on her knee "Hmmm what is so funny?" The petite woman, beautiful women sitting tied up only smiled more. It didn't matter that the man was stronger than her, nor did it matter that she might not make it out of this alive. All that mattered is that she held on just until they got there. "You are." She started to laugh, "You think that by torturing me I will tell you anything, that I will give up those that I love? If so you are dead wrong." His voice was never warm to begin with, but up until now there was a softness in his voice. Used to get most women to give him the information he wanted, but it turned cold and chilling. Leaning up to speak in her ear he whispered "Most people I have tortured have said the same thing, and I have broken each and everyone of them. There is nothing special about you, you will break just like the rest." With those chilling words he quit messing around, and plunged the knife into her leg. She did not scream, instead she closed her eyes begging that she could reach her mates through the bond. Hoping they would come and save her. Right as the knife was pulled out to be used to make this young girl scream, both of them could hear the sound of bullets. Leaving two emotions in the room, one of satisfaction and happiness. The other one of terrior as he had kidnapped her. "What's wrong, worried?" The girl grinned through the pain. "Not in the slightest." The man turned hiding his face from her. Before he could think of what to do the door opened. It was not opened slowly, but so hard, and fast that if it had received anymore force the door would be off it's hinges. Standing in the doorway was a man with a red suit and brown hair. The man doing the torturing tried to take off only to turn back in horror, as the man turned into a wolf and ripped him to shreds. She didn't know who stepped in the room, but she knew they were here for her, by the way the man screamed in agony. Her back was faced to the guest so all she could do was wait. Wait for him to save her, when he stepped in front of her, her heart melted. "Chase." It was the only word she could muster with all the pain. He cut through her restraints, and lifted her in his arms. "Isabelle stay with me baby, I'm here just stay awake." He begged but worry set in, as his women was growing unconscious in his arms. He was finally here, finally here to save her, but was it to late? Maybe had she never fallen in love with him, or the others she wouldn't be on the edge of death. This book takes you on a journey of four lives. Isabelle the omega who had her heart broken, and believed every last alpha was the same, all being cruel. While the other three were like brothers, Cole the leader, the other two being Dylan, and Chase. They lived life to the fullest, and the darkest. Once caring about people, only to destroy the ones they loved in the end. The three of them decided to no longer care. But when they meet a beautiful thief, they realized she did not only break into there house, but into there hearts. Could she be different, and survive there world, or would she be doomed by the past? Believing there world to be bad for her, only to find out her world held the same darkness, or maybe even more. Does fate bring these four people happily ever after, or does it merely taunt them to believe they can, only to be destroyed for good. (THIS BOOK IS MATURE, BUT STARTS SLOW. YOUNG READERS NOT ADVISED, OR PEOPLE WHO CAN'T HANDLE THESE TYPES OF BOOKS.)

Fiction_1864 · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Break In

Isabelle looked sad and defeated as she left the office. She should have been happy he told her to go. She didn't really want their help, did she? All she could think about is him saying what can I help you with, and her sitting down telling him all her problems. They owned every building they could surly stop some dinner, but would they have even cared? By his reaction she assumed not. No she couldn't do this. Every time she decides to trust people, people like them she always got burned, and she was getting tired of it. She finally had a better life it wasn't perfect with a picket fence, but it was real and it was hers she didn't want to lose it again.

She worked hard, during the day she worked at a bookstore, and at night she was a waitress. Spending as little time home as possible. After her shift at the diner she went back to the bookstore and got dressed. If anyone saw her tonight the only way she could be recognized was as a thief dressed in black. She had a black mask that covered her hair and face, and she wore slick cloths that had padding. It helped when jumping through windows, and hid her figure you couldn't tell if she was a man or women in these cloths.

She put her normal cloths over the top and walked about a block away from the building. Stripping from her normal cloths revealing the black suit underneath. The worst part was carrying the bag it was not exactly light, it held a crow bar picks and other random junk needed to help break into places. After looking around earlier that day she realized how many cameras were in front, if it was a smaller building she would just go from the roof. That wasn't going to cut it. Instead she decided to go from the side window, it was a small break room for guests to relax before the meeting. Yeah it would have security protocols, but an alarm wouldn't go of right away sense one window was open.

She climbed in and got to work, using her pick set to unlock the door, she was in. The security was common for the town being its all owned by one person, once you break one others are quite easy. First she had to put the cameras on loop. She got all the way until the hallway to the server room and saw cameras no problem, but then she saw her favorite red lights.

"Great lasers!"

It wasn't uncommon for lasers to be in big building, she was actually suprized not to see more of them. It was just annoying, she looked up to see a support beam and right above that support beam was a vent. Taking a step back she jumped hitting the beam in her rib cages, and that stung. Ignoring the pain she climbed up and used her screw driver to get into the vent. When she was finally in the server room she simply hacked it and turned the cameras off. Opening the door proud of herself she just about walked into a laser.


Why couldn't lasers ever just be linked with cameras? She went back through the vent and got back to the main lobby. Once she was there she walked right up to the office, the very office were she had been hours ago the words still feeling like an open wound. She tested the handle waiting for an alarm to go off but nothing. Weather they didn't have there office rigid, or she turned the alarm off. She picked the door and opened it, as she walked through she looked for cameras. Seeing them she looked for the light telling her they were on. To her luck she actually turned them off. Then she looked for hidden camera, they would be a pain but it wouldn't be a surprise. What's surprised her is that she found none.

Confident she was alone, by herself she took off her mask shaking out her brown braid, letting her hair flow down her back. She hated having her hair in braids. First thing was first she went through all the drawers looking for two things one and event planner, and something that would tell her how to get into the computer sitting on the desk taunting her. She found neither. Who doesn't have a event planner? She got up and searched the bookshelf, maybe they had a blue folder too. Maybe if she was lucky it would be in the same spot, but their was nothing, no secret slots, no fallen out papers. The room looked clean, overly clean, like they prepared at any moment for a thief. She wasn't some ordinary thief, if something was hiding in here she could find it.

Right as she started to doubt herself, she once again out of the corner of her eye caught a glisten of blue. Her chair sat how it was as if nobody sat in it after she left. She remembered sliding the chair back, and it getting caught on the rug. It was still early enough when she came there would be more clients right? If that was the case this was a terrible hiding spot, if the chair kept getting stuck on the rug. Under the rug was her blue folder, she moved the chair and lifted the rug to reveal it. She was terrified this would hold all the answers, it had to. What if it didn't, what if coming here was useless? She didn't know which one scared her more the idea of not finding anything, or finding out what happened, or what was to come.

She stood up and walked over to Cole's desk. Was this Cole's office, or had he just used some random one? Why did she care? She didn't. Isabelle knew if this folder held the answers that she would need to be sitting down for them. Finally having the courage to open it she did not believe her eyes on what was inside.